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A Classic Rocker We Take For Granted

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Gene Steinberg

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Staff member
Writer, producer, multi-instrumentalist, the "godfather" of Electric Light Orchestra, Jeff Lynne, is just fabulous.

Here's an example of his ability as a one-man-band

And how he came to write that song:

"...I began a new album, and the first single was "When I Was a Boy." It's the most autobiographical song I've ever done. The words just wrote themselves, whereas normally I'd sweat them out and chain myself to my desk. It was about growing up and listening to my little crystal-set radio with headphones. I play all the instruments besides shaker and tambourine. We used electronic string samples, but they sound exactly the same to me and I'm sure most other people."
Sounds like McCartney was the huge influence on that one ( and there are worse influences to have ). Cool. Here's an interview with him.

Sounds like McCartney was the huge influence on that one ( and there are worse influences to have ). Cool. Here's an interview with him.

There's a concert video with Paul in the audience, singing along silently with Lynne's vocals, until he realizes he's on camera.