musictomyears said:Let me tell you something. I also "resist" American corporate fascism, dressed up as democracy, in my own country (not the UK). There are many people who think the same way.
And if you find any, you should resist it. And many people do agree.
Hmmm...of what country are you a citizen? I see you've edited your profile since I viewed it earlier, removing your location of "Wales". Interesting...
musictomyears said:Are your buddies going to bomb us as well, because we dare to "resist"?
No, countries only [usually] bomb each other because it's in their national interest to do so and there is a high likelihood that war will be successful. And earlier, when I said the fighting broke out because they "resisted", I meant because Sadaam and his supporters resisted militarily --- ultimately, he chose to accept a shooting war that he could not win. He had many opportunities to avert it.
War is a last resort.
musictomyears said:Or does it require our head of state to stand up to American demands, to wind up on your hit list?
No, as a matter of policy, we only bomb our enemies. Lots and lots of leaders stand up to "American demands", so far the majority have gone unbombed.
Sadaam was a *huge* problem. Even to his own people. Worse, he was giving safe haven to people who wanted to kill us/had killed us. At the time, it didn't look like there was any other choice. (Now, as I have already stipulated, hindsight has adjusted this perspective.) Many countries agreed, although it was by far(!) from unanimous.
musictomyears said:Let's see. "Pre-emptive war" is the name of the game. You'll probably start with Iran, your neocon buddies have said so already. Then North Korea, for good measure. Now that you've warmed up, why not go straight for the biggie: China. And while you're at it, take out Russia (you never liked them anyway, didn't you?).
China and Russia are our allies in the war against Islamic terrorism.
The other countries are mostly just bluster.
And I like Russia and China.
musictomyears said:Many folks in New Zealand (a country where I used to live) strongly disagree with American foreign policies. They also deserve to die, right? You'll do those in an afternoon. Finally: Europe. Isn't it true that many of those "terror cells" operate from Europe? Germany would be a prime suspect, and naturally: France. Damn those French fries.
Bomb them all. War in the name of peace. Killing in the name of life. Devil worship in the name of Jesus Christ.
I think you are just venting here.
musictomyears said:I asked you about the depleted uranium shells. You could have said that you felt sorry about the damage that these will cause to yet unborn generations of Iraqis. You didn't. You justified their use "Because he resisted." Because one deranged maniac - former US asset Saddam Hussein - resisted American demands, tens of thousands of uninvolved civilians had to die or be poisoned, including future generations.
Well, you asked me: "Why did it require the use of depleted uranium shells, which poison the land for generations to come?" and I read it as: "Why did we start shooting?" Are you really asking me: "Why didn't the U.S. military use more eco-friendly weapons?" (I doubt such an animal exists.) I'm not sure that environmental issues ever come into play in such tactical decisions.
The purest answer is [probably] because it was the best weapon available for the tactical requirements.