Holy crap this thread exploded!
Ward, after posting what I did, i realized I came off sounding really, really harsh at the end by saying, "I'll show you how wrong you are." I felt terrible and I was going to apologize as soon as I got home. I get home, no cable, which means no internet, phone, or TV. They're going to come check it out tonight. Anyway, I've been using Macs for years now, and I was able to do a lot more work with music after I made the switch. However, since Windows 7, I can say that both OS X and Windows are closer in quality than ever. I had no trouble recommending a Dell to my father when he said he wanted to keep it under $600. You can't do that with any Apple laptop.
And you're absolutely right, they use the same parts. I am partial to Apple's design, but that's purely aesthetic.
With regards to viruses, I think that for a user like me, viruses on Windows pose little threat. It's when it comes down to a regular user that Macs make the biggest difference. Whereas with Windows, you do have to be aware of viruses and malware, you really don't need to think about it with a Mac.