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Still, the artwork is VERY COOL for a UFO lover.please look closely at the "antenna" you will note that the two are NOT attached to the Sphere ! the "antenna" is rods held by Jesus and the father.2 the sphere contains the image of the sun located at the 12 o'clock position and the moon at the 7 o'clock.. therefore the painting DOSE NOT SHOW A UFO!
Personally, I don't understand how they could be traces of UFO or UFOnauts. While it's easy for us to read into these images as spacemen with space helmets on, in another time period we would say they resembled deep sea divers.Bananas and Burnt, I've read the attempts to 'debunk' the subject of ufos in medieval and Renaissance art and also attempts to 'debunk' ancient rock art depicting apparent 'astronauts', ets, and ufos. I haven't been persuaded to conclude that both categories are merely imagined traces of ufo and et visitation.
After all, how are we to interpret this relationship between Christianity and Ufology in these paintings? Does this artwork mean to reveal to us that Jehovah is actually an ancient alien, and his son was sent to earth as hybrid human, with powers far superior to Uri Geller? Is western religion actually organized around alien sponsored control systems and why isn't any of this good stuff in the bible, or is the bible trying to hide something from us - Ezechiel's wheels anyone?
[...]But if we are going to call it all aliens, the cave paintings etc. it's just guesswork, [...]
Bananas and Burnt, I've read the attempts to 'debunk' the subject of ufos in medieval and Renaissance art and also attempts to 'debunk' ancient rock art depicting apparent 'astronauts', ets, and ufos. I haven't been persuaded to conclude that both categories are merely imagined traces of ufo and et visitation.
Bananas, don't look at the 'headlines'; look at the images (I mean all the images available). By all means, think what you will and try not to be so supercilious in your judgments of what other people think.
Heh. I think it's at least as good as the story you want to tell yourself. Though we're all vulnerable to becoming theory-laden in our interpretations, the alien visitation theory is at least more interesting.![]()
Well reasoned ideas in here, but i encourage you to look at the link i posted that the video derives its ideas from as it's a much more detailed critique of this painting. It also makes specific historical reference to various features of these paintings and why that's not a red UFO flying saucer, for example, in all those images but just a Cardinal's hat with strings that shows up in many a crucifixion and other medieval religious saucer paintings.Still, this detail seems to me very interesting in terms of UFOs and "orbs". I don't really remember the exact biblical text, but I don't think there is a real reason why the angel should be depicted as being inside or sitting on a luminous cloud that seems to hover overhead. All I remember from reading the bible when I was a kid, seem to be tall, impressive looking men (no wings) that walk around on the ground.
Surely the video debunks "ancient aliens in historical art" but I don't think it ends all the justified questions.
What's more interesting to note is how this type of religious ufo discussion stands parallel to Heaven's Gate talk about how the spaceship is inside Haley's Comet and it's coming to take the believers back home, after they have a little deadly drink & asphyxiate of course. I'm a little reluctant to post this image, dead body and all that, but note the specific approaches to iconography that they also engaged in, so powerful was it that their belief also concretized their alien gods for them. That's the power of belief. But then it was not too long ago that nuns would routinely take their vows at the ages of 9 or 12 years of age and dedicate their entire life to the cause.
Polterwurst, ony the front end of the post with the link to the more detailed art history examination was a response back to you. I write tangentially, often. I was just continuing on the discussion regarding the manner in which belief systems and UFO's can merge into dangerous territory as you already know. For me it's always interesting to note the connections the paranormal and Ufological discussions have with the real world and their grievous consequences on occasion.Thanks, but actually I didn't need to be reminded of the dangers of mixing the spiritual with UFOs. I'm very aware of UFO cults, and when I was saying "we all know what the inter-dimensional belief can lead to" in this post following my Victor Goddard speculations, I was thinking of Heaven's Gate specifically.