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10th Anniversary Episode with Greg Bishop, Paul Kimball and Goggs Mackay

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One of the points made during the show was the pressing need to produce a useful "profile" on the person reporting the anomalous incident. Moreover, I think several of the comments here, including those above by Chuckleberryfinn, well-illustrate that pressing need.

C.B.Finn has been, and evidently is still going through some impressive experiences, whatever their ultimate origin. Will such striking synchronicities, and strongly reinforced impressions about demonic interaction, and communication with "higher beings" perhaps lead to something like a CE experience? Even if not in Finn's case, what about for many other people reporting UFO or CE events? I think it's possible, and perhaps likely.

I throw out the following thoughts to cuss and dis-cuss.

IMHO a UFO / anomalous experience reporting agency should focus, first of all on details of the event being reported: objects, lights, shapes, distances, times, other witnesses, effects, traces, humanoids, etc, etc. Essentially the standard modern report.

Perhaps, if possible, several days to a week later, the person reporting should again file the report, from zero, to see if inconsistencies with the first report appear, or if more details have been remembered, or forgotten.

Finally, perhaps two or three weeks after that second review of the case, the reporting person should be gingerly questioned as to worldview, spiritual views, theological views, previous knowledge about science, about UFOs, about paranormal, occult, etc., previous UFO sightings, previous so-called abductions, previous ghost experiences, paranormal sightings, religious experiences, etc.

All three stages of the report would comprise the "case" for the particular person reporting.

IMHO, the ETH seems to have dominated even the collection of information, essentially marginalizing "Oz factor" information, which might actually have a more significant impact on explaining events than many would prefer to admit.

I will say that I haven't filled out a UFO report in a few years, so I can’t say what may be on any of them today. But I do recall that no questions as to my worldview, or previous UFO sighting, or paranormal experiences, or religious experiences were requested.

Revamping the reporting system would have to be hashed out more thoroughly with leaders of the existing UFO reporting organizations. Perhaps someone with some mojo can get those information receivers to better standardize and broaden their data collection techniques.

On your experiences, C.B. Finn, I sympathize. In my experience there is such a thing as raw evil in this world, beyond mere tricksterism. Since you mentioned "The Exorcist" film . . . I will say that in 1981 the situation of a friend I'd known for a few years deteriorated below his previous difficulties and led to an impromptu exorcism. When I met him about '79, the fellow was lucid and friendly almost all the time, but he'd sometimes fall into a spell. He explained his background to me, that after he graduated high school in about '64 he'd professed faith in Jesus Christ in a Baptist church, and following that he had enlisted in the US Army. He met a German girl while stationed in Germany and they married. According to this fellow, his wife convinced him to renounce Jesus Christ and profess Satan as Lord, which he did. Within a few months he was a psychotic trainwreck and the Army gave him a medical discharge with 90 percent mental disability (meaning he was collecting a modest monthly VA sum). When I met him a decade later he was still on anti-psychotics, but he often complained of demonic attack that he could not repulse. At the time I was a new explorer of Theism in general, and of biblical Theism in particular, having grown up a naturalist-materialist with a science interest. So I was not jumping into exorcisms at all. But finally, as a last resort on my part, during an evening conversation in '81 the fellow's demeanor turned quite dark and very unlike normal. In short, he did some things that I thought warranted an attempt at exorcism, so I started. At one point during the exorcism he put his face about an inch from mine, highly contorted, and growled, "You'll never get him, he's mine." I was amazed, but not surprisingly, not frightened. I continued the exorcism, and was later was joined by a friend, and while continuing the exorcism both of us witnessed, over about an hour, about two dozen black streaks zip by the head of our tormented friend. We had no successful conclusion with our friend, and as things would have it, I saw the fellow only one more time after that. In any case, this experience, whether anyone takes it at face value or not, leads me to continually express my warnings about naive attempts to contact the unknown.
One of the points made during the show was the pressing need to produce a useful "profile" on the person reporting the anomalous incident. Moreover, I think several of the comments here, including those above by Chuckleberryfinn, well-illustrate that pressing need.

