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A Paracast+ Update!

Free episodes:

I don't think a lot of our premium members have checked out the + forum yet. We haven't made a big deal of it. It'll grow over time, of course, but I agree it makes sense to keep it separate.
Well because I'm a good sport I'll now listen to the two episodes and post in both forums, prepare not to be bowled over by my observations though DaveM.
However if we can get guys like Burnt, Sentry and Mr. O'Brien to post half their comments on the regular forum then pick up the rest in the paid forum then we might get some migration.

Seriously though another thought, I've noticed whenever Isaac koi drops in it is usually with free resources, perhaps you can convince him to post these only in the +forum then announce it in the regular forum.
That audience member stinger contest/submission thing could be a paracast+ only thing. Or maybe do a little drawing for a show merchandise item every month or something. Just the only ideas I could come up with to make paracast+ more enticing.
You send us a donation of the amount, along with a note or email explaining its purpose. If it's for a member, designate that member's name and we'll do the upgrade manually. With a situation of this sort, however, it's not practical for monthly billing. It would have to be an annual or five-year deal, since there's no way for the PayPal/forum integration to handle recurring payments for a third-party.
Easier to click any of our Donate links on this forum or our home page and do it that way. You can use a major credit card to fund a PayPal payment. Just taking a credit card number doesn't work for us.
done, i did a 1 year arrangement didn't see any place for any notation as far as whose account to attribute it to but you'll see a notification for 1 year w/my email so you know who to direct it to.
though on the regular forum there are these dust ups that can happen whereas in the plus section you could potentially dialogue with others without getting all emotional or personal but still able to really engage a topic thoroughly. It just seems very few want to post there.
Are you implying that paid subscribers have more decorum than the unwashed masses in the open community forums? I am shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, at Burnt's elitism! He's Canadian. I thought that kind of thinking antithetical to his upbringing? ;-)

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Are you implying that paid subscribers have more decorum than the unwashed masses in the open community forums? I am shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, at Burnt's elitism! He's Canadian. I thought that kind of thinking antithetical to his upbringing? ;-)
Oh, the Canucks are the most elitist of them all, especially those from the northern climates; we just don't like to be up front about it. In fact we're practically isolationists which is why I'm often seen talking to myself a lot.
Speaking of elitistism, there should be a badge for the forums for members who have upgraded to P+. It would be nice to see who is in the know.

I Love You,
Gene Lionberg
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It could something like your "Staff Member" tag under your name. Doesn't need to be fancy, just needs to delineate.

I Love You,
Gene Lionberg
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