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A New Origins Hypothesis: Not ETH or IDH, but DBH

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Actually there are three ‘origin hypotheses’ about ‘UFOs’ The first and oldest is the ‘Extra-terrestrial Hypothesis’ that UFOs/Aliens come, literally from other planets in other solar systems. The second is the ‘Inter-Dimensional Hypothesis’ which suggests that somehow there are more the three/four dimensions and that UFOs/Aliens are able to traverse from another dimension that more or less inhabits the same space as we do, perhaps at a different vibrationary level. The third is the ‘Crypto-terrestrial Hypothesis that suggests UFOs/Aliens are actually from right here on Earth, somehow co-existing with us while remaining elusive.

The fourth hypothesis is the DBH: The Data Base Hypothesis. I do not know if this is entirely new in all respects. It is certainly not based on any hard evidence and must remain in the realm of abject speculation. I stumbled across the skeleton of this idea when my Spousal Unit and I agreed to host an author dinner for our local Library Foundation as a fund raiser. The idea was that people would pay $75.00 apiece to have dinner at our house with a ‘famous author’ in attendance. We got Greg Bear.

In preparation for this I figured I’d better read a Greg Bear book fast! I’d heard of him and knew he had a great reputation, but I’d just never got around to reading his books. So I picked “Moving Mars,” published by Tor Books in 1993. A very short synopsis: It’s 2171. Mars has been colonized for 53 years. The ‘Triple” (Earth, Moon, Mars, and a few asteroids) is dominated by Earth. Earth is being a bully. Mars wants to become independent. Mars has a new secret weapon. Earth freaks out and tries to destroy Mars, so the Martians, i.e.: Humans who colonized Mars, move Mars to a distant solar system to escape. That’s about it.

The physics of the move is what is important to the DBH. It’s been a couple hundred years since Super String Theory has been center-stage, and the cutting edge of physics is something quite different. It hypothesizes that below String Theory is something else entirely. Everything in the Universe is categorized by descriptors like in a database.

Now, what is a database? Here is a short primer. Think of your driver’s license as a record of what the State knows about you vis-à-vis your driving. It states your name, address, height, weight, age, eye-color, license number, and codes about your type of license, whether you are authorized to drive a motorcycle or an 18-wheeler. That sort of thing. Each bit of information above is a ‘field’ in the license itself, which is a ‘record.’ All the records put together for your state constitute a ‘database.’

I just described a ‘flat file’ database, which is pretty simple. But, of course, it’s not that simple. Any large database is ‘relational’ in nature. In this kind of database the file of driver’s license records I called a ‘database’ above becomes a ‘table’ in a relational database and the ‘fields’ of information become ‘data elements’ in the table. But there are other tables in the database. Perhaps there’s one of medical information, another of your tax data, another of your police record. Each one of these tables contains different information about you that is ‘related’ by a common data element. This might be your name or your social security number, or a combination that uniquely identifies you. Together all these tables contain records of data elements belonging to you. Programmers write programs to extract data by composing indices based on whatever data elements interest them, pointer files tying tables together, and reporting programs that provide useful information. The data and the programs can become quite complex.

Add to this the basic structure of the records themselves. A database can be ‘fixed field’ or ‘compressed.’ A ‘fixed field’ system has a certain number of characters allocated for each data element, Your last name might be allocated 20 characters maximum. Your year of birth might have been allocated two characters (and THERE’S Y2K in a nutshell), hopefully four. But inevitably, a fixed field structure leads to a lot of ‘air’ in the records with allocate spaces which have not been utilized. The advantage of a fixed field system (such as dBase and its clones) is that you always know where you are. If a record is 1000 characters long you know without a doubt that a new record starts in 1000+1 characters.

The other way of doing this is to save space by creating a variable-length record, so if your name is “Doe” it takes three characters and if your name is “Steinberg” it takes nine characters. So instead of taking 40 spaces for two names you take up 12 spaces for two names. This saves a huge amount of space, but it increases complexity because now you don’t know where the new record starts. So you have to set up ‘special’ characters as sign posts to tell you the start and stop of each data element and each record.

