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'Alien Race' TV Show - Hybrids!

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Ehhh... I'm going to watch every episode. I can't help it.
Assuming they actually employ geneticists and apply science in this it'll probably look more like the show 'Intervention' than 'Nova'.
I have mixed feelings about channeled information.
Without verification its just so easy for the woo woo fringe to claim just about any old clap trap.
Having said that i did once read a book called conversations with peter, and had a similar result, ie the content is worthwhile regardless of the veracity of the source.

Direct mind to mind comms is a well reported feature of the contact genre, and my own reading of human technology in this area has me convinced of proof of concept.
It may be that Hive mind mentalitys, would expect that transmitting to one human, would naturally transfer to all humans.

I dont discount the possibility of ET channeling, but to venture down that path is to risk drowning in the cool aid, so as a rule i dont.

As for the TV show, the same logic applies, verification.
There would need to be something i could hang my hat on, ie strange DNA results, otherwise its just people making claims, without scientific verification that they are hybrids, it wont mean much to me
I have mixed feelings about channeled information.

I've been reading about these sorts of claims since reading Seth Speaks in junior high. In all of that time I've never run across any information that came through a channel that was actually new information about something real that could be verified. There have been no advancements in medicine, engineering, or any other human endeavor as the result of channeled information that I am aware of. This leads me to an inescapable conclusion. Channeled information is not what it is claimed to be. It is the product of the individuals imagination. Whether that is being consciously done or not may be in question for a given individual but the true nature of the largely sophomoric dime-store philosophy that gets pitched as cosmic truth is not in my opinion.
I've been reading about these sorts of claims since reading Seth Speaks in junior high. In all of that time I've never run across any information that came through a channel that was actually new information about something real that could be verified. There have been no advancements in medicine, engineering, or any other human endeavor as the result of channeled information that I am aware of.

By the same token, one could dismiss crash retrievals owing to the lack, as far as laymen know, of any technical advances stemming from them. I don't think that would be right. We shouldn't assume channeled info, if real, is intended to speed our technical progress.
A jelly fish couldnt mate with a rabbit.
:eek::eek::eek:Thanks for that mental image! Oh My.
Here's the thing:
a) Assuming that some of us are alien/human hybrids, how would you tell? Genetic testing presumably but have these people got the scientific acumen to test for such things?

b) If anyone is going to find evidence of hybridisation, I doubt it'll be some tuppenny-hapenny reality show.
What's interesting is the reactions to the concept of hybridization, and specifically the discomfort that is generated around the notion that such a process could be being engineered by an outside "alien" source. Psychologically this notion of changing, nurturing, integrating and propelling "essence," whether in terms of promoting and injecting 'new' or 'alien' ideas and concepts that have been inspired by individuals, cultures and societies into the established mainstream (i.e. the rigid overarching structures that have been created to maintain a psychological status quo), has been a driver of human development since the dawn of time. Perhaps, in a sense, the knowledge that has been emerging as a result of our scientific exploration seems to mirror or parallel the underlying process of psychological transformation, or the process that has been informing and evolving individuals, cultures and global consciousness all along. Now science is bringing us up to speed on the material end.

Perhaps all this talk that is being generated around the alien mythos or of that of an emerging global realization of sorts is a reflection of our increasing awareness of the evolutionary potential that comes by converging inner and outer processes (material and psychospiritual). In other words, the myths that for generations that have been created around unleashing this latent potential are now at the crossroads of becoming a reality.

I don't know, I'm just talking out loud here. There's a good possibility that this is making no sense...
Another aspect of the modern hybrid discussion, is its often seen to be a new thing, but there is a possibility that its not a new thing, but rather the most recent phase of an ongoing process.
With that in mind we may indeed all be hybrids.
Wolves make lousy housepets, but their hybrid offspring go everywhere with us, even into space.
The moment our ancestors started using fire, they joined an exclusive club, that of entities who create and manipulate external energy sources, other critters here on earth use tools, but we are the only ones to play with energy.
Cro Magnon standing next to his camp fire and the grey standing next to his saucer are members of the same set, energy users.
From space you can see the great wall of china, but you can also see the worlds largest beaver dam.
But on the night side the view leaves no doubt, every continent is lit up with energy usage.
Once a species starts using energy, its likely on its way to the stars, it would make sense to identify and tweak these candidates before they do so, to breed out the undesirable traits and insert desirable ones.
A modern human makes a better house guest than a Cro Magnon would.

If there has been a long history of hybridisation or genetic manipulation of any sort, the modern accounts of breeding entities that look human (and can therefore be inserted into the terrestrial stock pile) is consistant with this
Another aspect of the modern hybrid discussion, is its often seen to be a new thing, but there is a possibility that its not a new thing, but rather the most recent phase of an ongoing process.
With that in mind we may indeed all be hybrids.
Wolves make lousy housepets, but their hybrid offspring go everywhere with us, even into space.
The moment our ancestors started using fire, they joined an exclusive club, that of entities who create and manipulate external energy sources, other critters here on earth use tools, but we are the only ones to play with energy.
Cro Magnon standing next to his camp fire and the grey standing next to his saucer are members of the same set, energy users.
From space you can see the great wall of china, but you can also see the worlds largest beaver dam.
But on the night side the view leaves no doubt, every continent is lit up with energy usage.
Once a species starts using energy, its likely on its way to the stars, it would make sense to identify and tweak these candidates before they do so, to breed out the undesirable traits and insert desirable ones.

