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Allan Sturm Bowing Out?

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Greetings Fellas,

As you all have had the chance to see the strange dish-like object from the lunar orbiter data in post #12, I figured I should post a possible terrestrial analogue to the object (that is if it is actually a dish).

It might help put things into perspective :)

Here goes:

*Now keep in mind that the fifth Lunar Orbiter probe was sent up to the moon in 1967. That means this dish (if that is what it is) was put in place before we had the capability to land a man on the moon.

So that being the case; who placed it there? Did one of the superpowers decide to land a huge dish on the moon? What for? The damn things frickin' huge (granted, just because it is big doesn't mean it is heavy - such a thing could be made collapsible and of lightweight material for ease of transport and deployment)

But let's just say it belongs to neither the Soviets or us, what then?

....I don't like to think much about that possibility.

Oh, here is another thing I've been been thinking of; If it wasn't built by the two superpowers, then the odds that it was built by a technologically advanced humans during a previous technological epoch are probably greater than the odds that it was built by aliens. However, if one takes into account the hypothesis put forth by the late Mr Tonnies, then that could account for the placement and construction of these unusual lunar objects; it might have been the cryptoterrestrials. And I wouldn't let 'terrestrials' that name limit you - if those guys are in them UFOs then they have probably already been farting around in our solar system, occasionally leaving evidence of themselves behind (no doubt as rarely as possible)
Hey Folks,

Some of you might have heard Don talking about Lunar Transient Phenomena on his show, but the thing about radio is no matter how good something is desrcibed, you cannot see the darn things. And even when their visible, you somwetimes cannot see them - as was the case with this next LTP that I'm about to post; It was only visible in the infrared spectrum, but what that showed was absolutely astounding and very much unexpected.

Remember the LCROSS probe that crashed into the Moon back in September? You know, the one that smacked into the crater that had that peculiar rectangular thing in it? (see below)

Well that is not all they spotted - And if you're getting the gist of this post thus far; you might suspect somebody spotted some Lunar Transient Phenomena and that I'm about to post about it. ... Well you'd be Right.

Here's the things about the LTP that was spotted that evening - It wasn't all that transient. In fact, it didn't move from where it started and not only that 'it' occurred it two separate locations and exhibited behaviour which nobody could have anticipated; when viewed via the mid-infrared2 camera these phenomena apparently were apparent as consistently flashing or pulsing areas. Quite strange

Here is the first series of screenshots taken from the view from the infrared camera wherein the first series of this most unusual phenomena was visible (Keep in mind that these 'flashes' occurred before any impact had taken place and so cannot be attributed to that):

And here is the second series of flashes/pulses coming from another location - You folks might recognize it as the crater where the giant peculiar rectangle is located, but the whole area appears to have down with a bad case of Purple and so we do not get to see our rectangle in infrared (I'm sure NASA did it for our own good) but we do get to see the second instance of a most strange phenomenon occur directly above where it should be: :)

Here is the thing - the impact that nobody was able to see that night would have been perfectly visible using the cameras which spotted these flashes. Also, the flashes were only briefly visible, so hardly anyone saw them. As soon as the flashes became visible, the Camera operator quickly switched views to the other camera. This happened twice. NASA has kept mum about it.

It was as if someone didn't want us to pay any heed to the things occurring around the impact site so they blinded us - going so far as to deny the American taxpayer a real-time view of the impact they paid for, just to avoid them seeing the highly unusual flashes occurring nearby. With the camera that enabled us to see those strange events, that impact would have been amazing.

*To conclude, the most acceptable theory for what these flashes are is that they are outgassing events - if NASA says they are anything at all, they will say they something like that.

There are other theories which I've heard and will mention later if anyone is interested.


Folks, Here is a video that was made that evening, the flashes occur at the very start:

Hey Fellas,

Have you ever heard of Ingo Swann's book penetration?

You may have heard Don talk about it on the show. Part of that story involves the remote-viewing of a place on the Moon.

Anyhow, recently I was watching this movie called 'Moon' when I started to notice that some of what I saw reminded me of what I read in Mr Swann's book.

In light of that (and because I wanted to tell my pals), I decided that screenshots were in order along with some relevant excerpts from 'Penetration'.