Now imagine that everything in the Universe, including every grain of sand and every planet, has records in a multi-table relational database and that if you know how to manipulate these data elements, using advanced artificial intelligence and super fast computers, you can change space and time. In order to change the position of Mars in the Universe, you first locate all records pertaining to Mars, change the position coordinates in the database records, click on save, and Mars now exists somewhere else. It does not ‘travel’ from one place to another. It does not ‘traverse space.’ Its positional coordinates simply change. Rather than being the fourth planet of the Sol System, it is now the third planet of a remote star on the other side of the Galaxy far away from the interference of the powers on Earth.

It would be kind of like looking up Gene Steinberg in the driver’s license database, changing his year of birth from 1949 to 1969, clicking on ‘save’ and having all the data elements in all the records in all the tables of the database update themselves, and suddenly Gene would be twenty years younger.

That’s the basic idea in Moving Mars. I ran this interpretation by Greg Bear, and he said I was being too simplistic, that he had a deeper idea in mind, but agreed with the basic idea. His idea is that Mars was moved temporarily out of the scheme of existence and plugged back in at a new location, kind of out of reality into the aether and back out into reality again, creating a little human drama along the way.

The DBH could explain a lot. It could explain how UFOs wink in and out of existence on or near Earth. It could explain why no Faster than Light travel is necessary because you don’t actually travel at all. It could explain the multiplicity of sightings. It could explain a truly alien presence. And it could explain the economics. Just as communications costs have plummeted to near zero, making it cost-effective to move Call Centers to India, such a scheme in transportation would move travel costs to near zero, erasing all inhibitions caused by distance.

This is actually a combination of the ETH and IDH, allowing for both, but needing neither one.

Just an idea......:)
How do we even know that this is really Earth that we're on? 'They' could have swapped Earth for Mars in 2012 which was really 20,000 years ago.
How do we know Skunkape is anything but a bot that posts random words on the forums with no human intervention? After all, on the Internet nobody knows if you're a dog. (No offense, Moses. Good boy!)
Once again I'm baffled at your eloquence :)
I think 'we' all know we are dealing with something that transcends paradigms we like to use to categorize things.Whatever 'it ' is, I thank it for making us think about it. seems like it is the last undiscovered frontier for mankind
How do we know Skunkape is anything but a bot that posts random words on the forums with no human intervention? After all, on the Internet nobody knows if you're a dog. (No offense, Moses. Good boy!)
Or a goonch?

Wikipedia Article
<input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">
Actually there are three ‘origin hypotheses’ about ‘UFOs’ The first and oldest is the ‘Extra-terrestrial Hypothesis’ that UFOs/Aliens come, literally from other planets in other solar systems. The second is the ‘Inter-Dimensional Hypothesis’ which suggests that somehow there are more the three/four dimensions and that UFOs/Aliens are able to traverse from another dimension that more or less inhabits the same space as we do, perhaps at a different vibrationary level. The third is the ‘Crypto-terrestrial Hypothesis that suggests UFOs/Aliens are actually from right here on Earth, somehow co-existing with us while remaining elusive.

The fourth hypothesis is the DBH: The Data Base Hypothesis. I do not know if this is entirely new in all respects. It is certainly not based on any hard evidence and must remain in the realm of abject speculation. I stumbled across the skeleton of this idea when my Spousal Unit and I agreed to host an author dinner for our local Library Foundation as a fund raiser. The idea was that people would pay $75.00 apiece to have dinner at our house with a ‘famous author’ in attendance. We got Greg Bear.

In preparation for this I figured I’d better read a Greg Bear book fast! I’d heard of him and knew he had a great reputation, but I’d just never got around to reading his books. So I picked “Moving Mars,” published by Tor Books in 1993. A very short synopsis: It’s 2171. Mars has been colonized for 53 years. The ‘Triple” (Earth, Moon, Mars, and a few asteroids) is dominated by Earth. Earth is being a bully. Mars wants to become independent. Mars has a new secret weapon. Earth freaks out and tries to destroy Mars, so the Martians, i.e.: Humans who colonized Mars, move Mars to a distant solar system to escape. That’s about it.

The physics of the move is what is important to the DBH. It’s been a couple hundred years since Super String Theory has been center-stage, and the cutting edge of physics is something quite different. It hypothesizes that below String Theory is something else entirely. Everything in the Universe is categorized by descriptors like in a database.

