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Agenda 21 EXPLAINED, full version

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What exactly irks you about it (Agenda 21) ? I think it is way less 'new world order' then many other concepts floating around today. Interesting that we are not dealing with total dystopian idiots here (created in 1988/89 ? I haven't watched the vid, yet ;)). There are far worse political Agendas in actual effect today.
Agenda 21 is a very real threat and is being implemented locally via ICLEI. I have been working hard to get these idiotic "sustainability" a$$wipes out of our city.
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What exactly irks you about it (Agenda 21) ? I think it is way less 'new world order' then many other concepts floating around today. Interesting that we are not dealing with total dystopian idiots here (created in 1988/89 ? I haven't watched the vid, yet ;)). There are far worse political Agendas in actual effect today.

I was not sure what to make of it until I did a bit of study and watched a few videos about it. Now I agree to a point that we need to sort or collective shit out as humans but this is not the way at all to do it.

Agenda 21 is a very real threat and is being implemented locally via ICLEI. I have been working hard to get these idiotic "sustainability" a$$wipes out of our city.

And Pixel hits the nail on the head here.

I unlike Pixel think that sustainability is not such a bad idea but I agree in this case that this lot are a bunch of a$$wipes.

I like to grow my own food and produce my own power (solar), but under Agenda21 that is not going to be allowed.
other than basically impossible to achieve, sustainability isnt a bad thing. the problem is that the green movement is 99% about putting green in some fat cats pocket. the environmental movement was hijacked years ago and Agenda 21 is the outcome.
other than basically impossible to achieve, sustainability isnt a bad thing. the problem is that the green movement is 99% about putting green in some fat cats pocket. the environmental movement was hijacked years ago and Agenda 21 is the outcome.

That I can agree with you 100% on Pixel.
Is the earths climate changing ... well yes
what can we do about it.............. to be honest not a hell of a lot really. If it was caused by us then it is all to late now anyway .. but I digress as this agenda is not about the common Jo on the planet it is about making a few elite people richer and controlling the rest of us.
I agree that all that shit seems utopian now, but I still don't think it was conceived and ment the way it is perceived in todays light. I wouldn't call it desirable or good, but I can respect the thought process behind it.
it seems obvious there are many here who are unable to comprehend what the Agenda 21 video is about. there should be 20 pages of outrage or at least heavy dialogue on this topic by now.
Angel you and I have discussed this topic on and off the main forums. What did you think about the informational video on Agenda 21?
Angel you and I have discussed this topic on and off the main forums. What did you think about the informational video on Agenda 21?

Now I can agree with you on that Pixel and have been waiting to see if people took the time to read up on this.
Truth is I had not taken much time until now to read into the Agenda and study what it means for my own Nation and the rest of the world.
Frankly I am stunned at the idea laid out in it and that people are so unaware of what its implementation will mean to them.
I don't feel like getting involved in a climate change debate. Due to my "centrist" opinion on the matter, I get into arguments with both sides of the debate.
I don't feel like getting involved in a climate change debate. Due to my "centrist" opinion on the matter, I get into arguments with both sides of the debate.
thank you for making my point about people being ignorant...it is not a climate change debate. it is about "sustainability".
In the research I've done, a lot of the debates on Agenda 21 turn into climate change debates. If sustainability is the issue, I'm with Stonehart - there's nothing in inherently wrong with that notion.
there is no debating that the climate changes just as there is no debating that ice ages occur. if you are all for sustainability then you need to get off your computer and recycle it immediately, sell your house and private property, get rid of your air conditioning, electricity, city water, stop paving roads, building bridges and dams, etc etc etc... basically you need to return to cave man status EXCEPT you cannot even have a camp fire... (carbon emissions...)...
Without this getting to ugly :) as we can all get passionate about how we feel on issues around here (I also respect both of you guys as you have good minds).
I think we can agree that Agenda 21 is a steaming pile of horse poo but setting up a system of regulation and global resource management is something (Intrinsically) that I do not have a problem with (Given that most people do not care or are to lazy).

My problem is with how it is done, who is behind the curtain, and just who is it going to benefit from the control of it?

True sustainability is not really achievable without the removal of humans from the equation as over time areas will get stripped of their resources and pollution is inevitable.

Would you agree with this? (serious question).

Now if by sustainability we are talking about the off setting of human impact on the local environment then the solutions are far simpler than those laid out in Agenda 21 from my point of view.

Let us take food distribution for starters .. We all know that to get food from an industrialized farm to a supermarket requires large amounts of energy, add to that that some of the food you can buy there has come from the other side of the world I fail to see how this system is sustainable (Canned goods are not so much of a problem but a fresh peach from the US in a supermarket in New Zealand is an abomination sorry). If we are to follow the Agenda 21 plan from my understanding then the centralization (Industrial farming) of food production is to be reinforced thus preventing the common person from growing their own food as this is apparently not sustainable (I don't get that... maybe I am just stupid).

The best solution is to promote and utilize your local growers and food producers, or best of all grow your own food (its not that hard). The local growers have fresher produce, it takes less fuel to get the products to market, and in most cases (well here where I live) they have a farm market where you can go buy the produce right from the farm at far lower prices than a supermarket can offer.

So is the problem one of education? laziness? or just ignorance?
I have to ask what is the real agenda behind agenda 21?

Maybe I am just not as smart as the people who wrote Agenda 21, but I get the feeling that it is more about social control and power structures than it is about the good of the common people on this planet.

I will add that I am new to this subject and have just started an in depth look into Agenda 21 but I can tell you I really do not like what I see already.

The reason I grow my own food is not out of an environmental reason (have to be honest) but because it costs me less, it tastes better, and I use less gas going to a supermarket.
Bingo. social control, transferring of wealth and elimination of private property is what it is all about. in some cities it is already illegal to have a garden or collect rain water.
Bingo. social control, transferring of wealth and elimination of private property is what it is all about. in some cities it is already illegal to have a garden or collect rain water.

That is completely ridiculous, where does the UN get the idea that they can enforce something like that? Are they going to enforce it through local law enforcement or just their "sustainability" agents? I ask because I just can't see the police writing citations to people with gardens and rain barrels. Thank goodness this hasn't come to my area yet. Does anyone know where we can get more information about ways to fight this thing?
Maybe I read it with another understanding of the implications than you guys. I guess most peoples main issue with the whole concept is 'population growth 'control ? Bottom line for me is, there shouldn't be any control (especially on this issue) imposed on anyone, but there are many valid (more so today) issues brought up in this. Waiting to be called a NWO sheeple. :P Where's Alex Jones when you need him.