As you might have noticed Im Gerry Anderson fan, No doubt because like 2001 he went for a high degree of technical accuracy in the look of his presentations, shows like UFO and Space1999. Indeed 1999 got a recommended viewing thumbs up from wernher von braun for that reason.Of TV shows my personal favorite is babylon 5 followed by doctor who
S1999's eagle craft looked like what a real technology might, as did the base and other aspects of the show. I have all the DVD's all the novel adaptions, and a huge pile of other s1999 merchanise, records, posters, technical manuals and blueprints. And of course lots of models including some rare resin cast products.
Dr Who is popular here too, i have 180 of the novels, and have to take a catalog of my collection when i trawl the bookshops for more, the only time i like to double up on a title is when i find a 1st edition, or alternative cover art.
I suppose its no surprise i like DW, the ability to step out of linear time, be anywhere anywhen, an ability to transfer conciousness to a new body when the old one wears out....
I even have a tom baker style hat and scarf, which makes me stand out like an ABBA fan in full costume at a sex pistols concert .