Now, what is a database? Here is a short primer. Think of your driver’s license as a record of what the State knows about you vis-à-vis your driving. It states your name, address, height, weight, age, eye-color, license number, and codes about your type of license, whether you are authorized to drive a motorcycle or an 18-wheeler. That sort of thing. Each bit of information above is a ‘field’ in the license itself, which is a ‘record.’ All the record put together for your state constitute a ‘database.’

I just described a ‘flat file’ database, which is pretty simple. But, of course, it’s not that simple. Any large database is ‘relational’ in nature. In this kind of database the file of driver’s license records I called a ‘database’ above becomes a ‘table’ in a relational database and the ‘fields’ of information become ‘data elements’ in the table. But there are other tables in the database. Perhaps there’s one of medical information, another of your tax data, another of your police record. Each one of these tables contains different information about you that is ‘related’ by a common data element. This might be your name or your social security number, or a combination that uniquely identifies you. Together all these tables contain records of data elements belonging to you. Programmers write programs to extract data by composing indices based on whatever data elements interest them, pointer files tying tables together, and reporting programs that provide useful information. He data and the programs can become quite complex.

Add to this the basic structure of the records themselves. A database can be ‘fixed field’ or ‘compressed.’ A ‘fixed field’ system has a certain number of characters allocated for each data element, Your last name might be allocated 20 characters maximum. Your year of birth might have been allocated two characters (and THERE’S Y2K in a nutshell), hopefully four. But inevitably, a fixed field structure leads to a lot of ‘air’ in the records with allocate spaces which have not been utilized. The advantage of a fixed field system (such as dBase and its clones) is that you always know where you are. If a record is 1000 characters long you know without a doubt that a new record starts in 1000+1 characters.

The other way of doing this is to save space by creating a variable-length record, so if your name is “Doe” it takes three characters and if your name is “Steinberg” it takes nine characters. So instead of taking 40 spaces for two names you take up 12 spaces for two names. This saves a huge amount of space, but it increases complexity because now you don’t know where the new record starts. So you have to set up ‘special’ characters as sign posts to tell you the start and stop of each data element and each record.

Now imagine that everything in the Universe, including every grain of sand and every planet, has records in a multi-table relational database and that if you know how to manipulate these data elements, using advanced artificial intelligence and super fast computers, you can change space and time. In order to change the position of Mars in the Universe, you first locate all records pertaining to Mars, change the position coordinates in the database records, click on save, and Mars now exists somewhere else. It does not ‘travel’ from one place to another. It does not ‘traverse space.’ Its positional coordinates simply change. Rather than being the fourth planet of the Sol System, it is now the third planet of a remote star on the other side of the Galaxy far away from the interference of the powers on Earth.

It would be kind of like looking up Gene Steinberg in the driver’s license database, changing his year of birth from 1949 to 1969, clicking on ‘save’ and having all the data elements in all the records in all the tables of the database update themselves, and suddenly Gene would be twenty years younger.

That’s the basic idea in Moving Mars. I ran this interpretation by Greg Bear, and he said I was being too simplistic, that he had a deeper idea in mind, but agreed with the basic idea. His idea is that Mars was moved temporarily out of the scheme of existence and plugged back in at a new location, kind of out of reality into the aether and back out into reality again, creating a little human drama along the way.

The DBH could explain a lot. It could explain how UFOs wink in and out of existence on or near Earth. It could explain why no Faster than Light travel is necessary because you don’t actually travel at all. It could explain the multiplicity of sightings. It could explain a truly alien presence. And it could explain the economics. Just as communications costs have plummeted to near zero, making it cost-effective to move Call Centers to India, such a scheme in transportation would move travel costs to near zero, erasing all inhibitions caused by distance.

This is actually a combination of the ETH and IDH, allowing for both, but needing neither one.

Just an idea......:)

I remember when I was much younger and richer in hair watching the TV adaptation of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. When the Infinite Improbability Drive was introduced I thought "Holy shit, that could actually work". It's really a very similar concept.
One of the implications of such an approach is that no matter the distance, travel would essentially be instantaneous. Depending on the mechanism used (yeah um, that's the hard bit) you might even get there by walking (the ol' stargate concept). If the technology could be generalised it might even be used to solve overcrowding, by having doors within buildings that acted as intelligent toggles for the effect, so as you walk through them you end up somewhere else entirely...which means you can have the perception of structures being larger on the inside than the outside, like a Tardis in Dr Who (I heard someone mentioning that very thing on a podcast recently...was it the Paracast?).

