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Abduction anatomy

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In ufology, this term, "abduction," is called when human is/are taken inside the UFO's. Usually abduction takes place without the abductee consent, against his will, but without the use of physical force. Usually this happens as if during the trance, the person himself enters the UFO.


Although testimonies often come up with cases of people being asked if they wanted to be flown in a "flying saucer". However, the cases are rare and usually limited to the 1980-90's of the twentieth century. The most common abduction occurs before the will of the human being, or even without him knowing it.

Two types of abduction can be distinguished here: abduction without return (absolute abduction) and abduction with a return, also called "rotary abduction".

To define the first type of abduction, ufologists suggest a "hypothesis" that people are being abducted by aliens for purpose, e.g: for scientific alien research or for human accommodation on the other planets). Such abductees do not return to the ground. It is known that the statistics of missing people who are unidentifiable are often used. And such people disappear more than one thousand each year. In countries such as Belgium, France, England or Italy alone, between 5 and 20 thousand people disappear every year. Some ufologists are tend to account most of the cases to "absolute abduction".

If we believe one of the most famous ufologists, Budd Hopkins, he is saying that people are chosen from the very earliest childhood for "absolute abduction". The study of people from the very beginning of childhood can be read in the book "Witnessed" by B. Hopkins published. It's an extremely exciting and frightening story with detailed descriptions of abductions and the experiences of the victim. In the opinion of B. Hopkins, such cases of abduction usually begin at the age of 3 to 4, when the first biological samples are taken from the child, although it does't exclude the possibility that observations start in the mother's womb.

Later, during abduction, genetic experiments are carried out. Typically, recollections of abduction remain only in the subconscious and are reproduced only during regression hypnosis, although there are instances where a person is united or in some other circumstance, they suddenly remembers the former abductions. B. Hopkins believes that most health disorders, especially mental disorders, could be explained by the effects of abduction. Here, he sees the increased incidence of depression in society. B. Hopkins believes that the UFO sighters' boom has already passed, but the extraterrestrials operations of has not stopped, evenmore it became more active and is now being carried out in complete secrecy.

"Rotary abduction" is often one-time experience. In the case of such abduction, a person is abducted for various purposes. The most commonly reported cases are medical research. Rarely, visits to other planets are mentioned. However, some ufologists still believe that aliens control the a certain group of people.

The Roper group, specializing in abduction cases, conducted a survey in the United States. In its various states, from 8% to 18% of respondents said they had been abducted at least once. Of course, the testimony of respondents with various mental disorders should be ruled out, which would result in a significant reduction in numbers. We also can suggest that some people lied about expierencing abductions, just because they did not want to be questioned about intimate memories. In any case, ufologists believe that "rotary abduction" is quite common in the world.

Interesting, that cases of "rotary abduction" usually occur in bedrooms. People are taken directly from the bed. Some ufologists believe that most of these abductions can be explained by sleep paralysis. During a sleep paralysis, a person is awake, but his motor functions have not yet been turned on. During this period, feelings of a person's presence near you, body blocking, hallucinations may occur.

In most cases, abduction occurs in complete subjection to human consciousness and will. The most commonly mentioned aliens are referred to as "greys", by ufologists, they are tho most often referred to abduction cases. For other alien races (northerners, reptiles, goblins, etc.), cases of abduction are much less common or not at all.

What are the signs of abduction?

You do not how the scars occur. People often notice scars on their bodies, but do not know where they came from. Such scars usually occur overnight. They are very bright, sometimes painful. Sometimes there is a special shape, such as a triangle or cross. Sometimes such scars eventually disappear. Some ufologists, which practise regressive hypnosis often hear stories of how scars have emerged due to aliens "medical research".

Missing time. In the case of abduction, often the clock stops temporarily. A person just observes that his clock is late by one hour, but does not remember where that hour was spent. There are cases when the whole group, which was supposedly abducted, has the same missing time lapse. Of course, this does not mean that you have been kidnapped every time your watch is delayed or show incorrect time. However, such cases are quite often described in ufology literature.