C.B.Finn has been, and evidently is still going through some impressive experiences, whatever their ultimate origin. Will such striking synchronicities, and strongly reinforced impressions about demonic interaction, and communication with "higher beings" perhaps lead to something like a CE experience? Even if not in Finn's case, what about for many other people reporting UFO or CE events? I think it's possible, and perhaps likely.

I throw out the following thoughts to cuss and dis-cuss.

IMHO a UFO / anomalous experience reporting agency should focus, first of all on details of the event being reported: objects, lights, shapes, distances, times, other witnesses, effects, traces, humanoids, etc, etc. Essentially the standard modern report.

Perhaps, if possible, several days to a week later, the person reporting should again file the report, from zero, to see if inconsistencies with the first report appear, or if more details have been remembered, or forgotten.

Finally, perhaps two or three weeks after that second review of the case, the reporting person should be gingerly questioned as to worldview, spiritual views, theological views, previous knowledge about science, about UFOs, about paranormal, occult, etc., previous UFO sightings, previous so-called abductions, previous ghost experiences, paranormal sightings, religious experiences, etc.

All three stages of the report would comprise the "case" for the particular person reporting.

IMHO, the ETH seems to have dominated even the collection of information, essentially marginalizing "Oz factor" information, which might actually have a more significant impact on explaining events than many would prefer to admit.

I will say that I haven't filled out a UFO report in a few years, so I can’t say what may be on any of them today. But I do recall that no questions as to my worldview, or previous UFO sighting, or paranormal experiences, or religious experiences were requested.

Revamping the reporting system would have to be hashed out more thoroughly with leaders of the existing UFO reporting organizations. Perhaps someone with some mojo can get those information receivers to better standardize and broaden their data collection techniques.

On your experiences, C.B. Finn, I sympathize. In my experience there is such a thing as raw evil in this world, beyond mere tricksterism. Since you mentioned "The Exorcist" film . . . I will say that in 1981 the situation of a friend I'd known for a few years deteriorated below his previous difficulties and led to an impromptu exorcism. When I met him about '79, the fellow was lucid and friendly almost all the time, but he'd sometimes fall into a spell. He explained his background to me, that after he graduated high school in about '64 he'd professed faith in Jesus Christ in a Baptist church, and following that he had enlisted in the US Army. He met a German girl while stationed in Germany and they married. According to this fellow, his wife convinced him to renounce Jesus Christ and profess Satan as Lord, which he did. Within a few months he was a psychotic trainwreck and the Army gave him a medical discharge with 90 percent mental disability (meaning he was collecting a modest monthly VA sum). When I met him a decade later he was still on anti-psychotics, but he often complained of demonic attack that he could not repulse. At the time I was a new explorer of Theism in general, and of biblical Theism in particular, having grown up a naturalist-materialist with a science interest. So I was not jumping into exorcisms at all. But finally, as a last resort on my part, during an evening conversation in '81 the fellow's demeanor turned quite dark and very unlike normal. In short, he did some things that I thought warranted an attempt at exorcism, so I started. At one point during the exorcism he put his face about an inch from mine, highly contorted, and growled, "You'll never get him, he's mine." I was amazed, but not surprisingly, not frightened. I continued the exorcism, and was later was joined by a friend, and while continuing the exorcism both of us witnessed, over about an hour, about two dozen black streaks zip by the head of our tormented friend. We had no successful conclusion with our friend, and as things would have it, I saw the fellow only one more time after that. In any case, this experience, whether anyone takes it at face value or not, leads me to continually express my warnings about naive attempts to contact the unknown.
After reading your comments, a couple of things struck me. As far as filing multiple reports of ufo sightings after the fact. I wonder who would have the time or inclination to do multiple follow ups. I would bet that the 'lights in the sky' reports get filed away never to be seen again. Considering what we know about how MUFON operates, I would think more reports would be a waste of everyones time.

A better way to deal with ufo sightings is in order. You would need more money and manpower to accomplish it.
Mr. Strathmann, I haven't noticed any synchronicities since running through the freaky gamut I discussed in previous posts, and I've never experienced anything like what you describe about the exorcism and your friend. I was convinced towards the end of these bizarre events that some cosmic trickster had me under a microscope, however. I'm also reluctant to speculate about the "raw evil" you describe. It's just not a part of how I see the world, though I certainly may be wrong about that. Anyway, I've gone on long enough now about synchronicity.

