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A new theory on time travel....I think.

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Paranormal Maven
I've listened to a lot of talk about time travel. Like a lot of people I wondered about potential paradoxes created by time travel. Having given it lots of thought I come up with this hypothesis.

All particles have properties. All these properties synchronize (for the most part anyway) when they are gathered in masses. In terms of time (defined as the measurement of the rate of change in matter) that means everything changes at the same rate. To time travel you need to desynchronize such as when you travel at the speed of light. To travel back and forth in time you have to you to essentially be able to rewind or fast forward the matter you desynchronized from. How much of a "true time travel" experience you get depends how much matter you can affect. If you only rewind your immediate area that are ends up off planet wherever it was in space at the time you rewound it for. Same thing if you fast forward it. Now you avoid that by rewinding the whole universe if that's possible. For sake of the paradox discussion we'll say you can.

So you've desynchronized and rewound the universe to the point before you were conceived with exception of the particles that make up your body. You're able to exist here because the particles making up your body hasn't been rewound so it maintains its current configuration. You kill one of your parents. Then you fast forward the universe back to the point it was before you rewound it. The universe has changed now to accommodate the death of the parent. When you resynchronize you are still existing even though one of your parents is killed before you were conceived. Why do you still exist? Your matter wasn't altered. The events that brought about your birth don't need to occur again. Rewinding the universe didn't alter your matter nor the fast forwarding. Any younger siblings have no such luck. Their matter was altered so the events that lead to their configuration into your siblings needed to happen again but they couldn't so they couldn't be born.

In my hypothesis I don't treat time as an actual thing in the material universe. I treat it as a description of a condition of matter or more specifically particles. There is no need for alternate universes or wormholes. All mass is preserved.

This hypothesis permits all number of time effects that aren't strictly time travel. You can put someone in stasis by desynchronizng them and arresting them at their current state. You can artificially age or regress them the same way.

Anyway I'm just saying. Hopefully I was clear in what I said.

Thanks for reading.
I've listened to a lot of talk about time travel. Like a lot of people I wondered about potential paradoxes created by time travel. Having given it lots of thought I come up with this hypothesis ...

Congratulations, you've got the basic concepts straight. Seriously, most people don't get that far on their own. Now that you've come this far I'd like to propose a little tweak. Instead of thinking of it as "synchronizing" and "desynchronizing" think of it in terms of cut and paste and undo. By applying the concepts of information theory to your existing model, you'll find a whole lot of possibilities open up. This approach has been around for a long time but has only really been gaining ground in the last 15-20 years. Generically it's called the Computational Model but there are offshoots stemming from earlier works such things as The Holographic Paradigm.
To me, all time travel theories fall smack on their faces whenever the illusionary nature of time itself is realized. The concept of time and how it is experienced by living beings can be demonstrated to be a construct of the brain/mind system. There is only now. Past and future states only exist in the human imagination as memories or postulations and cannot be destinations. A human beings experience of time is just another one of the mechanisms (like spatial recognition) the organism uses to navigate in its environment.
To me, all time travel theories fall smack on their faces whenever the illusionary nature of time itself is realized. The concept of time and how it is experienced by living beings can be demonstrated to be a construct of the brain/mind system. There is only now. Past and future states only exist in the human imagination as memories or postulations and cannot be destinations. A human beings experience of time is just another one of the mechanisms (like spatial recognition) the organism uses to navigate in its environment.

Perhaps, but only if we accept the paradigm that allows us to "realize" the "illusion". If we move outside that, then it is possible to logically extrapolate the objective existence of time and construct a plausible paradigm for how it could appear to be manipulated.
You guys make this so complicated.
Time is a dimension, just like foward/backward....up/down...side to side. Haven't you ever watched "Back to the Future?"
Congratulations, you've got the basic concepts straight. Seriously, most people don't get that far on their own. Now that you've come this far I'd like to propose a little tweak. Instead of thinking of it as "synchronizing" and "desynchronizing" think of it in terms of cut and paste and undo. By applying the concepts of information theory to your existing model, you'll find a whole lot of possibilities open up. This approach has been around for a long time but has only really been gaining ground in the last 15-20 years. Generically it's called the Computational Model but there are offshoots stemming from earlier works such things as The Holographic Paradigm.