I doubt anyone tried or for an advanced system they did a poor job--assuming warlike or violent traits are undesirable. :)

A modern human makes a better house guest than a Cro Magnon would.

I don't think there's much difference. Cro Magnon man is thought to have eliminated a competitor, neanderthal man, so I don't know if ETs could trust him either.:)
I doubt ET's would trust neanderthal, cro magnon or modern humans, which may explain why if hybridisation or any form of genetic tweaking has been going on, its still allegedly going on today.
If it is happening, its still a work in progress.

I suspect the final changes, may have to be done by us ourselves, designer babies are no longer science fiction.
I suspect the final changes, may have to be done by us ourselves, designer babies are no longer science fiction.
Eesh. Now you're getting into eugenics, on humans by humans --- not sure that modern ethics is ready for such a thing yet.

Parents in liberal democracies already make choices about which schools to send their children to, how to feed them, who counts as a suitable after-school companion, whether children are to be given religious instruction, and if so of what type. In effect, they manipulate their children’s environments to improve or enhance them.14–16 The moral parallel between upbringing and genetic enhancement draws support from modern understanding of the contributions that genes and environment make to human development. As we saw above, the genetic determinist view of development has been displaced by the view that organisms emerge from a complex interaction of genes and environment. The comparison of genetic enhancement with upbringing suggests that we were all designer children. Prospective parents who avail themselves of genetic engineering, PGD, or cloning are simply making use of another means of design

Some of the most challenging moral and ethical questions about a licence to design babies concern the societies it might lead to. The movie Gattaca depicts a future in which genetically enhanced people take the lead, viewing unenhanced people as fit only to clean up after them. Liberal democracy is a cooperative venture in which all are seen as having something to offer.[SUP]17[/SUP] Will genetic enhancement bring this social arrangement to an end, creating societies in which unenhanced people are viewed by their genetic superiors in much the same way that we currently view chimpanzees, suitable for drug testing and zoo exhibits but little else?

  • Transhumanists propose posthumanity as a goal rather than something to avoid.
  • They allow that we may have difficulty relating to the inhabitants of the biotechnological future but claim that if they are free of disease, super-intelligent, and routinely compose symphonies whose brilliance surpasses that of Beethoven’s Ninth, this failure of identification is our problem, not the posthumans’.

We already "design" babies using basic methods, the ethical questions then become matters of degree.

But the advantages are quantifiable

Geneticists introduced into mouse genomes an additional copy of a gene, NR2B, that codes for one type of glutamate receptor and is known to play a role in the development of the brain.[SUP]4[/SUP] The resulting “doogie” mice, named for the teen genius central character of the early 1990s TV show “Doogie Howser, MD,” seem to learn faster than other mice and retain information longer. The NR2B gene exists in humans, prompting speculation about performing the same trick on one of us.
Dean Hamer presents evidence that the gene for a vesicular monoamine transporter, VMAT2, influences a trait labelled self-transcendence, that is, the “capacity to reach out beyond themselves, to see everything as part of one great totality.”

The subject was explored nicely in Bruce T Holmes fiction Anvil of the heart

I doubt ET's would trust neanderthal, cro magnon or modern humans, which may explain why if hybridisation or any form of genetic tweaking has been going on, its still allegedly going on today.
If it is happening, its still a work in progress.

"Taming" us may not be the goal. They may just want enough indigenous genes to thrive here, after a takeover(if Jacobs is right about their plan.)
Absolutely, Stealth invasion is a valid scenario, and its a model we have seen in our own history, the genes of the more technologically advanced cultures tend to swamp those less advanced.
Absolutely, Stealth invasion is a valid scenario, and its a model we have seen in our own history, the genes of the more technologically advanced cultures tend to swamp those less advanced.

Genes or menes? I don't think westernization is a good analogy for takeover vis hydridization. :)
The Australian example is classic


The white man with his (at that time) advanced technology, ocean going ships, gunpowder etc etc, has swallowed up the indigenous genes.

The above picture represents more than a single family line, it illustrates the reality of a stealth invasion.
The original indigenous genotype will eventually be gone, Its a J curve, the population of full blood aboriginals gets smaller and smaller, faster and faster.
There are no more full blood tasmanian aboriginals left.

The newcommers considered the native people uncivilised, the land was seen as unoccupied because of this view, if jacobs is correct that same pov may be at play here.
Im of the mind historical models are useful in looking at these sorts of issues, If the dynamic can happen once it can happen twice.
It would be nice to think we have changed in the last 200 years, but its happening in remote places like the amazon today, the more technologically advanced society simply moves in and the native one gets absorbed and eventually swallowed up

This actually raises an important question, what is the correct course of action.
We discover a society of people living in the amazon, by our standards they are primative, do we leave them alone or uplift them to civilisation ?
Do we leave them to continue to practise traditional lifestyles including inbreeding within an isolated population, or do we give them modern technology and new genes.

The models are not that different, the earth as a continent , space as a sea, the universe/galaxy as a biosphere.
The white man with his (at that time) advanced technology, ocean going ships, gunpowder etc etc, has swallowed up the indigenous genes.

Only to a limited extent. There are plenty of full blooded africans, Chinese and mainland Australian(?) aborigines.

The newcommers considered the native people uncivilised, the land was seen as unoccupied because of this view, if jacobs is correct that same pov may be at play here.

Possible, but the evidence is limited at best. If he is right, the hybrid nature of new generations is pretty well disguised. :)