To Gene and Chris: thanks for the great (and free) show. I think I'll sign up for paracast plus when I get home later today.

This is the episode where we put together hard-won wisdom about our paranormal universe as learned over the past decade.

Where do we go from here?

When this episode ended, we couldn't stop. So the entire crew recorded a double-sized episode of After The Paracast, an exclusive feature of The Paracast+.

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Gene, Chris, Greg, Paul, Goggs:
Of course I loved the show...I've been following all of you for a decade plus, except for Goggs, and I consider him family also. Which sounds weird to my own ears as I've never met any of you. I have immersed myself in our topics, beginning from when I saw the silhouette of a man wearing a hat through my bedroom window in 1967. The years flowed by and I saw, among other things, a cross in the sky as my mother and I stepped of the porch of my dad's old abandoned family farm house in TN, a missing time incident with my sister Susie as we traveled home from Boone, N.C. to that same farm in TN in 1973, when I was thirteen. I, through my older sisters, lived through the haight '60's, the back to the land 70's, with all the attendant substance s. Came of age in the late 70's - early 80's, and finally matured on the pacific coast. With many fabulous and terrifying anomalous experiences along the way.

Was lucky enough in my search for understanding of my "high strange" experiences and questions to discover folks like y'all and Vallee and Nick and, well, the best.

But I sit here now,at 56, and wonder, having blown 7 years clean and sober, if this whole rabbit hole trip, psychically, spiritually, quest for gnosis has been nothing but mental masturbation. I feel as if Chris pegged it with his trickster: with a nod to "Messengers of Deception" and my obsession has been a waste when I ask myself, "How has this served you, Bud?

Its us. Its the trickster. Greg has his work and flying, Chris has his music, Paul has the law and art, Nick has his writing, Genes has his fabulous history and a wife. I've lost myself in decades of an obsession that only leads to falling asleep each night with the Paracast, Micah, Radio Misterioso, or Tim B., or an interview with Red Pill droning into my ear buds. Its all just become to much. Not to mention realizing that my " owl" synchronicity this Christmas was so profound that Mike C. posted it on his blog.(long story)

Guys, I realize that I consider you my "friends" when in reality we've never met. Although, I do hope to see some of you in Dallas in April-(don't be scared, I'm harmless)..... What I'm saying is: Where has this fascination with forteana brought us? Or, really, where has it brought me?

I need a life away and seperate from this stuff.

How do you all keep from letting this consume you? Bud Oliver
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Mr. Strathmann, I haven't noticed any synchronicities since running through the freaky gamut I discussed in previous posts, and I've never experienced anything like what you describe about the exorcism and your friend. I was convinced towards the end of these bizarre events that some cosmic trickster had me under a microscope, however. I'm also reluctant to speculate about the "raw evil" you describe. It's just not a part of how I see the world, though I certainly may be wrong about that. Anyway, I've gone on long enough now about synchronicity.

To Gene and Chris: thanks for the great (and free) show. I think I'll sign up for paracast plus when I get home later today.


CBF, I apologize for using you and your experiences as a direct example for my speculations on profiles of people reporting anomalous experiences. My best wishes for you.
A couple of times during the show Paul Kimball referred to a proposed explanation for the RB-47 case. Does anyone know a cite for the explanation he was referring to?
Gene, Chris, Greg, Paul, Goggs:
Of course I loved the show...I've been following all of you for a decade plus, except for Goggs, and I consider him family also. Which sounds weird to my own ears as I've never met any of you. I have immersed myself in our topics, beginning from when I saw the silhouette of a man wearing a hat through my bedroom window in 1967. The years flowed by and I saw, among other things, a cross in the sky as my mother and I stepped of the porch of my dad's old abandoned family farm house in TN, a missing time incident with my sister Susie as we traveled home from Boone, N.C. to that same farm in TN in 1973, when I was thirteen. I, through my older sisters, lived through the haight '60's, the back to the land 70's, with all the attendant substance s. Came of age in the late 70's - early 80's, and finally matured on the pacific coast. With many fabulous and terrifying anomalous experiences along the way.