Thank you. I appreciate the comment.

I've heard of the computational model but I'm not really familiar with it. However having said that I had first thought about it when I was computer programmer. But at that time I was thinking about altering the properties of particles as a means of teleportation and not time travel.

The holographic model of the universe is what made me think about being able to alter particles like you would an object (as in object oriented programming). A holographic universe would provide the environment to alter the particles like a computer provides the environment for manipulating objects in.
Perhaps, but only if we accept the paradigm that allows us to "realize" the "illusion". If we move outside that, then it is possible to logically extrapolate the objective existence of time and construct a plausible paradigm for how it could appear to be manipulated.

That's exactly what was bothering me about time travel theories. They seemed not to grasp time as an "illusion". Soon you need all kinds of divergent timelines to maintain universal integrity.
To me, all time travel theories fall smack on their faces whenever the illusionary nature of time itself is realized. The concept of time and how it is experienced by living beings can be demonstrated to be a construct of the brain/mind system. There is only now. Past and future states only exist in the human imagination as memories or postulations and cannot be destinations. A human beings experience of time is just another one of the mechanisms (like spatial recognition) the organism uses to navigate in its environment.

I agree but It can be hard concept to grasp
That's exactly what was bothering me about time travel theories. They seemed not to grasp time as an "illusion". Soon you need all kinds of divergent timelines to maintain universal integrity.

I don't see why we need to consider time as an illusion. Calling it an illusion doesn't provide any explanation of what time is. Time can be measured as objectively as anything else is possible to measure, it just uses different units. The only way to consider it totally illusory is to propose that it is entirely subjective, but that position doesn't seem reasonable other than in a purely Solipsist manner.
I don't see why we need to consider time as an illusion. Calling it an illusion doesn't provide any explanation of what time is. Time can be measured as objectively as anything else is possible to measure, it just uses different units. The only way to consider it totally illusory is to propose that it is entirely subjective, but that position doesn't seem reasonable other than in a purely Solipsist manner.

I stand appropriately corrected. I had considered that "illusion" may not be the best word to use. I just lacked a better way to express what I wanted to say. What I should have said was that I think most time travel hypothesis I've heard limit themselves to arbitrary cause and effect rules. I give as an example: "if their were time travellers in the future we would already see signs of their trips in time." In my hypothesis there won't be any signs until they time travel. Only then will continuity be "rewritten" and then as far as we know there will have been signs of time travel.

I'm glad you pointed it out.
I stand appropriately corrected. I had considered that "illusion" may not be the best word to use. I just lacked a better way to express what I wanted to say. What I should have said was that I think most time travel hypothesis I've heard limit themselves to arbitrary cause and effect rules. I give as an example: "if their were time travellers in the future we would already see signs of their trips in time." In my hypothesis there won't be any signs until they time travel. Only then will continuity be "rewritten" and then as far as we know there will have been signs of time travel.

I'm glad you pointed it out.

That makes perfect sense to me and provides the appropriate context for you to describe time as being an illusion. From an outside the box perspective time is always moving forward, but from inside the box, for all intents and purposes, if we apply the model we've been using ( cut / undo / paste or synchronize / desynchronize ) it would appear to those who have been cut from the future and pasted into the past, that time has traveled backwards ( when in fact it hasn't ). Are we in agreement there?
That makes perfect sense to me and provides the appropriate context for you to describe time as being an illusion. From an outside the box perspective time is always moving forward, but from inside the box, for all intents and purposes, if we apply the model we've been using ( cut / undo / paste or synchronize / desynchronize ) it would appear to those who have been cut from the future and pasted into the past, that time has traveled backwards ( when in fact it hasn't ). Are we in agreement there?

Yes I believe we are. It's the reason I post here. I don't necessarily have the proper wording for my ideas. With help from people on the forum, I can flesh them out better.

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