Occasionally, abductors find so-called "implants" in their bodies. It's usually unclear how the pieces of metal come into the body, although sometimes they come from other materials. Typically, the materials from which the implants are made are rare but found on the Earth. This is a rather interesting phenomenon, because these implants appear in the body without any clear entrance. The victim simply finds hardening of the skin, and the doctor then extracts an implant from that place. Most often, implants are found in the upper extremities, behind the eyes or nasal cavity. According to conspiracy theories, the purpose of implants is to track people and report their location to extraterrestrials. Sometimes they say, implants help control the lives of the abductees.

Blood on the pillow. This is also one of the signs that you've experienced abduction. Of course, blood on the pillow can occur for very natural reasons, but ufologists distinguish this symptom as one of the possible.

The unexpected fear of clowns and aliens.
If a person has been kidnapped, he may subconsciously start to fear the aliens. Any movie with grey aliens will scare them horribly. The subconscious draws a picture of the grey alien. Most likely due to unnaturally raised (bigger) with makeup clown eyes that resemble grey alien eyes.

Easy Surrender to Hypnosis. Since, as has been said, in the case of abduction, a person's will and consciousness are enslaved, he is likely to had some kind of hypnosis. After he should give it away quite easily when trying to hypnotize him.
I’ve had at least 4 or 5 ‘visitation’ experiences that I recall.

Not one of them complied with the Hopkins/Strieber abduction narratives, none of them had any real communication whatsoever, none of them involved reproduction, I don’t think I have an implant, I don’t fear clowns (although I did have some very high anxiety of the ‘grey’ trope as a teenager and insomnia, fear of darkness, fear of being alone, etc).

Not once have I been communicated any real message. Nothing about the environment, nothing of their purpose here, nothing.

There have never been any UFOs in relation to any of the experiences, except one, and I’m not even sure of that. It could have been a building for all I know.

From my experience, the standard abduction narrative is totally bunk. It’s not a working hypothesis, it’s a modern mythos.

For me, it all still falls in the ‘shit happens’ bucket.
I’ve had at least 4 or 5 ‘visitation’ experiences that I recall.

Not one of them complied with the Hopkins/Strieber abduction narratives, none of them had any real communication whatsoever, none of them involved reproduction, I don’t think I have an implant, I don’t fear clowns (although I did have some very high anxiety of the ‘grey’ trope as a teenager and insomnia, fear of darkness, fear of being alone, etc).

Not once have I been communicated any real message. Nothing about the environment, nothing of their purpose here, nothing.

There have never been any UFOs in relation to any of the experiences, except one, and I’m not even sure of that. It could have been a building for all I know.

From my experience, the standard abduction narrative is totally bunk. It’s not a working hypothesis, it’s a modern mythos.

For me, it all still falls in the ‘shit happens’ bucket.
Thanks for sharing. You don't strike me as the type to call anything that hasn't been reasonably disproven "totally bunk" because you know that stating absolutes invites a search for exceptions, and when that happens, it often doesn't take long to find exceptions. It has been suggested that an offhanded dismissal or seemingly irrational fear of aliens visiting Earth might be a sort of implanted defense mechanism to keep us from having a closer look at the experiencers, and that it's perhaps a sign that someone has had an experience that has been repressed. Hopkins and Mack have both identified missing time in their work. I've experienced it myself. I've talked with others who also have. Are you sure you've never had any yourself?
Thanks for sharing. You don't strike me as the type to call anything that hasn't been reasonably disproven "totally bunk" because you know that stating absolutes invites a search for exceptions, and when that happens, it often doesn't take long to find exceptions. It has been suggested that an offhanded dismissal or seemingly irrational fear of aliens visiting Earth might be a sort of implanted defense mechanism to keep us from having a closer look at the experiencers, and that it's perhaps a sign that someone has had an experience that has been repressed. Hopkins and Mack have both identified missing time in their work. I've experienced it myself. I've talked with others who also have. Are you sure you've never had any yourself?

