Paul Dale Roberts is a Fortean investigator who delves into ALL things paranormal – from Mothman, to the Chupacabra, UFOs, Crop Circles, Ghosts, Poltergeists, Demons and more. Roberts is the HPI (Hegelianism Paranormal Intelligence – International). He the owner of the following Facebook community: www.facebook.com/groups/HPIinternational.
Roberts writes community stories and is a former columnist for “The Sacramento Press,” former columnist for “Haunted Times Magazine,” and has written small blurbs for “Newsweek,” “Time,” “National Geographic Traveler” and “People Magazine.”
He was recently picked up by “Paranormal Magazine UK” and works for the online national news site “Before It’s News.” Roberts’ articles are featured in some of the legendary Brad Steiger’s books as well as books by Timothy Green Beckley. He has now published four books in the HPI Chronicles series.
Our cohost will be Tim Swartz.
Note: This is an After The Paracast exclusive available only to Paracast+ subscribers.
Recording Date:
Thursday, February 29 at 3:00 PM Mountain (5:00 PM Eastern)
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After The Paracast Streaming Date:
March 3, 2024