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Alien Hunter, Derrel Sims

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The part that got my eyes rolling was when he was referring to his time in “the company", great another person claiming to have been in the CIA or working for the CIA, didn't we already get one of these people that left a lot of egg on the faces of people in this field. I can see why people stop being involved, it gets tiresome, and do these guys make a buck at this? I'm thinking of putting together my own convention act, after all proof (DNA for one thing) never gets tested, too expensive, people refuse to test it due to threats, etc., bull. I listed to about half the show; I won’t listen to the rest. Someone talked about probing going on, I felt at times like I was getting my yearly exam exam....

The alternative is if this is true and I do not doubt abductee phenomena, its well established, do these intelligences mess with peoples heads to the extent that they appear irrational or confused or is it disinfo to make the UFO community appear crazy???

Oh yeah..."the Company"...I laughed at that one. I may be wrong, but I feel like actual intelligence folks don't actually refer to the CIA as "the Company", except the ones in the more hackneyed of spy novels and movies. Besides, is there any way to confirm whether someone once worked for that agency? I know they neither confirm nor deny the status of current employees, I wonder if this policy is the same for ex-CIA super agent, alien hunting badasses.
i dont remember him, when did he say he worked for us.

theres alot of bullshitters say they work for us.

Wow, just wow. What a load of BS.
This guy is way out there.
I wonder though, if you put him and JC Johnson in the same room, who could spin the taller tale? It might be funny to see them trying to top each other.
I honestly did not sit through it, within 30 minutes I knew it was a complete waste of time and turned it off.

Oh, you missed some really good, breakthrough stuff then. Towards the end of the show Sims regaled us with the story of how, in 1989, he was hired by none other than J. Allen Hynek (turns out Hynek didn't really die in ‘86, but that’s another story) to be the new “cooler” (that’s CIA parlance for “bouncer”, but you shouldn't be expected to know that since you never worked for The Company [TM]) at the failing road house he bought after faking his own death because he was getting too close to the truth, the Double Deuce.

Derrel accepted the job and drove the Lamborghini he was awarded by The Company [TM] for meritorious service monitoring alien activity in this galactic quadrant and the courage he displayed while dispatching several of these aliens with the samurai sword he always carried, an ancient weapon cloaked in myth, handed down through generations of shōgun and which was a gift to Derrel from a master sword maker from Japan, who had held the sword in his family for centuries until the fabled Chosen One [TM] revealed himself to claim it.

At any rate, Sims knew this job was bound to make enemies and, not wanting his new Lambo damaged by vengeful bar patrons, he hid it away and bought a much cheaper Porsche 911 to serve as his day to day vehicle and one which would be no great loss to him if it were vandalized.

Soon enough, Sims soon ran into a corrupt local businessman who was looking to extort the Double Deuce and hire Derrel to be one of his henchmen. You guessed it, that evil businessman was none other than Whitley f#*ing Strieber.

To make a long story short, Derrel Sims winds up fighting what he thought was a weaponless mano-a-mano fight with one of Strieber’s grey alien henchmen. Of course, that dirty grey pulls an anal probe on Sims, which forces Derrel to kill the grey by ripping out its throat with his bare hand. He felt horrible about having to use deadly force on the creature (he was trying to turn over a new leaf after all the samurai sword alien killing from his past), but at least the trachea he ripped out supplied him with even more alien DNA, which he promptly sent to his personal DNA forensics guy, and he’d be more than happy to share the results of the analysis with the world, but his work is really not meant for public consumption.
If Aliens visited the planet in the ancient past, the Irish would be one of the first peoples they would have seen. Who knows really if that happened?

Maybe the aliens just wanted a really, really good Guiness (only available in or near it's homeland brewing base in Ireland). Guiness served anywhere else is like sludge. Maybe the aliens miss the original local liquid chocolate velvet... I swear if I ever get back over there the first day off the plane will be spent in a local pub
Chunks of Alien DNA, which will never see light of day.
DNA in my fridge, maybe try just a smidge.
On toast with butter and jam, or on a roll with ham.
Chunks of Alien DNA, goes great with ice cold IPA!