No, not sure, in fact it’s possible that I have some missing time. I don’t think this is a defence mechanism though - although I have felt that in the past. A sense that I’m not supposed to tell. Ever come to a red light in the middle of the night on an empty road, and stop even though there’s absolutely nobody for miles? And yet you still sit there and wait because you’re supposed to. That’s the way it feels.

My point is that in my experience, the standard fare abduction narrative is not what happens - at least to me. Mack is closer from a ‘stuff is weird’ sense, and from a purely emotional perspective, Strieber has it right in Communion.

Again, all from my experience, I’m not saying it couldn’t be true for others. I have to think though that if the rationalist tone from Mack and the emotional tone from Strieber resonates, and a bunch of stuff from the likes of Hopkins, etc doesn’t...

Well then, it’s just the story we tell ourselves. For me, the ‘standard model’ for abductions is bunk. Not what happened to me at all. Doesn’t mean it couldn’t be true for others, but I’m sure I’m not alone.

It has neither uplifted me (like the new agers seem to think), changed my way of thinking about the universe (except to have me try to figure it out), or altered the course of my life except in ways like posting here and chatting with you.

And that’s what strikes me as so very odd. The experiences are real, visceral, undeniable. I’ve seen a UFO with a friend. I’ve had an abduction-like scenario play out with my ex wife, who was even more freaked out than I was. I can’t deny these things.

But neither can I ascribe meaning to them, or any kind of narrative.
... For me, the ‘standard model’ for abductions is bunk. Not what happened to me at all ...
Briefly, what do see as the "standard model" for abductions. I'm assuming a period of time during which you encounter what seem to be nonhuman entities that seem to be studying you in some way or another. In what way would you say yours is different than that?
Briefly, what do see as the "standard model" for abductions. I'm assuming a period of time during which you encounter what seem to be nonhuman entities that seem to be studying you in some way or another. In what way would you say yours is different than that?

Basically, the Hopkins model:

You go to bed. They wake you up, you go through a wall, enter a UFO. You get some kind of examination, where they take sperm or ova. Later, they show you some kind of hybrid baby. You're given some kind of ecological or enlightening message. You dramatically change personalities, becoming more creative, more open to new age thinking. You believe you've been given a gift, are special, have a role to play in whatever they are doing.

For me:

One of my most vivid experiences with something non-human I've already narrated. Deer came in, staring at me. Upon closer examination, it became something else. Fade to black.

No message, no examination, nothing sexual, no UFO, no world altering change to my personality. Just a discontinuity. There's no narrative there.
Basically, the Hopkins model: You go to bed. They wake you up, you go through a wall, enter a UFO. You get some kind of examination, where they take sperm or ova. Later, they show you some kind of hybrid baby. You're given some kind of ecological or enlightening message. You dramatically change personalities, becoming more creative, more open to new age thinking. You believe you've been given a gift, are special, have a role to play in whatever they are doing.

For me: One of my most vivid experiences with something non-human I've already narrated. Deer came in, staring at me. Upon closer examination, it became something else. Fade to black. No message, no examination, nothing sexual, no UFO, no world altering change to my personality. Just a discontinuity. There's no narrative there.
Okay. Thanks for the reminder. I need constant exposure before my long term memory kicks in. Do you happen to have a link to that before I ask any more stupid questions?
Basically, the Hopkins model:

You go to bed. They wake you up, you go through a wall, enter a UFO. You get some kind of examination, where they take sperm or ova. Later, they show you some kind of hybrid baby. You're given some kind of ecological or enlightening message. You dramatically change personalities, becoming more creative, more open to new age thinking. You believe you've been given a gift, are special, have a role to play in whatever they are doing.

For me:

One of my most vivid experiences with something non-human I've already narrated. Deer came in, staring at me. Upon closer examination, it became something else. Fade to black.

No message, no examination, nothing sexual, no UFO, no world altering change to my personality. Just a discontinuity. There's no narrative there.

