Dark Matters Radio – Week 32 !!
by admin on Aug.25, 2010, under Uncategorized
Dark Matters Radio Archive Page
Welcome back to another week of stellar radio on “Dark Matters”!
Monday Aug. 23 CyberstationUSA and Dark Matters ran a “Best Of” interview I conducted with CNN Special Correspondent Chuck DeCaro! This was an interview I conducted with Chuck on my previous program UFOs Tonite!. Chuck has had an amazing career in broadcast and was the man that brought us the first reports (on CNN) of the Bentwaters UFO case.
Mr. Chuck DeCaro
Tuesday Aug. 24 I once again hosted Mr. Louis Jarvis on Dark Matters Radio.
We hit a number of areas including special operations activities in the former Republic of Viet Nam, 9/11/2001 theories and conspiracy, militant Islam and … JUST WHAT IN HELL IS GOING ON?? If you did not catch this show … YOU WILL WANT TO CATCH IT IN THE ARCHIVES. And … this may be nothing … it might be something … ( I sure as Hell do not know) but once again … we did experience technical problems during the show. This has happened several times with Louis appearing on DMR. You decide.
Weds. Aug. 25 I host Mr. Ted Roe, Executive Director of
NARCAP.org. NARCAP stands for National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomolous Phenomena.
(Their website is NARCAP Website)
Narcap is very concerned with safety in the air and is one of the few scientific orgs. still around using scientific principals on the UFO or as they call it .. UAP phenomena. This will be very interesting. Hope to see you on the radio!
Thurs. and Friday TBA.
Keep your eyes to the skies and your ear to the ground!
by admin on Aug.25, 2010, under Uncategorized
Dark Matters Radio Archive Page
Welcome back to another week of stellar radio on “Dark Matters”!
Monday Aug. 23 CyberstationUSA and Dark Matters ran a “Best Of” interview I conducted with CNN Special Correspondent Chuck DeCaro! This was an interview I conducted with Chuck on my previous program UFOs Tonite!. Chuck has had an amazing career in broadcast and was the man that brought us the first reports (on CNN) of the Bentwaters UFO case.

Tuesday Aug. 24 I once again hosted Mr. Louis Jarvis on Dark Matters Radio.

We hit a number of areas including special operations activities in the former Republic of Viet Nam, 9/11/2001 theories and conspiracy, militant Islam and … JUST WHAT IN HELL IS GOING ON?? If you did not catch this show … YOU WILL WANT TO CATCH IT IN THE ARCHIVES. And … this may be nothing … it might be something … ( I sure as Hell do not know) but once again … we did experience technical problems during the show. This has happened several times with Louis appearing on DMR. You decide.
Weds. Aug. 25 I host Mr. Ted Roe, Executive Director of
NARCAP.org. NARCAP stands for National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomolous Phenomena.

Narcap is very concerned with safety in the air and is one of the few scientific orgs. still around using scientific principals on the UFO or as they call it .. UAP phenomena. This will be very interesting. Hope to see you on the radio!
Thurs. and Friday TBA.
Keep your eyes to the skies and your ear to the ground!