Was lucky enough in my search for understanding of my "high strange" experiences and questions to discover folks like y'all and Vallee and Nick and, well, the best.

But I sit here now,at 56, and wonder, having blown 7 years clean and sober, if this whole rabbit hole trip, psychically, spiritually, quest for gnosis has been nothing but mental masturbation. I feel as if Chris pegged it with his trickster: with a nod to "Messengers of Deception" and my obsession has been a waste when I ask myself, "How has this served you, Bud?

Its us. Its the trickster. Greg has his work and flying, Chris has his music, Paul has the law and art, Nick has his writing, Genes has his fabulous history and a wife. I've lost myself in decades of an obsession that only leads to falling asleep each night with the Paracast, Micah, Radio Misterioso, or Tim B., or an interview with Red Pill droning into my ear buds. Its all just become to much. Not to mention realizing that my " owl" synchronicity this Christmas was so profound that Mike C. posted it on his blog.(long story)

Guys, I realize that I consider you my "friends" when in reality we've never met. Although, I do hope to see some of you in Dallas in April-(don't be scared, I'm harmless)..... What I'm saying is: Where has this fascination with forteana brought us? Or, really, where has it brought me?

I need a life away and seperate from this stuff.

How do you all keep from letting this consume you? Bud Oliver

I can't speak for anyone but myself and I know I"m nothing more than a guy with an interest, one experience and connecting with people through this show and forum. But I feel my interest has really opened me up to other cultures and ways of thinking, it's been fun and extremely interesting and if I compare myself with my peers, many of them just sit in front of soap operas or reality TV with their wives etc. Alongside this I've always played guitar and tinkered with recording. I'm getting into photography. I've seen a fair bit of the the world so I'm satisfied I haven't been wasting my time. The most important aspect of that to me is that I've never nailed my colours to the mast of any one way of thinking, so whatever is revealed tomorrow, is unlikely to destroy what I am today. The trick is to keep open to all possibilities and mostly not to become tied to one thing?
I can't speak for anyone but myself and I know I"m nothing more than a guy with an interest, one experience and connecting with people through this show and forum. But I feel my interest has really opened me up to other cultures and ways of thinking, it's been fun and extremely interesting and if I compare myself with my peers, many of them just sit in front of soap operas or reality TV with their wives etc. Alongside this I've always played guitar and tinkered with recording. I'm getting into photography. I've seen a fair bit of the the world so I'm satisfied I haven't been wasting my time. The most important aspect of that to me is that I've never nailed my colours to the mast of any one way of thinking, so whatever is revealed tomorrow, is unlikely to destroy what I am today. The trick is to keep open to all possibilities and mostly not to become tied to one thing?
Good on you Goggs.I've never watched reality tv or soaps I genuinely feel these programmes are a dumbing down of the masses.I prefer to read and hike and have recently got into basic astronomy.Some of the posters here have opened my mind to possibilities I never considered.I feel like I'm back in school sometimes and loving it.
Hey gene and Chris congratulations on your 10th year of bringing the truth and excitement. I've been a listener for many years now. I have downloaded every episode so far. Keep up the great work.

Hey Raymond - it's appreciated you came out of the woodwork to wish Gene and Chris congrats but I noticed you are a bit of a lurker, with only a few posts since you joined. Nothing at all wrong with that, forum posting isn't for everyone and people have busy lives but I'd just personally like to invite you to pop in more often, get involved in a couple of threads or post some stuff - videos, links, news etc Everyone has a slightly different paranormal life aspect going on and it's inevitable you will stumble across things I never will and vice versa so please feel welcome to come more often!:)
O.k. I will try and post more often. I will say one thing that happened to me is when my son was the age of 6 to the age of 12 he told me about a ghostly figure that lives in my basement. My son told me the figure was trying to pass a message to me although my son was the only person that was able to see him. I did for awhile feel some sort of presence of the figure like cold streaks next to me or a breaze on my neck. My son heard his voice clearly and saw the figure once a week. I wish that I could have been able to see the figure as well.
This episode hit more than one nail smack on the head.