Well, in all fairness to Hopkins - the model or maybe the narrative does not rigidly follow that pattern always. It's more like it contains certain elements you mentioned, with the latter part of being more creative or special being more of a reaction of certain individuals to their experience. And is also sort of an interpretation more in line with Mack, rather than Hopkins or Jacobs, cause both Hopkins and Jacobs interpret the experience more on the negative side, while Mack had a tendency to interpret it more positive, if memory serves me right.

Other than that, if I got you right - a certain part of your experience goes directly in line with an element frequently mentioned in the Hopkins/Jacobs/Mack and pretty much general abduction narrative - the deer in your case or some other animal like an owl staring at the experiencer. Not that I'm suggesting that your experience falls into their narrative, just finding it curious to see that element there. I'd also like to second Randall's link inquiry. If you wrote somewhere about your experience in more detail or would be willing to share here, I'd love to read that.

However, the abduction narratives really can differ quite a bit. For instance, I always found it interesting how the narrative of Karla Turner differed so much from the Hopkins/Jacobs stories, albeit retaining a lot of mutual elements. Turner's stories had a more profound over-the-top horror edge, sometimes mentioning rape and mutilation, something I don't remember seeing in the cases of Hopkins/Jacobs.

@Usual Suspect - If I remember correctly, I think you mentioned witnessing a UFO somewhere, perhaps on the show or on the forum, right? But this is the first time I see you mentioning missing time too, would you please elaborate on that experience?
Well, in all fairness to Hopkins - the model or maybe the narrative does not rigidly follow that pattern always. It's more like it contains certain elements you mentioned, with the latter part of being more creative or special being more of a reaction of certain individuals to their experience. And is also sort of an interpretation more in line with Mack, rather than Hopkins or Jacobs, cause both Hopkins and Jacobs interpret the experience more on the negative side, while Mack had a tendency to interpret it more positive, if memory serves me right.

Other than that, if I got you right - a certain part of your experience goes directly in line with an element frequently mentioned in the Hopkins/Jacobs/Mack and pretty much general abduction narrative - the deer in your case or some other animal like an owl staring at the experiencer. Not that I'm suggesting that your experience falls into their narrative, just finding it curious to see that element there. I'd also like to second Randall's link inquiry. If you wrote somewhere about your experience in more detail or would be willing to share here, I'd love to read that.

However, the abduction narratives really can differ quite a bit. For instance, I always found it interesting how the narrative of Karla Turner differed so much from the Hopkins/Jacobs stories, albeit retaining a lot of mutual elements. Turner's stories had a more profound over-the-top horror edge, sometimes mentioning rape and mutilation, something I don't remember seeing in the cases of Hopkins/Jacobs.

@Usual Suspect - If I remember correctly, I think you mentioned witnessing a UFO somewhere, perhaps on the show or on the forum, right? But this is the first time I see you mentioning missing time too, would you please elaborate on that experience?

Personally, I’ve had to work very hard not to overlay some kind of personal narrative or meaning onto the experience. I can see why people would want to do that - it’s undeniable, yet impossible, and without semantic meaning. Yet it’s deeply emotional and personal.

Honestly, I’m more of the opinion that the reproductive stuff, the ecological stuff, and the new age enlightenment stuff is just an attempt to provide that semantic detail - to fill in the cognitive gaps and provide meaning.

Regarding Turner’s account, for example, I could see the horror-ish narrative being more about what she ‘brought to the table’ - what Bishop calls the co-creation hypothesis. And the ‘Communion’ aspects - bonding with the visitors - I think is very much akin to Stockholm syndrome.

And that’s not to detract from either account. I don’t know what happened to them. I don’t even know what happened to me. What I do know is that I very much have worked hard not to add my own meaning to it that I couldn’t reconcile with what I remember actually happening.

Hence the ‘shit happens’ connotation.
Sorry, I’m bad with that stuff. I’ll take a look around.
Found it here: Reframing the Debate: A Path Forward or Backward?

So the first thing I'd say is hypnagogia. My cousin has it. She called them "night terrors" when she was younger. They're subconscious images projected into your waking environment. Unless the creature actually does something to the external physical objects in the room that is confirmable. There's insufficient evidence to assume it was anything else. I would imagine that a fair number of experiences that people have interpreted as some sort of alien contact are the result of it. Then again, a guy like RPJ might suggest that maybe the subconscious is where the aliens actually do make contact in some cases. It's possible. But how would one go about gathering evidence for that?
Found it here: Reframing the Debate: A Path Forward or Backward?

So the first thing I'd say is hypnagogia. My cousin has it. She called them "night terrors" when she was younger. They're subconscious images projected into your waking environment. Unless the creature actually does something to the external physical objects in the room that is confirmable. There's insufficient evidence to assume it was anything else. I would imagine that a fair number of experiences that people have interpreted as some sort of alien contact are the result of it. Then again, a guy like RPJ might suggest that maybe the subconscious is where the aliens actually do make contact in some cases. It's possible. But how would one go about gathering evidence for that?
Could be. I’ve had sleep paralysis before, and this was different.

I would be willing to say it was hypnagogic, except I’ve had this kind of experience with my ex wife, too.

Who ascribed it religious significance (a demon) and was even more traumatized than I was. She blamed me for it, of course.
Could be. I’ve had sleep paralysis before, and this was different. I would be willing to say it was hypnagogic, except I’ve had this kind of experience with my ex wife, too. Who ascribed it religious significance (a demon) and was even more traumatized than I was. She blamed me for it, of course.
Interesting. Are you saying a shared real-time unimpaired conscious experience where you could confirm with each other that what you were experiencing was the same thing?
Interesting. Are you saying a shared real-time unimpaired conscious experience where you could confirm with each other that what you were experiencing was the same thing?

Yes. But in this example, what we shared was basically "there's a dark shape in the corner staring at us and a sense of malevolence in the room." We woke up screaming, couldn't move. The body terror stuff. Blind terror.

We sat there screaming for about 30-60 seconds, she flipped on the light, and it was gone. But it was there, we both saw it.

It was on her side of the bed, off towards the left corner of the room. She was closer to it, and the reason I woke up was her screaming. Later (after we divorced), she described it to a mutual friend as a small dark demon of some kind, and was evidence that I attracted evil or some such thing. As a Catholic, that's the way she interpreted it - as a demon. I had made the mistake of telling her of some of my experiences in the years before this event, and it tainted somewhat our relationship for a long time afterward.

I interpreted it from the lens of my earlier experiences, one of which I've described here. I saw a shadow, darker than dark. A dim outline, perhaps 3-4 feet tall. A squat shape, intensely staring at us. Not moving. A sense of malevolence like I've never experienced. Like it didn't just want to kill us, like it wanted to obliterate or annihilate us. More than hate. Enough that it made both our senses of humanity go away, we were just blind animals, screaming at the dark. Except we didn't die, so I just have always lived in the question - that I don't know what it was, but it was something. We both saw something, felt something, and it was the same thing - although she seemed to see it more clearly than I did.

We were up all night and couldn't go back in the bedroom until daylight. Oddly, the neighbours didn't complain - we were in an apartment complex where they would complain about any kind of noise, but two people screaming their heads off for a minute at 3AM didn't yield a single complaint.

My ex refused to ever discuss this with me again after that night.
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Yes. But in this example, what we shared was basically "there's a dark shape in the corner staring at us and a sense of malevolence in the room." We woke up screaming, couldn't move. The body terror stuff. Blind terror.

We sat there screaming for about 30-60 seconds, she flipped on the light, and it was gone. But it was there, we both saw it.

It was on her side of the bed, off towards the left corner of the room. She was closer to it, and the reason I woke up was her screaming. Later (after we divorced), she described it to a mutual friend as a small dark demon of some kind, and was evidence that I attracted evil or some such thing. As a Catholic, that's the way she interpreted it - as a demon. I had made the mistake of telling her of some of my experiences in the years before this event, and it tainted somewhat our relationship for a long time afterward.

I interpreted it from the lens of my earlier experiences, one of which I've described here. I saw a shadow, darker than dark. A dim outline, perhaps 3-4 feet tall. A squat shape, intensely staring at us. Not moving. A sense of malevolence like I've never experienced. Like it didn't just want to kill us, like it wanted to obliterate or annihilate us. More than hate. Enough that it made both our senses of humanity go away, we were just blind animals, screaming at the dark. Except we didn't die, so I just have always lived in the question - that I don't know what it was, but it was something. We both saw something, felt something, and it was the same thing - although she seemed to see it more clearly than I did.

We were up all night and couldn't go back in the bedroom until daylight. Oddly, the neighbours didn't complain - we were in an apartment complex where they would complain about any kind of noise, but two people screaming their heads off for a minute at 3AM didn't yield a single complaint.

My ex refused to ever discuss this with me again after that night.

Interesting. Of course I'm obliged to say that a dim shape off in the corner of a dark room is probably pareidolia. It's happened to me more than once. Only by remaining calm and examining the situation does the reason for the mind seeing the shape become apparent. So I can see how someone less analytical and prone to panic could look off in the corner of a dimly lit room, see something that isn't there, and instead of just going over to it without turning the light on, would be so frightened by it that their mind made it even more real, and then you got frightened awake and went into protect mode looking for the threat, and she points to it, so you see the same thing ( until you turn on the light ).

I'm sure it could all have seemed very real, but I wouldn't personally believe it even if it happened to me, so I'm not sure why you'd be so sure yourself? Unless there was some other evidence, e.g. it actually moved stuff around in the room too. As an aside, the whole religious thing with relationships is a major pain in the ass for people like me who are non-religious. At first I decided to take a more inclusive approach, thinking it's just that they're on their own path, and eventually they'll get to the same place. Not anymore. If they're religious ( Abrahamic bible believers ), it's a deal breaker. No time for that nonsense ( and I won't apologize for calling it nonsense either ).
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Interesting. Of course I'm obliged to say that a dim shape off in the corner of a dark room is probably pareidolia. It's happened to me more than once. Only by remaining calm and examining the situation does the reason for the mind seeing the shape become apparent. So I can see how someone less analytical and prone to panic could look off in the corner of a dimly lit room, see something that isn't there, and instead of just going over to it without turning the light on, would be so frightened by it that their mind made it even more real, and then you got frightened awake and went into protect mode looking for the threat, and she points to it, so you see the same thing ( until you turn on the light ).

I'm sure it could all have seemed very real, but I wouldn't personally believe it even if it happened to me, so I'm not sure why you'd be so sure yourself? Unless there was some other evidence, e.g. it actually moved stuff around in the room too. As an aside, the whole religious thing with relationships is a major pain in the ass for people like me who are non-religious. At first I decided to take a more inclusive approach, thinking it's just that they're on their own path, and eventually they'll get to the same place. Not anymore. If they're religious ( Abrahamic bible believers ), it's a deal breaker. No time for that nonsense ( and I won't apologize for calling it nonsense either ).

Well, I saw a 3D shape there. Could have reached out and touched it.

Honestly I would be willing to label it self-delusion, except she saw it first, and saw it better. I felt it more than I saw it.

She had never had any kind of paranormal experience before then.

Where I’m at is that I believe it happened, I believe something external to both of us was there. Beyond that, I don’t ascribe any meaning to the event whatsoever.

She didn’t point at it. She started screaming, which woke me, and I saw it as soon as I opened my eyes. And started screaming myself.

