Alien Interview Discrepencies - Advertising for the book
Why did you interview him? The book says it all. This is fiction and he's taking whatever free press/advertising that he can get - of course.
I think Lawrence is MUCH smarter than anyone thinks. (grin)
From the book:
My sincerest thanks to the enthusiastic, insightful editorial support of Michel and
Brenda. Thank you very much to all of the diligent and unselfish work of the owners,
staff and tireless contributors and editors of upon which the
material in this book relies heavily for efficacious documentary support of
many of the footnoted items sited in the text of the transcripts and comments
from Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy.
As far as the Editor of the book, "Alien Interview" is concerned, and for all practical
purposes, the content of the book is a work of fiction. The Editor makes no claim to
the factuality of the content, and in fact, cannot prove that the alleged author
actually ever existed. Although some of the dates, locations, persons and incidents
described may be factual or based on fact, there is no evidence to authenticate that
equally as many may be subjective contrivances of the author.
All of the information, notes and transcripts received by the Editor are contained in
their complete, original form, as represented in the book. The Editor is no longer in
possession of any original documents or copies of original documents from the
author, i.e. Mrs. MacElroy.
Some material contained in the book may have similarities to Earth philosophies as
the variety of these are too numerous to list, and bear too many fundamental
similarities to be easily differentiated. Although the book discusses the origins of the
universe, the time track of the physical universe, paranormal activities of immortal
and/or extraterrestrial beings, "aliens" or "gods", it is in no way the intention of the
Editor to represent, endorse, forward or assume the viewpoint of the author, any
political doctrine, economic vested interest, scientific hypothesis, religious practice
or philosophy, whether terrestrial or extraterrestrial.
The notes and transcripts contained in the book, are solely and only the based on the
representations and documents provided by the author, the late Matilda O'Donnell
MacElroy, unless otherwise specifically annotated by Footnotes in The Appendix of
the book.
The Editor is not responsible for any assumptions, inferences or conclusions made
by the reader based on the material is this book, which are solely and only the
responsibility of the reader.
What is true for you, is true for you.
Lawrence R. Spencer -- Editor