It was good to to hear an informed discussion placing greater emphasis on witnesses as an integral aspect of the phenomenon. We have mountains of observer data amassed over decades by well intention-ed researchers, but relatively little about the lives and mindsets of the observers themselves.

Discussion about the disorganized fragmentation of the collective UFO database is also a keeper. What we ideally need is a digitized Big Picture amenable to a search for correlation and pattern. What we mostly have instead is a warehouse of piled up and sequestered "UFO porno". Our file cards are spilled all over the floor !

Great show :)
O.k. I will try and post more often. I will say one thing that happened to me is when my son was the age of 6 to the age of 12 he told me about a ghostly figure that lives in my basement. My son told me the figure was trying to pass a message to me although my son was the only person that was able to see him. I did for awhile feel some sort of presence of the figure like cold streaks next to me or a breaze on my neck. My son heard his voice clearly and saw the figure once a week. I wish that I could have been able to see the figure as well.

And there you go! When I posted to you I didn't think you might reply with a personal in-house ghost story. If he remembers much you must get as many details from your son as you can - though saying that, if it was in any way a traumatic experience he'd rather forget, then ignore my request. But it's interesting just how many people have lived through at least one weird experience. Thanks for replying anyway Raymond, hope to see you around.
Guys, I realize that I consider you my "friends" when in reality we've never met. Although, I do hope to see some of you in Dallas in April-(don't be scared, I'm harmless)..... What I'm saying is: Where has this fascination with forteana brought us? Or, really, where has it brought me?

I need a life away and seperate from this stuff.

How do you all keep from letting this consume you? Bud Oliver


The fascination with this stuff has brought me mental stimulation, a quest for understanding with no specific goal in mind, and perhaps most importantly, a group of friends and acquaintances of far-above-average intelligence and a general outsider outlook on things. Those are good enough for me. Any so-called "answers" are not expected and are icing on the cake.

Perhaps the operative phrase above is "with no specific goal in mind" in the way that dancing has no goal other than dancing or music is for pure enjoyment with flashes of entertainment or stimulation thrown in.

I don't know if that helps, but that's how I see it.

Best of luck. We will speak soon.

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Finally had a chance to listen to the show. thanks for asking my question. i was really struck by Paul's and Chris's stories and for goggs i sent a copy of the article i was talking about to put in perspective. It's an aspect you hear it come up from time to time and i really have to wonder what initializes this feeling. again i've been out by myself plenty of times and it doesn't come down to hearing a twig snap or anything like that. when i hear that i just think i'm not alone and will try to hide to see what critter may be lurking nearby, rather it's that sudden quiet that will get your attention, and although i've never noticed it one can only wonder what would happen if you heard a sudden quiet AND then the snapping of a twig, and while i've never heard voices or whispers i did hear on two occasions a buzzing/droning sound and i had no reason to think it was cicada or locusts as i am familar with their sound and as to whether they would even be a factor at the time given the time of year.

I cant recall ever having an Oz factor feeling though. Once maybe when i was a kid we were playing hide and seek and while running i suddenly felt disorieted ...almost lightheaded and actually wondered if what was happening "was real" which is kind of an interesting sentiment for a ten -eleven year old
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I can't speak for anyone but myself and I know I"m nothing more than a guy with an interest, one experience and connecting with people through this show and forum. But I feel my interest has really opened me up to other cultures and ways of thinking, it's been fun and extremely interesting and if I compare myself with my peers, many of them just sit in front of soap operas or reality TV with their wives etc. Alongside this I've always played guitar and tinkered with recording. I'm getting into photography. I've seen a fair bit of the the world so I'm satisfied I haven't been wasting my time. The most important aspect of that to me is that I've never nailed my colours to the mast of any one way of thinking, so whatever is revealed tomorrow, is unlikely to destroy what I am today. The trick is to keep open to all possibilities and mostly not to become tied to one thing?

I couldn't agree more Goggs. It's a hobby with me and I'm open minded (you have to be). If you approach the subject with this frame of mind you have not wasted any time.

It's easy to become obsessed with this (or any) subject matter. I have several hobbies I participate in. This is just one. And that is important for your general well-being.

My thoughts turn to Close Encounters here, Richard Dreyfuss character and his obsessive behaviour...