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8/4/2012 Ron James

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Great synchronicity story! Has something like this happened to you before?

Yes, things like this have happened to me many times. The fact is that all of us have psychic "abilities" to a greater or lesser extent. It's the tuning into them that requires effort and meditation.

If you ever find yourself working and studying magick, for example, you may find situations like this bursting forth at you literally left, right and center. Having said that, it can become quite overwhelming and intoxicating and it's important to remember to keep one foot on the physical plane and do the simple things (such as work and pay the bills).

Having said that, without making the conscious effort to study magick, the paranormal etc., laypeople - at many times - will sometimes experience very strange and synergistic situations without even being aware of it. In this case, it was very much an "in your face" situation, so it was impossible for me to miss.

Anyway, that just "scratches" the surface of the issue, I say as "eyebrows" the Internet ... ;)
Yeah, maybe I'll try with PayPal. Can you believe that I'm from a place where there's actually people who haven't got a credit card (myself included I'm afraid)?:oops:
Thanks again, Gene.

Oh and btw Mr James was right in that it might surprise some of us listeners to hear about Chris's research into haunting cases etc. I hadn't known that. Hope that means we'll hear more of that in the future.

@Polter - never had a credit card either. don't believe in them cos i'd max it out and run away cos i hate the banking system.
i do use paypal and i am only using a debit card for that. i used paypal to pay my ten bucks to see Don Ecker's moon phot - really hoping it's good!
Yes, things like this have happened to me many times. The fact is that all of us have psychic "abilities" to a greater or lesser extent. It's the tuning into them that requires effort and meditation.

If you ever find yourself working and studying magick, for example, you may find situations like this bursting forth at you literally left, right and center. Having said that, it can become quite overwhelming and intoxicating and it's important to remember to keep one foot on the physical plane and do the simple things (such as work and pay the bills).

Having said that, without making the conscious effort to study magick, the paranormal etc., laypeople - at many times - will sometimes experience very strange and synergistic situations without even being aware of it. In this case, it was very much an "in your face" situation, so it was impossible for me to miss.

Anyway, that just "scratches" the surface of the issue, I say as "eyebrows" the Internet ... ;)

I do believe that the true worth in Jacques Vallee's book Messengers of Deception is not so much in the warnings he made with regards to UFO cults and disinformation by government groups or secret societies. The real gold lies in his ideas about how we might be living in an associative universe rather than a causative one.

In an associative universe, things like synchronicities and precognition stop being magic and become common-place.

Back in the late 70s everybody overlooked this because almost no one was familiar with computers. But now that we have teh Googlez and we are pretty familiar with concepts like hypertext links, the concept of an associative universe is almost obvious ;)
where did you pay your 10 bucks?

Sorry Pixelsmith - You correctly caught me using an incorrect tense. I am going to pay my ten bucks by paypal. It's through Kevin Smith's site or Don has a post entitled 'i-conference' where the link is.
Didn't mean to mislead cos I am sure gonna be watching, having luckily stumbled on a copy of George Leonards pretty whacky 'Somebody Else is On Our Moon'. When I call it whacky, I think there is truth there but he either sees things we do not or the quality is just too low. Don promises to have one decent quality phot. I can see the 'giant cog' amongst some others, which if nothing else are stunningly weird, if natural - interesting enough to look at regardless of origin I think.
pixelsmith - I have now paid and registered. I did it thru the link from Kevin Smith's site. It is simply an email registration taking you to paypal.
I already received an interim email stating that Nick Redfern has had to be replaced by Klaus Dona - I'd rather Nick but it cannot be helped. I'm really watching for Don and Kevin.
There is a link given to test that you can receive the video streaming and if not, let them know so it can be sorted.
I take it you will be joining the 'audience'?
I do believe that the true worth in Jacques Vallee's book Messengers of Deception is not so much in the warnings he made with regards to UFO cults and disinformation by government groups or secret societies. The real gold lies in his ideas about how we might be living in an associative universe rather than a causative one.

In an associative universe, things like synchronicities and precognition stop being magic and become common-place.

Back in the late 70s everybody overlooked this because almost no one was familiar with computers. But now that we have teh Googlez and we are pretty familiar with concepts like hypertext links, the concept of an associative universe is almost obvious ;)

Although I would agree that humankind is currently undergoing a mass paradigm shift in terms of its self-awareness and consciousness in general, and that the Internet is helping to create the societal change, I wouldn't peg it as being the primary mover in terms of causing the change.

The current trend toward associativity in human civilization is a good thing, and can be attributed to the combined advancements over the past century or so, advancements in technology, travel, radio, television, music, movies, graphic arts, business, finance, the two World Wars and the build-up of the Military–industrial complex and of course as you mention, the Internet, but there are many, many other things - too many to mention - which have combined to fine tune humankind's consciousness and self-awareness and cause most of us to start looking at things differently.

And more to come.

Of course, we can always look to Clarke's third law:
  1. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Having said all that, you'll note that I wrote "magick" in my post, not "magic", and there is a hugely significant difference. ;)
Although I would agree that humankind is currently undergoing a mass paradigm shift in terms of its self-awareness and consciousness in general, and that the Internet is helping to create the societal change, I wouldn't peg it as being the primary mover in terms of causing the change.

Oh, I agree. I just feel that it's thanks to our acquaintance to the Internet that the notions put forth by Vallee in Messengers of Deception are easier to grasp. For example, he uses terms like 'hashing' --to explain how a digital database can be programmed to retrieve information quicker than applying the conventional method of an alphabetical index-- which back in the 70's might have only conveyed images of an unhealthy breakfast to most readers ;)

In any case, the Internet is certainly a driving factor in the acceleration of these notions. It's certainly has spurred a lot of synchronicities in my own life, as I have occasionally mentioned in my own personal blog.
Chris, where and what is that rock you are sitting on top of? I'm gonna take a wild guess that it could be in Arizona where the petroglyphs are? Am I close?
Actually, it is a basalt pillar just below the base of Cathedral Rock. The metafizzlers consider it to be one of Sedona's five fabled "vortexes." The pillar does have an interesting history: I was told by Hopi Elder Grandfather Martin that Hopi adepts used to sit on top and conduct telepathy exercises with initiate/trainees who sat about 1/2 mile away, across Oak Creek on another outcropping of the basalt intrusion. The red rocks of Sedona are layers of sediment that accumulated over several hundred million years on the sea floor of the ancient inland sea that used to cover the southwest. The basalt intrusion in this geology is extremely unlikely, yet there it is. Above is a photo of Cathedral Rock and the basalt pillar----go figure!
That's real 'Roadrunner' territory that! I'll bet it feels a little more exposed and high up even though it is dwarfed by the Catherdral rocks. Due to my interest in Sci-Fi and ET's etc I always wonder how fantastic other worlds might be - their geology, flora and fauna.
And then every now and then I remember just how varied and beautiful our own planet is. Sometimes we need a little reminder - your photo is one of them :).