So here it is folks; A combo image featuring excerpts from Mr Swann's book and some screenshots from the movie that are reminiscent of those excerpts.


(Images Source: Moon (2009) Text source: Ingo Swann Penetration)

And before everyone starts thinking 'that's crazy', 'what a crazy old nut'; let's remember that the Apollo astronauts who were looking at a part of the moon actually thought that it looked like it might be being mined. Why the hell would they be considering that possibility...

*Keep in mind that this is from the DSE blackbox recording and was not made available to the public at the time. These boxes kept recording throughout the entirety of the mission, and so they contain many interesting things that were not released to the public in audio or text form. The blackbox transcripts contain transcribed audio not related to transmissions.
I think Ingo Swanns book would make a better X-files movie than either of the ones that got produced. The whole cloak and dagger business about meeting "the twins" and all that was excellent drama I thought.

Does your copy of the book have the illustrations that were supposedly in the original? I have downloaded two different versions of the book and neither had the drawings in them.
Hey Hoffmeister,

The movie Moon was from 2009.

It features Sam Rockwell as the main character and was directed by the son of David Bowie.
Is Allan Strum's book available anywhere on the Internet?

Trainedobserver, I don't think so. I tried to get back in touch with Sturm and he has dropped off the radar. I wanted him to come back on DMR and push his book, etc. but no go. He just seems to have ZERO interest in pursuing this stuff any farther.

Heya Fellas,

Some of you may be familiar with this next Apollo 8 anomaly.

It was found by John Lear Hisself and then his pal Sherpa ordered the High Res (the bottom image is from the high res):

(AS8-12-2209, low and High res)

And this is not the only time such a thing has been spotted on the moon...

From page 82 of NASA's LTP Extention Catalogue:

"Object moved straight line as a
black oval shape. Neighbors
confirmed. Took 20m. Had 4-5
tentacles, saw its shadow on the
Moon. Zigzagged, then
Je 13 01
Jy 11 10
Je 28 04 6102 5357 5748
landed in Copernicus, leaned on E wall. Rose repeatedly and went out from
the limb. Saw a similar phenomenon on Oct 14th. Weird! .

....And folks, I don't think we can blame polyester for this one; That last LTP was viewed from Earth.
This next image serires is either a bunch of real things, or image artifacts or one real object which has been spammed scross a few of the images of the region - which makes it easier for us to believe what we are seeing is an artifact. Used In lieu of removing the thing outright, such a method is an effective way to build in a plausible explanation into the image. A good image Censor builds plausible explanations into their work:

Speaking of censorship....

Can any of you determine which of these two images is the original? Was the spacecraft added or was it removed? :)

*This wasn't done using the negative ( which would produce results which are far less likely to fall under suspicion)
Here is an anomaly many of you have probably heard of - the now infamous John Lear "Soul Catcher":redface:

*For the Record, I don't buy Lear's routine. I'm just posting the infamous image so you guys can see it in the highest quality available.

Heya Fellas,

Some of you may be familiar with this next Apollo 8 anomaly.

It was found by John Lear Hisself and then his pal Sherpa ordered the High Res (the bottom image is from the high res):

(AS8-12-2209, low and High res)

And this is not the only time such a thing has been spotted on the moon...

From page 82 of NASA's LTP Extention Catalogue:

"Object moved straight line as a
black oval shape. Neighbors
confirmed. Took 20m. Had 4-5
tentacles, saw its shadow on the
Moon. Zigzagged, then
Je 13 01
Jy 11 10
Je 28 04 6102 5357 5748
landed in Copernicus, leaned on E wall. Rose repeatedly and went out from
the limb. Saw a similar phenomenon on Oct 14th. Weird! .

....And folks, I don't think we can blame polyester for this one; That last LTP was viewed from Earth.

Is anyone else here eerily reminded of the 'facehuggers' from 'Alien'(the movie)by these pictures ?
Is anyone else here eerily reminded of the 'facehuggers' from 'Alien'(the movie)by these pictures ?

I do see the resemblance.

The bottom image almost looks like it was taken with an electron microscope of some weird creature/nano machine. Except it is bloody huge, on the moon and taken with Hasselbladd.

