Paranormal Packrat said:
The problem with intelligent design by ets is you're left with trying to figure out who created them. God, evolution, both? Something else?
I think it's entirely possible that ETS bred humans just like we can breed certain species while at the same time the infinite mind/god was the driving force behind the creation of the physical world in general, so at some level god created the species that bred the other species. So God was first but ETS intelligent design is also possible. Humans in a way actually do our own intelligent design everyday via genetic manipulation, artificial test tube stem cells, etc.....
I don't think a belief in an infinite power is at odds with evolution or intelligent design via ETS, in fact I think both are likely to some degree. While i believe as the mystics do that God is in everything and is everything in the ultimate reality, I think in our reality where there is diversity and free will that the natural force(s) that created the physical world which keeps running via intelligent inertia is evolution. So both evolution and intelligent design are real, but the ultimate reality is 'One', Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
IMO, I think if there was no driving force no matter how subtle behind the development of life (God) then entropy would dominate the patterns that we take for granted. I don't think the creation of the physical world is something that ever happened randomly, I can't even organize my band to practice 2 times a week without serious effort and thought, I can only wonder how much more knowledge/organization and power it would take to be the driving force behind creation/evolution and create something like DNA strands. i don't see how that could happen by chance randomly, at some level something created something and that initial something IMO is the force and material behind everything. I think a lot of this mystic stuff is probably beyond our linear logic, much like the paranormal.