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12-30-07 show Joel Martin

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I have only skimmed through some of what is in this thread, so forgive me if I missed something relevant to what I am going to say here.

I was a bit taken back when David B said that he was not an atheist, from so much of what he has said in the past shows and on the forums, I seem to recall him saying that those who believe in a creator were nuts, and that he believed in evolution rather than a creator. I didn't want to go digging through every episode to find this again, so if I am wrong please do not get pissed at me. It's just the impression I got, am open to get clarification on this.

But as for me, I definitely believe in a creator, and I give the theory of evolution no credence at all. I have studied both sides, and that is my personal conclusion until proven otherwise, which obviously cannot be done. I don't know if the Bible is true, but there is plenty of evidence to support it's claims. But for all I know Aliens wrote it to keep us sane, and we are their cattle. I am here trying to find out what is the real.

The thing that I didn't like about this guest was his words about Criss Angel and magic. I just started looking into Criss recently, and I have to tell you that I consider him a personal hero. He is a master at his art and one of the best magicians ever, and he is one of the only ones who comes right out and makes it abundantly clear that it is all tricks, nothing paranormal involved at all.

Now that's not to say that there is nothing paranormal in existence by any means. But what it does mean is that no magician is actually doing anything paranormal. Can you imagine if they relied on some unknown force for their tricks and it decided not to work while performing? I have looked at some of the best tricks ever, and you can easily find out how it was done in a Google search. This includes Spoon bending, there are SEVERAL variations of that trick in fact.

I loved how Criss Angel called that guy out on Phenomenon for what he did, and how nobody in the world could figure out what was in Criss's envelope (Which he offered one million dollars of his own money to anyone who could).

If you haven't seen it, here is the incident on Phenomenon:


Criss Angel reacts to above fight:


and here is more (skip to 2nd half where Criss speaks):


Criss reveals what's in the envelope:


Listen to this interview with Criss Angel and Penn and Teller about the truth of magic:


Criss shows how most if not all Psychics fake it:


And this is funny, Penn and Teller tell you why magic works:


Here's tons of vids showing how Criss's tricks are done: http://youtube.com/results?search_query=criss+angel+revealed&search=Search
You can do a search for anyone else too.
For you further entertainment...

Penn and Teller's "Trap Door":


Here's a few ways that magicians levitate people:

