Paranormal Adept
I found that the same kind of things were going on over at the JREF website. It would be interesting to know if some of the players there also come up with similarly suspicious IPs.
It is not really that hard to Proxy if one needs to and is a well used tool of both the hacker and the internet troll alike.
Well if you're paranoid of ATS ... you better dump Facebook too.Here are the videos again.Needless to say ... I don't have a Facebook Account.Not that they can't tell what I'm up to anyway .
Back in the Chanology days we were warning people about the potential for social media sites such as Facebook to be used as information gathering and let us face it why would an intelligence agency not use it. Hell with so many people willing to post their every day movements and thoughts etc it is a gold mine of information for the Government and the identity thief alike.
I will also add that security on Facebook has never been that good as Anonymous/Lulzsec has pointed out a few times.
I do not have a Facebook account and never will have one ... just far to old school anon to ever want to I guess.