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2001 a space oddesy

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Of TV shows my personal favorite is babylon 5 followed by doctor who
As you might have noticed Im Gerry Anderson fan, No doubt because like 2001 he went for a high degree of technical accuracy in the look of his presentations, shows like UFO and Space1999. Indeed 1999 got a recommended viewing thumbs up from wernher von braun for that reason.
S1999's eagle craft looked like what a real technology might, as did the base and other aspects of the show. I have all the DVD's all the novel adaptions, and a huge pile of other s1999 merchanise, records, posters, technical manuals and blueprints. And of course lots of models including some rare resin cast products.

Dr Who is popular here too, i have 180 of the novels, and have to take a catalog of my collection when i trawl the bookshops for more, the only time i like to double up on a title is when i find a 1st edition, or alternative cover art.
I suppose its no surprise i like DW, the ability to step out of linear time, be anywhere anywhen, an ability to transfer conciousness to a new body when the old one wears out....

I even have a tom baker style hat and scarf, which makes me stand out like an ABBA fan in full costume at a sex pistols concert :D.
It amazes me, given hollywood's liking for sequels of popular films that they haven't completed 2063 and 3001. It's surely prime for a 'reboot' and in these economic times they already have a massive brand and following to dip into, so less work for the marketing.

:mad: madness.
You have to admit that HAL 9000 was the best robot/ computer in any sci fi movie (closely followed by Ash but that's just my opinion). I first saw 2001 when I was about 10, had no idea what it was about but the one thing I remember was HAL's voice. There was no reasoning with him/it... brilliant.... has anyone seen Dark Star? The homage to HAL is fantastic....
I see this as more of a spiritual movie then a sci-fi one. I agree with William Coopers explanation of the film. After understanding what this film means to the power elite of the world I threw my dvd in the trash.

anyone seen this?

this is nine years short of a good movie.
I see this as more of a spiritual movie then a sci-fi one. I agree with William Coopers explanation of the film. After understanding what this film means to the power elite of the world I threw my dvd in the trash.

dude you threw it out because of this????:confused:
As you might have noticed Im Gerry Anderson fan, No doubt because like 2001 he went for a high degree of technical accuracy in the look of his presentations, shows like UFO and Space1999. Indeed 1999 got a recommended viewing thumbs up from wernher von braun for that reason.
S1999's eagle craft looked like what a real technology might, as did the base and other aspects of the show. I have all the DVD's all the novel adaptions, and a huge pile of other s1999 merchanise, records, posters, technical manuals and blueprints. And of course lots of models including some rare resin cast products.

Dr Who is popular here too, i have 180 of the novels, and have to take a catalog of my collection when i trawl the bookshops for more, the only time i like to double up on a title is when i find a 1st edition, or alternative cover art.
I suppose its no surprise i like DW, the ability to step out of linear time, be anywhere anywhen, an ability to transfer conciousness to a new body when the old one wears out....

I even have a tom baker style hat and scarf, which makes me stand out like an ABBA fan in full costume at a sex pistols concert :D.
dude you threw it out because of this????:confused:

Those that understand the symbolism and the meaning of the movie should discard it. The power elite of the world see themselves as evolving into gods and killing the rest of humanity. Just like the apes that touched the monolith killed the less evolved tribe, they plan to kill us.
Those that understand the symbolism and the meaning of the movie should discard it. The power elite of the world see themselves as evolving into gods and killing the rest of humanity. Just like the apes that touched the monolith killed the less evolved tribe, they plan to kill us.

If I were going to choose which to throw in the trash, the entire life's work of William Cooper or my copy of 2001 A Space Odyssey, the drunken tire slasher's junk would be short of the bin. The first thought in my mind on listening to this Cooper bit on 2001 again was, "I wonder who he plagiarized that from?"
..its because of the crazy adverts inbetween the paracast segments.. you know, the ones about "preparedness for the coming new world order" by learning how to eat shit of the sidewalk..jeeez
Those that understand the symbolism and the meaning of the movie should discard it. The power elite of the world see themselves as evolving into gods and killing the rest of humanity. Just like the apes that touched the monolith killed the less evolved tribe, they plan to kill us.
Cooper is the only interpretation your using for Kubrick's masterpiece? Why don't you get Paris Hilton's insights into the film, she might have better cognitive functions then William Cooper did.