-Kinda makes me want to start speculating about von-neuman type probes.... If that's what this is, then those long legs would allow for relatively efficient transport over the lunar surface. For all we know this device consists of multiple, modular, tube-like probes all working together to harvest resources which they will use to make another module, which would increase the efficiency of the process. Or it could just be a lava extrusion.

Michio Kaku has speculated about the possibility that our moon may have such probes on it. He believes that such probes are more likely to be small than large, due to the fact that it is cost effective to use large numbersof tiny probes. I don't think it will be be long before we fire off a load of thousands or millions such tiny probes into interstellar space. *Some of the people posting here on this forums might very well live to see such an endeavor.
What Moon anomaly thread would be complete without Hoagland's Shard....

I've managed to locate the best images of it and get them all into one combo pic:


Here is one I found tonight in a Lunar Orbiter 1 image - It is probably nothing. Anyhow, as you can see by my sub-par kellaring-ing technique I am not Allan Sturm:

I know I've mentioned this before but it won't hurt to mention it once more. (By the way, this is in connection with Hoagland's Moon research.)

Back in the very early 90's when I was doing my first radioi show UFOs Tonite! I had Jim Sylvan on the show. Jim was the guy who first really got me interested in lunar phenomena. ( He had been researching this stuff since he first discovered George Leonard's book Somebody Else in on the Moon.) Jim had sent me a series of lunar photos that Leonard had discovered back in his early research. At any rate I was fascinated by this material and invited Jim to come on the show. I believe you can hear one of those shows here if you go back into some of the shows I've posted here.

So, here we are on UFOs Tonite! and just as the show was over Jim asked me if I knew Hoagland. I told him I did and he said he was very impressed by Hoaglands Mars research and his book Monuments of Mars. He wanted to send him some photographs and some of his research to see if Hoagland might be interested in this stuff and asked me for Hoaglands contact information. I gave it to Jim. Some time later (at least 6 months as you will see) I talked to Jim again and this was after Hoagland released his shard stuff. I asked Jim if he had gotten in touch with Hoagland since now Hoagland was talking about the moon.

Jim told me he sent a big bundle of stuff to Hoagland and never heard a word from him. Suddenly now Hoagland discovered the Moon! Okay, make your own conclusions.

Is anyone else here eerily reminded of the 'facehuggers' from 'Alien'(the movie)by these pictures ?

That's why we stopped going to the moon! That facehugger must be miles in length. What in the hell is that? I wonder if you could take a photo of the moon, lay it on a table, throw a bit of string on it and get something similar? I'm not saying that is what it is ...its just the way my mind works ...I can't help it.

If I were a moon astronaut and saw that photo they'd have to send me up there with something more than a hand-gun I can tell you that! I wonder if a B.A.R. would be over the "personal item" weight limit.
If I were a moon astronaut and saw that photo they'd have to send me up there with something more than a hand-gun I can tell you that! I wonder if a B.A.R. would be over the "personal item" weight limit.

On some missions they sent them guys up there with Mortars.....

For science purposes....

This detail from AS16-113-18378 shows the Apollo 16 mortar package mounted on its base.
The ribbon cable running off to the left connects the experiment to the Central Station.
The mast sticking upwards has a red-warning flag at the top
so that the crew could stay well clear when driving the Rover.

Here is something that you Apollo fans will probably find at least a bit interesting. It concerns the 3D models made of the Apollo landing sites during the Apollo Program. The Moon Hoax guys are gonna love this one.

The 3D models were done in wireframe and allowed the operator to see what things would look like from a particular vantage point on the landing site.

The Operator would enter in the coordinates on the model and would be able to see what the astronauts would see when they were standing there. These models were quite accurate in that regard.

Apollo 17 provides the best example of these 3D models. Here is a print-out of 3 vantage points:

(These pics are from Bell Labs, I don't have an internet link for them yet. I'll post later if I find)

*And as you can probably guess; these accurate computer models would allow one create accurate Moon sets where all the set pieces and simulated terrain/topographical features are positioned in such a way that the view for cameraman on set would be remarkably similar to what one would see on the part of the moon upon which the simulation is based. I oughtta send this to Lear.... :)