When we bolted from the room, we described the same thing. She just had more detail about it, apparently.
Well, I saw a 3D shape there. Could have reached out and touched it. Honestly I would be willing to label it self-delusion, except she saw it first, and saw it better. I felt it more than I saw it. She had never had any kind of paranormal experience before then. Where I’m at is that I believe it happened, I believe something external to both of us was there. Beyond that, I don’t ascribe any meaning to the event whatsoever. She didn’t point at it. She started screaming, which woke me, and I saw it as soon as I opened my eyes. And started screaming myself. When we bolted from the room, we described the same thing. She just had more detail about it, apparently.
Well, strange stuff does happen. My previous life-partner and I were living together in an old rooming house downtown known as "The Brick House" that was rumored to be haunted by the ghost of a young man who had lived a couple of doors down. One night we were both brought out our sleep by something that was pressing down on me and Patricia saw it before I fully regained consciousness, but I could definitely feel it. Pieces of furniture used to move around on their own in the hallway too. It was quite an experience. There were after parties there fairly regularly too with live music. We often joked that we should make t-shirts that said "I Survived the Brick House". Fortunately Pat already believed in the paranormal, so it wasn't anything she couldn't handle.
In ufology, this term, "abduction," is called when human is/are taken inside the UFO's. Usually abduction takes place without the abductee consent, against his will, but without the use of physical force. Usually this happens as if during the trance, the person himself enters the UFO.


Although testimonies often come up with cases of people being asked if they wanted to be flown in a "flying saucer". However, the cases are rare and usually limited to the 1980-90's of the twentieth century. The most common abduction occurs before the will of the human being, or even without him knowing it.

Two types of abduction can be distinguished here: abduction without return (absolute abduction) and abduction with a return, also called "rotary abduction".

To define the first type of abduction, ufologists suggest a "hypothesis" that people are being abducted by aliens for purpose, e.g: for scientific alien research or for human accommodation on the other planets). Such abductees do not return to the ground. It is known that the statistics of missing people who are unidentifiable are often used. And such people disappear more than one thousand each year. In countries such as Belgium, France, England or Italy alone, between 5 and 20 thousand people disappear every year. Some ufologists are tend to account most of the cases to "absolute abduction".

If we believe one of the most famous ufologists, Budd Hopkins, he is saying that people are chosen from the very earliest childhood for "absolute abduction". The study of people from the very beginning of childhood can be read in the book "Witnessed" by B. Hopkins published. It's an extremely exciting and frightening story with detailed descriptions of abductions and the experiences of the victim. In the opinion of B. Hopkins, such cases of abduction usually begin at the age of 3 to 4, when the first biological samples are taken from the child, although it does't exclude the possibility that observations start in the mother's womb.

Later, during abduction, genetic experiments are carried out. Typically, recollections of abduction remain only in the subconscious and are reproduced only during regression hypnosis, although there are instances where a person is united or in some other circumstance, they suddenly remembers the former abductions. B. Hopkins believes that most health disorders, especially mental disorders, could be explained by the effects of abduction. Here, he sees the increased incidence of depression in society. B. Hopkins believes that the UFO sighters' boom has already passed, but the extraterrestrials operations of has not stopped, evenmore it became more active and is now being carried out in complete secrecy.

"Rotary abduction" is often one-time experience. In the case of such abduction, a person is abducted for various purposes. The most commonly reported cases are medical research. Rarely, visits to other planets are mentioned. However, some ufologists still believe that aliens control the a certain group of people.

The Roper group, specializing in abduction cases, conducted a survey in the United States. In its various states, from 8% to 18% of respondents said they had been abducted at least once. Of course, the testimony of respondents with various mental disorders should be ruled out, which would result in a significant reduction in numbers. We also can suggest that some people lied about expierencing abductions, just because they did not want to be questioned about intimate memories. In any case, ufologists believe that "rotary abduction" is quite common in the world.

Interesting, that cases of "rotary abduction" usually occur in bedrooms. People are taken directly from the bed. Some ufologists believe that most of these abductions can be explained by sleep paralysis. During a sleep paralysis, a person is awake, but his motor functions have not yet been turned on. During this period, feelings of a person's presence near you, body blocking, hallucinations may occur.

In most cases, abduction occurs in complete subjection to human consciousness and will. The most commonly mentioned aliens are referred to as "greys", by ufologists, they are tho most often referred to abduction cases. For other alien races (northerners, reptiles, goblins, etc.), cases of abduction are much less common or not at all.

What are the signs of abduction?