As it turns out, most humans cannot handle the taste of an IPA. The bitterness due to the large amount of hops involved in the brewing process is too much for most earthly palates. Except, of course, the Turkish, Irish, and Cherokee. And Derrel Sims. Whatever he is.
I wonder if these folks know how much credibility they lose when they decide to sellout out and appear on campy television shows. First they dress up James Fox like a colonial space marine and now Simms as a Wild West bounty hunter. :rolleyes:
Chicken or Egg? on the sell out question. I suspect the people with the most principles don't show up on these shows because they know what parts of their souls they have to sell to the production devils. The showmeisters who do opt in to the devil's contract don't care because they feel it is all BS that they finally have a chance to cash in on.
Derrel "the Slick" Sims batted every question out the park. Much like the Cherokee brothers until the white man came, I had my reservations, but on the strength of this interview alone I pretty much go along with this alien samurai bullshit 95.5%, so yeh. fuck free thought and lets go kill us some plaedian injuns, sign me up to ETH baby its a much more exciting ride. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww.
Gene: regarding your query as to why he didn't talk to his parents... I will say one thing from someone who saw some mighty strange things as a kid: I sure as hell didn't always tell my parents. Especially after the one time I did getting a half hour lecture and eye rolling...

Hell, I've barely told my wife anything.
Maybe the aliens just wanted a really, really good Guiness (only available in or near it's homeland brewing base in Ireland). Guiness served anywhere else is like sludge. Maybe the aliens miss the original local liquid chocolate velvet... I swear if I ever get back over there the first day off the plane will be spent in a local pub

love you irish-americans, your ancestors left ireland 200yrs ago, and 8 generations have spent their whole lives singing about returning some day.
*sigh* I look forward to The Paracast every week in the hopes of furthering my understanding of the UFO question and alien phenomena. This Simms interview contributed nothing to that effort, unfortunately. As usual, LOT'S of fantastical claims and colorful stories with zero reviewable evidence to substantiate them. When pressed on this issue, this self-professed former CIA covert operative, former cop, current private investigator and "Alien Hunter" claims to be in possession of physical and video evidence in his archives but explains he sees no reason to share it because he's not in this for the notoriety, as if that would be the only reason to share such allegedly compelling evidence with the world.

I'm no scientist but 23andMe will do full genomic testing for $100. Even if that's not the exact type of full DNA testing that needs to be done, I would assume it could, at the very least, identify some differentiation or abnormalities from the human genomic norm, if it were indeed alien, that would then justify more comprehensive (and conceivably more expensive) testing.
I like Derrel Sims he might be a bit corky and has a different view of the alien situation but overall I think he has good intentions of helping people. He doesn't charge people money to spend time with them.
I look forward to The Paracast every week in the hopes of furthering my understanding of the UFO question and alien phenomena. This Simms interview contributed nothing to that effort

I disagree. Negative results are as important as positive results.

Experience encountering all the red flags this jerk-off threw helps us notice more subtle ones in the future.
I think my favorite part of any show is when a person like this guy comes on and Gene's BS radar starts going off. You can hear it in his voice. Don't let em get away with this crap. The whole "black dot" video tear down, and the "DNA" train wreck he presented was cringe worthy.
Why not mention a damned thing about these amazing experiences to anyone? "Yer gotter unnerstand, this is what is called a system of programming." But then, he remembers his parents putting him in their bed, the child was so afraid. I love the making-it-up-as-he-goes-along quality.

He has a video of a 600 mile across "craft" in front of the moon "in my archives, somewhere... I have it... Most of the work I primarily do is not for public consumption." Why? Because "the debunkers will go after every one of yer abductees." The libel laws prevent me from stating my opinion of this man.

Really, if you ignore a few hundred/dozen of us (?), worldwide, who enjoy these stories as sleazy lowbrow entertainment, who on earth (or abroad) will take this guy seriously?

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