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1/29/12 Ruben Uriarte and Noe Torres

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@jpw.in.wi I am not familar with the flatwoods monster, do tell.

Some say it was just a barn owl. Others think differently:

Ever since I first heard my first Paracast podcast back in 2009, I always wondered why there wasn't any audio from researchers to back up their claims. I realise this isn't always possible because the audio may not always exist, however, surely there has been someone in past programs that has had some audio from the affected parties? The reason I highlight this is because this show was one of the best I have heard.

I say this only because, without the audio, Gene and Chris would have hacked and slashed the researchers to bits. I waited for Gene more so to.... cough, cough "sort the wheat from the chaff" (is this over zealous shepherding of the "field" on the show to prove the integrity of the paracast to a few pseudo intellectual skeptics that subsist on making derisory remarks on a forum?)

I completely understand that there are a million hoaxers, charlatans, and snake oil peddlers who should be brought out into the light and made to be seen for what they really are. I just feel that sometimes, legitimate researchers are treated with very little respect and you can hear it in their voices that they're thinking, "why am I bothering?"It's like the show is locked onto to attack mode and by the time it's realised that a researcher is not a quack it's too late. Btw this is not Phil Imbrogno's cousin typing!

This happens week after week, you can feel it in the air of the podcast it's almost like you can swallow the thing its that heavy. It's like some perverse paranormal journalistic chess match luring the unsuspecting researcher into a trap, then..Knight to F3 ..checkmate!

It's akin to having dinner with my mother in law! I can feel her waiting to put someone down, "your father in law cheated on me, divorced me, now I will live out the rest of my existence being grumpy and miserable and never believing anything or anyone ever again! Smiling as she shovels more food into her mouth...

Ok I got that off my chest. Getting back to my post, I seriously thought things were going to go south real quick when I heard the researchers mention hypnotic regression...my heart sunk for them, thinking how the *&^% are you going to dig yourselves out of this one, but they did.

I'm glad they were allowed to put the pieces of the case together with audio, had to chuckle when I heard that their book publication company was called Roswell books..:p
You have a point there, dr.abbadon. When I read about the case first, I thought "man that sounds so absurd, if that ain't just some guys trying to sell a made-up story again". But now that I've heard the report in the witness's own words I'm more like "man that sounds so absurd it's got to be true".

While I still think that there's nothing wrong at all about doubting a story that sounds this far out (at least if you haven't seen any real evidence of UFOs yourself), I'm afraid that I sometimes mistake good researchers for mere story tellers. But I don't blame this on sceptical show hosts or other reasonably sceptical people but rather on the many hoaxers and "genuine" tall-tale-tellers out there who don't leave me much of a choice but to behave a little paranoid there.

But on to the show. Mostly, I listen to the paracast in bits and pieces, on my way to work etc., but this time I had to do it in one long session, although, as I said, I was very sceptical at first. This one was just amazing. As to the low-tech approach of the "aliens": maybe they weren't out or equipped to abduct anybody except for some unsuspecting plants or squirrels. So when this "opportunity" showed up, they had to improvise and used the means they had, e.g. the gas they stun animals with or whatever. Maybe they need some equipment to do the mind-controlling routines that are reported in other similar cases. And about the descriptions (especially of the "robot") sounding like they come from a scifi movie of the time, I guess that may have to do with the difficulties someone has who wants to describe things he has no idea what they really are. Or the other way round, "they" for some unknown reason deliberately appeared as it would have been expected back then.

The Air Force "explanations" are really something to behold in themselves. I guess Mr Shrum is lucky that he didn't kill the boy scout or Japanese world war leftover with the steel plate chest armor.
@sandanfire, that is completely ridiculous. I can not stop laughing. I hope you start doing this for every episode.

Thanks Snidely! A lot of that would depend on the completion of my son's Lego collection. Unfortunately I was unable to find a bow for the tree'd human...he doesn't have a lot of the Medieval Legos.
This is turning into the sci fi version of "127 Hours." I think we could find a better actor then James Franco to play our protagonist though.
I can see it now, JJ Abrams presents "12 Hours" :the true story of a man his belt and a tree.
I really have nothing much to comment on with this episode aside from the fact that Bohemian Grove is almost due west of that location (Tahoe National Forest, Cisco, California). Those of us aware of the New World Order philosophy understand why this could be significant.
I really have nothing much to comment on with this episode aside from the fact that Bohemian Grove is almost due west of that location (Tahoe National Forest, Cisco, California). Those of us aware of the New World Order philosophy understand why this could be significant.

Really? I'm familiar with the whole Bohemian Grove thing. What is the correlation in your estimation?
Really? I'm familiar with the whole Bohemian Grove thing. What is the correlation in your estimation?

Just a bit of speculation really. I'm even a bit reluctant to bring it up on a UFO forum since it is almost a 10 on the conspiracy theorist scale . But for the sake of argument if someone was to believe the reports of world leaders creating portals to the other dimension in order to gain power and influence, how crazy is it to believe a portal remained open in the general area letting something out? I remember seeing witnesses interviewed who swear the area around the grove is haunted. Reports of screaming from nowhere,ect. In my opinion something goes on at that place that involves creating portals,invoking entities, and sacrifice to evil spirits. I've seen the cremation of care video with my own eyes. I know it may sound crazy but then so is a guy stuck up a tree shooting arrows at an alien robot. :D
The "Flatwoods Monster" mentioned previously here is a story that originates from Flatwoods West Virginia if I recall correctly, and involved UFO activity and criptid activity that was tracked on the ground. What is interesting is that this is part of a lot of incidents that have taken place in a triangle area of W.Pennsylvania, WV and OH/Kentucky, known as the "Appalachian Triangle". This includes not only the Flatwoods incident, but also Mothman, The Kecksburg UFO Incident, among others.
Hi All
I have not visited this site for a long time but this podcast episode intrigued me so much that I had to come back.
Am i missing something? I thought Mr Shrum indicated that the creature had Robot type movements not that it was an actual Robot?
I am going to listen to the show again to see if i was mistaken. Anyway i really enjoyed the show, I think it held my interest more because that area (cisco grove) is only about 35 minutes from my front door. We ride in that area from time to time.
I am looking forward to reading the book and would love to hear Mr Shrum on a future show.
Thank you for a great show.
All the best John.
It seemed like a robot. But he didn't rule out its being one of the aliens in a suit, a la Iron Man.

I think the same applies to the Flatwoods "monster". It was robotic looking, but could have been a small alien inside a vehicle.

I should also mention that Vallee reports incidents of UFOs and robots in the former Soviet Union.
It seemed like a robot. But he didn't rule out its being one of the aliens in a suit, a la Iron Man.

I think the same applies to the Flatwoods "monster". It was robotic looking, but could have been a small alien inside a vehicle.

I should also mention that Vallee reports incidents of UFOs and robots in the former Soviet Union.

I see what you mean.
Gene said "They seemed so low tech" Not being able to get this guy out of the tree does seem a little odd? Maybe they did not expect to find anybody up a tree. That area is very isolated, even today with all the popular outdoor activities (mtn biking, hiking, hunting, fishing etc) back in 1964 much more so. If we were doing research in an area that we had visited many times before without any drama maybe that is what they expected? If they came a long way maybe they were not equipped to handle this kind of situation? Just a thought. Human beings while on feild research i'm guessing do not carry the equivalant to a ray gun
Or maybe i'm barking up the wrong tree:)
All the best John.