You do not how the scars occur. People often notice scars on their bodies, but do not know where they came from. Such scars usually occur overnight. They are very bright, sometimes painful. Sometimes there is a special shape, such as a triangle or cross. Sometimes such scars eventually disappear. Some ufologists, which practise regressive hypnosis often hear stories of how scars have emerged due to aliens "medical research".

Missing time. In the case of abduction, often the clock stops temporarily. A person just observes that his clock is late by one hour, but does not remember where that hour was spent. There are cases when the whole group, which was supposedly abducted, has the same missing time lapse. Of course, this does not mean that you have been kidnapped every time your watch is delayed or show incorrect time. However, such cases are quite often described in ufology literature.

Occasionally, abductors find so-called "implants" in their bodies. It's usually unclear how the pieces of metal come into the body, although sometimes they come from other materials. Typically, the materials from which the implants are made are rare but found on the Earth. This is a rather interesting phenomenon, because these implants appear in the body without any clear entrance. The victim simply finds hardening of the skin, and the doctor then extracts an implant from that place. Most often, implants are found in the upper extremities, behind the eyes or nasal cavity. According to conspiracy theories, the purpose of implants is to track people and report their location to extraterrestrials. Sometimes they say, implants help control the lives of the abductees.

Blood on the pillow. This is also one of the signs that you've experienced abduction. Of course, blood on the pillow can occur for very natural reasons, but ufologists distinguish this symptom as one of the possible.

The unexpected fear of clowns and aliens.
If a person has been kidnapped, he may subconsciously start to fear the aliens. Any movie with grey aliens will scare them horribly. The subconscious draws a picture of the grey alien. Most likely due to unnaturally raised (bigger) with makeup clown eyes that resemble grey alien eyes.

Easy Surrender to Hypnosis. Since, as has been said, in the case of abduction, a person's will and consciousness are enslaved, he is likely to had some kind of hypnosis. After he should give it away quite easily when trying to hypnotize him.
When i was around 5 years old I was “visited”by goblins,taken from my bed and levitated through the skylight at the top of our house.This happened several times.I have no memory of what happened after I passed the skylight.I had no concept of aliens at this age,hence to me they were Goblins.As an adult I can still vividly recall these incidents but put them down to a form of sleep paralysis/night terrors.Who knows,like Marduk I put it in the shit happens category as there is nothing remotely special about me and I learned nothing from my experiences.
When i was around 5 years old I was “visited”by goblins,taken from my bed and levitated through the skylight at the top of our house.This happened several times.I have no memory of what happened after I passed the skylight.I had no concept of aliens at this age,hence to me they were Goblins.As an adult I can still vividly recall these incidents but put them down to a form of sleep paralysis/night terrors.Who knows,like Marduk I put it in the shit happens category as there is nothing remotely special about me and I learned nothing from my experiences.
Very interesting. It reminds me of the stuff that happened to me at just a slightly younger age. Floated out of my bed and through the walls in blue light. The world is a strange place indeed. Maybe it's not so coincidental that we all ended up here talking about it.
Very interesting. It reminds me of the stuff that happened to me at just a slightly younger age. Floated out of my bed and through the walls in blue light. The world is a strange place indeed. Maybe it's not so coincidental that we all ended up here talking about it.

Years ago, my parents had a section of land north of Calgary with a small cabin on it. I had a party out there one weekend, and my soon-to-be wife mentioned to some of the party goers that strange experiences had happened to me.

Now, we were all drinking quite heavily. Some of us ended up on the front porch hanging out. I heard a noise in the woods surrounding the cabin, and knowing what it was, I pointed a flashlight into the underbrush. As I swept the beam, we saw a half dozen pairs of big eyes looking back at us - the eyeshine brightly lit up.

I made a big deal about how spooky this was, and all the partygoers came out to watch the eyes staring at us.

I made a brave face, shut off my flashlight, and strode into the woods to one side of the eyes. Then I yelled out loud, sending the deer scampering right onto the deck, and then off into the woods on the other side. Real deer, this time.

Everybody shit their pants while I laughed my ass off. Some of the girls were pretty mad, but it was worth it. City kids.