Oh, I see what you did there
Screw the lines of you know how much money was made with bogus Y2K software? If Y2K were an issue then it was overshadowed by the people who took advantage of it.
Honestly...all those corporations that spent major $$$ becoming Y2K compliant would have saved a whole lot of cash if they just used a Mac.![]()
The majority of that software was BIOS overlay software. It basically enhances your system BIOS. all it did was create a new layer to the logic. Which basically made it Y2K compliant. Most people didn't have a clue on how to update a BIOS. So it did its job..
As far as MACS go I remember OS8 and OS9 being the worst OS I'd ever seen. Absolute antiquated Garbage. Then Jobs dusted off the Next OS and suddenly they are relevant again. The minute that OS came out I fell in love with MACS. However I use PC's because I can build them cheap and I don't have thousands of dollars to buy a G series. If the OS/X OS came out as a retail OS I would be all over it.