Paranormal Adept
As a side note, if you guys, or anyone here in the forums, feels frustrated or agitated in anyway by impromptu debates or sudden differences of opinion they may have with me, let me know so that we can just wrap that up. I didn't pick up much of that from this exchange, but it worries me. There's no reason to have those types of exchanges if everyone's not having fun. Ultimately, it doesn't matter, up or down, if anyone's correct or nobody's correct, it doesn't change anything. That's a little more postmodern than some folks like, I know; but, it keeps everything fun and friendly, and that's the whole point of an interest-based community forum.
No problems with it at all, from my POV anyway, I don't mind differences of opinion at all, especially when they're argued from a scientific point of view and not from a belief or religious perspective. I agree that at least big picture wise, it doesn't matter who's right and who's wrong, we don't know everything and all we can do is use our own individual reasoning, experiences and intelligence to support our point of view and let the chips fall where they may. I've said it before and I'll say it again, our thoughts and opinions are based on a number of different factors and there's no reason to demand or expect that others will adopt our own particular brand of truth or opinions or whatever you want to call it.