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A New Origins Hypothesis: Not ETH or IDH, but DBH

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Dear Mr. Biedny and bobheck,

Thank you for your comments, and forgive me for sounding like I was making a proclamation. I tried to avoid that impression by using qualifying words such as "perhaps," "to my knowledge," etc. My intention was the opposite of making a proclamation, because I meant to refer to relevant work being done in physics outside presently existing "boxes," but which has not been concluded and has not yet gone through the standard peer-review process. As such, I did not and do not want to throw out into the mix another unverified hypothesis, because that would further bog down Ufology, which is already too full of unverified claims. I simply meant to use it as a general example that might spur us all on, including myself, to thinking independently and outside of the normal boxes.

I once heard Mr. Greg Bishop say on an Internet podcast that he suspects a major breakthrough in understanding the UFO phenomenon would most likely come from outside of the field of Ufology; I am simply echoing that suspicion, with an emphasis on areas of physics not usually associated with UFOs. We all need, myself included, much patience in seeking the answers to the phenomenon. Even if that patience must last an entire lifetime; sometimes that's the cold hard fact of scientific advancement.

With wishes of Peace,

Dr. Sami Saladin,

Pisa, Italy
YOU MET GREG BEAR!!!! that's far flippin' out, Schuyler. Only ever got into one of his novels, ages ago, but I thought he had staying power.

Shameless name dropping. Sorry. He held court here and our guests gathered around. He knows quite a few back stories from Hollywood which were really interesting. He liked my UFO book collection, but REALLY got off on my Tom Swift, Jr. collection. We both read them in grade school.
Shameless name dropping. Sorry. He held court here and our guests gathered around. He knows quite a few back stories from Hollywood which were really interesting. He liked my UFO book collection, but REALLY got off on my Tom Swift, Jr. collection. We both read them in grade school.

okay, now I'm really jealous. All that, and Tom Swift, too... sigh.:(
Hmm... reminds me of 15-minutes-ago young Earth creationism. 15YEC (for short) states that the Earth was created by God 15 minutes ago, with everything exactly as it is now including all of our "memories" which were created as well.

Prove me wrong!
This happens to be my pet explanation, and I agree that it seems unprovable. Lately I've been wondering why anyone would want to tamper with the simulation, or reveal to the simulated beings their simulated nature.
Hmm... reminds me of 15-minutes-ago young Earth creationism. 15YEC (for short) states that the Earth was created by God 15 minutes ago, with everything exactly as it is now including all of our "memories" which were created as well.

Prove me wrong!

No one has to prove anything. I billed this originally as abject speculation. The point is that if you have no vision of what might be, you'll never get anywhere.

For example, twenty years ago I speculated and asked for an "iPad." I called it "Microsoft Book" and detailed how it would work and how the pages would scroll. I wrote an article on this, mocked up a graphic, and published it in my own newsletter. Immediately people began to say, "This won't work." They said the screens weren't good enough. The processors weren't fast enough. It would take too much memory. No one would ever read books on a screen. It would be too expensive. It would never happen.

Today Apple announced the iPad. I had described the Kindle, but Apple has just done it one better.

I do admire rationalists. They are very dependable. You always know where to find them--right at the starting line.
I like this idea a lot Schuyler. I think I could put it to more practical use than moving mars. I could relocate myself in the database to The Temple Bar in Dublin for a pint of Guinness and be back before my wife even knew I was gone. (I've been told that Guinness does not travel well and that I can never truly experience the full wonderfullness of it without traveling to the source, thus drinking Guinness in Dublin is high on my bucket list.)

This also has me thinking about the movie Dark City, where the aliens(?) would rearrange the state of being of the inhabitants of the city at night, for some reason that has escaped me, some kind of experiment. You could wake up each day with a new career, new family, whatever.
The universe as a relational database?


DELETE FROM universe.humans
WHERE humans.surname IN ('Bush', 'Cheney', 'Mandelson', 'Blair')
OR humans.occupation IN ('Politician', 'Banker', 'Climatologist');


UPDATE universe.planets
SET planets.average_temp = planets.average_temp - 2.0
WHERE planets.name = 'Earth';


I knew my years as a Database Administrator would pay dividends eventually :D
The universe as a relational database?


DELETE FROM universe.humans
WHERE humans.surname IN ('Bush', 'Cheney', 'Mandelson', 'Blair')
OR humans.occupation IN ('Politician', 'Banker', 'Climatologist');


UPDATE universe.planets
SET planets.average_temp = planets.average_temp - 2.0
WHERE planets.name = 'Earth';


I knew my years as a Database Administrator would pay dividends eventually :D


That is freaking hilarious! I love geek humor!
The universe as a relational database?


DELETE FROM universe.humans
WHERE humans.surname IN ('Bush', 'Cheney', 'Mandelson', 'Blair')
OR humans.occupation IN ('Politician', 'Banker', 'Climatologist');


UPDATE universe.planets
SET planets.average_temp = planets.average_temp - 2.0
WHERE planets.name = 'Earth';


I knew my years as a Database Administrator would pay dividends eventually :D

public bool getSanity(string occupation)
bool sanity = true;

if (occupation.equals("climatologist"))
sanity = null;

if (occupation.equals("politician"))
sanity = false;

return sanity;
Interesting idea Schuyler and not that crazy. Hawking addressed the black hole paradox where information would be lost in them making DBH a no-go. Somehow the information remains

The black hole information paradox results from the combination of quantum mechanics and general relativity. It suggests that physical information could "disappear" in a black hole, allowing many physical states to evolve into precisely the same state. This is a contentious subject since it violates a commonly assumed tenet of science—that in principle complete information about a physical system at one point in time should determine its state at any other time.<SUP id=cite_ref-0 class=reference>[1]</SUP>
<SUP>IMHO, tapping into infinity by hacking a sub-string level database and affecting the super-string vibrationary expression of our reality is really creating a parallel universe. A modified clone.</SUP>
I think its probably useful at this point to note that Vedic cosmology is neither organic or mechanistic, but resembles something like a information system with users.
The fourth hypothesis is the DBH: The Data Base Hypothesis. I do not know if this is entirely new in all respects.

In this example, the DBH can be classed as one of several CMHs ( Computational Model Hypothesises ), all of which describe the universe as a construct generated by an ultra powerful computer. The idea is not new, but has been popularized in modern times by two main influences, a book titled, The Holographic Paradigm, and the sci-fi movie The Matrix. I use the word "influences" because neither fits the Computational Model exactly, but are based on a similar concept that exposed many people to an alternative view of the nature of existence based on some sort of artificial construct.

In my view, the Computational Model is the best explanation for the nature of our existence within this continuum and provides an explanation for phenomena and experiments that no other model can adequately account for. Because of this, I would have to agree, that from the point of view of a much bigger picture, the DBH described here is not unreasonable ... good post !


---------- Post added at 07:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:58 PM ----------


ON universe.*
FROM god@heaven;


That'll learn Him ... :D

Very good ... I'm adding reputation points to you for that one !
( That's the little star next to the "thank You" link ).