The dark side of course would be armies being able to pop up anywhere they liked, and instant migrations of hundreds of millions of people...
Still, if anyone can think of a mechanism that would enable this it would literally unlock the universe- meaning that normal conflicts over land and resources would become moot.
Perhaps we've been very close to discovering just such a thing for the last 60 or 70 years, and our affairs have been manipulated by our visitors in order to keep us in our pen.
(I just thought I'd finish with a little paranoia).
I like this. I've always liked this idea of hacking the universe. I have to wonder, though, exactly what you would be interfacing with when you change this cosmic database. By what mechanism would you effect the change?
Maybe that's an answer for science fiction writers to come up with (if they haven't already).

On a side note, seems you left out one other theory, the one where aliens are from our distant future. Or is it that included in one of the others?
One of my units last semester was DBMS - Database Management Systems. (Got a high distinction too:D). Too bad I didn't think of this as we had to design a database for our final assignment, and I could freaked the lecturer out.

As far as the theory/idea goes, I think it's a little esoteric to attach oneself to as far as the UFO phenomenon goes. It's an awesome idea that I think for humans could never be anything more than super abstract. At least at our current level of grey matter.

But (unless Im missing something) there's absolutely no evidence - anecdotal or otherwise - that the 'Database Model' might describe the nature of the universe. That being the case, I don't see it as any more valid (or not valid) than any other imaginative theory for the structure of reality

I love the idea for sci-fi movie too.
It's an interesting idea, but I'm not sure if I completely understand the concept.

The simple idea is that "they are because the dataset says so?" Seems to me a very "Matrix"-ish idea in the least. So perhaps I don't get the idea in totality.
If one reads the final pages of Jacques Vallee's book Dimensions, one sees that one can combine the IDH and various information science models. In my considered opinion, a fuller answer to the UFO phenomenon includes both these aspects, but the two together still do not offer a full explanation. In other words, the two hypotheses are only a beginning, not a conclusion to understanding the phenomenon.

Perhaps the key component to unraveling the mystery is an aspect of physics which to my knowledge has gone completely unoticed in the literature on UFOs. What that area of physics is, I would not venture to say at this point, since the argumentation is most likely presently still being shared and discussed in confidence among a group of physicists not associated with the so-called UFO community.

I do not believe there is a "full" answer to the UFO phenomenon, but there can be advances in understanding it, and a major advance will most likely come from outside the field of Ufology.

Dr. Sami Saladin
Pisa, Italy

PS. In every age, people are tempted to understand the human mind and paranormal phenomena by comparing them to the latest technology. In a former age the mind was likened to a clock; then to other machines; now to a computer. In future ages when the computer has been replaced by something else, that new technology will be the model used to explain the brain or certain paranormal phenomena. That is alright, as long as we recognize that the comparisons are not the full explanation, only helpful analogies that further understanding to greater or lesser degrees.
This reminds me of when I listened long ago, to all the audio series of Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide To the Galaxy. I recall some hyperdimensional physics glitches described, where some peoples' skirts moved one place to the left, (leaving them cold and exposed, for sure) and some zebras' stripes removed, causing them to be not visible to something that ran over them----or something LIKE that, I'm sure I'm greatly innaccurate, here (to the letter, but NOT to the spirit) And the stories offered a word of warning. For those young smart aleks who showed the conventional-wisdom'ers to proverbially not be 'clothed'. ( Schuyler.....) That, "He was lynched by a rampaging mob of respectable physicists, (or--disrespectable Ufoologists) who realized that, the one thing they could not stand, is a smartass.
Anyway, I have decided that the answer to "life, the universe, Ufos, and everything, is----------42."
The simple idea is that "they are because the dataset says so?" Seems to me a very "Matrix"-ish idea in the least. So perhaps I don't get the idea in totality.

