Jimi H.
Paranormal Adept
That's it... sense and reason teaches us that you can't expect others to take seriously what you have to say unless you can explain to them exactly what you are saying and exactly how and why you are saying it. The anti science people however are not bound by such dilligence and rigour. They can just say stuff and if they want to appear credible, they can usually find someone to spin an argument in their favour.
Another thing, when a scientist says that something is virtually certain but not proven, the angry anti-science folks cannnot fathom what is going on, they think it's a sign of weakness, or of a conspiracy. They want black/white answers or they tune out.
Scientists are poor at communicating to non-academics because they think like academics. So they wear all their cautions on their sleeves, to not say something false. As you say, "the anti science people however are not bound by such dilligence and rigour", so they speak in absolutes without trying to understand what's going on, or why the term 'proof' is so problematic to use. To prove climate change, you'd basically have to have another Earth available, and pump CO2 into it's atmosphere and observe. This is not going to happen ever, that's just the reality of it. The Earth is the experiment, and the proof is the looming disaster.
Personally though, I see proof of the climate change everywhere. E.g. the historical opening of the arctic shipping route speaks loudly about what's going on. Or the extreme runoff of the Greenlandic ice cap. Or the houses that crack in Alaska because of melting perma-frost. It's really happening.
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