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A very interesting article that seems to indicate that science isn't the bastion of truth and perfection that the scientific skeptics constantly imply it is. But then again, how do we know that the article in your link isn't fake too
See the small arrow in the lower right?"PASADENA, Calif. -- Color and black-and-white images of Earth taken by two NASA interplanetary spacecraft on July 19 show our planet and its moon as bright beacons from millions of miles away in space. NASA's Cassini spacecraft captured the color images of Earth and the moon from its perch in the Saturn system nearly 900 million miles (1.5 billion kilometers) away ... "
That's Earth photographed from Saturn!
NASA Releases Images of Earth by Distant Spacecraft
So what is happening to this therapy now? Anyone know? I'll definitely be doing research on this!Personalized Immunotherapy Cancer Treatment
Avoids Costly & Expensive Drugs
The success of individualized immunotherapy is well proven but has yet to be
implemented as standard treatment in the USA and Canada. Why?
Could an "individualized approach" that avoids costly,
repetitive, drugs pose a threat to big-pharma
resulting in lobbying and delays?