To put it in a terrestrial perspective, the idea is that all the attributes of a given object are in a record for that object and intrinsic to it, i.e.: The record for the object is part of the object itself. So for example, part of the record for my house is its location, which would be represented (on Earth) by two fields of the record: Latitude = 47 degrees, 39 minutes, 58.93 seconds North. Longitude: 122 degrees, 32 minutes, 41.53 seconds West. There may be other fields that also denote location including the address for the property, the zipcode, the tax records, etc. You'd need to be knowledgeable about all of them to affect a change. You would manipulate the records with help of advance AI in the same manner as we can now manipulate the placement of individual atoms through Nanotechnology. One of the first instances of this was IBM manipulating atoms to spell out "IBM"

Gareth is right, though. It is strictly theoretical. Every one of the hypotheses has serious problems, though. The ETH itself has this pesky faster than Light issue with only the barest of hints at circumvention, and the IDH is only theoretical in nature. The 'dimensions' of string theory are 'tiny' and not really the kind of dimensions we think of in terms of being inhabitable. The Crypto-terrestrial theory is only a theory with no real proof.

Thi sis just to throw around. I'm not trying to advocate or prove it, just apply it from 'Moving Mars.'
Perhaps the key component to unraveling the mystery is an aspect of physics which to my knowledge has gone completely unoticed in the literature on UFOs. What that area of physics is, I would not venture to say at this point, since the argumentation is most likely presently still being shared and discussed in confidence among a group of physicists not associated with the so-called UFO community. .

Huh? Please elaborate.

Perhaps the key component to unraveling the mystery is an aspect of physics which to my knowledge has gone completely unoticed in the literature on UFOs. What that area of physics is, I would not venture to say at this point

Oh come now, kind Doctor. You can't throw out a proclamation like that without backing it up and be taken seriously -- and you should know that. That is quite Knellish of you.

[post edit] - Sorry David - jinx.
Not to be a wet blanket but isn't this just a varient on the "holographic universe/simulated universe" idea?

I don't think so (he said very slowly). I read the Holographic Universe years ago. I don't think it resorted to a dbms model of 'record keeping' but maintained the memory angle of holography in that you could see the whole from the parts. I'd have to go back and re-read it to make sure, which sounds kind of intriguing.

The Simulated Universe angle was brought up in "The Universe -- Solved" by Jim Elvidge. His idea is that we are, in effect, a computer simulation running on a computer, and that some of the grainy-ness in our perception is because the computer doesn't have enough memory. He also says things like (paraphased), 'The reason we find ten times more oil in old wells we thought were dry is because "They" changed the simulation mid-stream. In other words, he implies a God, the Programmer aspect to it. He's an engineer and he dabbles in the UFO/Paranormal side a bit, without knowing much about it.

So I don't think either one of those really fits the DBH idea. In Moving Mars I got no sense that there was a control mechanism of any kind, sentient or not, but that the structure of reality just happened to be set up this way and if you learned to manipulate matter using this metaphor, you could move planets around.
I don't think so (he said very slowly). I read the Holographic Universe years ago. I don't think it resorted to a dbms model of 'record keeping' but maintained the memory angle of holography in that you could see the whole from the parts. I'd have to go back and re-read it to make sure, which sounds kind of intriguing.

Actually I meant it more in the sense that holograms are constructed and not as a direct reference to the theory per se, I should have been more specific. The way my brain is trying to take this would still require the presence of an outsider designer to manipulate the "lights" generating the "hologram" though.

So I don't think either one of those really fits the DBH idea. In Moving Mars I got no sense that there was a control mechanism of any kind, sentient or not, but that the structure of reality just happened to be set up this way and if you learned to manipulate matter using this metaphor, you could move planets around.

That still sounds very much like folding space a la DUNE (ie "moving without moving") to me. You don't move the object in space, you just change where it is you think the object is and voila it's no longer where it was.
That still sounds very much like folding space a la DUNE (ie "moving without moving") to me. You don't move the object in space, you just change where it is you think the object is and voila it's no longer where it was.

Interesting angle. It moves the issue from the Anthropic Principal to one of volition. It inserts mind into the equation as the thing that creates the reality. Not such a bad idea. It conforms with quantum mechanics.
dinner at our house with a ‘famous author’ in attendance. We got Greg Bear.

YOU MET GREG BEAR!!!! that's far flippin' out, Schuyler. Only ever got into one of his novels, ages ago, but I thought he had staying power.

and I like your database post, it makes sense. Maybe if we found actual values for the strings in string theory, we could figure out the coordinates for everything, everywhere, everywhen....