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Alleged/ Holy Mary Sighting, Yes I am serious.

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I cant resist..............


Pareidolia is a funny thing

I can see the Mary figure (or something that could be interpreted that way) looking at it straight on. Since that appearance vanishes from a different point of view (whereas a statue or a detailed image would I think still be recognizable) it seems like more of a psychological effect. By the way, although I'm not a Catholic (nor a Christian even) I don't have any problem with miracles. But maybe like beauty they're in the eye of the beholder, or like gift horses shouldn't be looked in the mouth?
Ive watched the video a number of times, pausing at points where the camera is not pointing at the sun, but at the crowd.
There are a number of people standing at right angles to the sun, and one is even walking away with his back to the area in question.
I find that odd, you would think if this was really visable to the crowd , every last person would be facing the apparition.
At the :33 mark we see a man walking away from the direction of the apparition, and a man in a yellow shirt pointing, but not at the apparition itself.

There is also the issue of ppl clapping and laughing at the start of the clip prior to us being able to see anything.

If i were to try and fake this myself, it would be a case of filming the sun at some sort of public event where people are shouting ,like a sports event or outdoor performance act and then adding the effect later.

Doing this it would appear as though they were reacting to the effect.

I'd also expect to see multiple videos and witness statements, i havent been able to find any yet
The 'movement' of it looks much like from a rather old laser 'show'. Not saying that it is that, just reminds me a lot of these things.

Does anyone know what this crowd of people were doing there in the first place ?
These are the things I don't get about a deity. What can this accomplish? If God/Jesus/Mary is doing this stuff the logical question is what does it do? Does seeing a vague image od mary in a cracker/cloud/bun/corn flake etc. really inspire millions? Is this the only way they can think of to communicate? Gimme a burning bush with some real dialog any day over this vague nonsense.
These are the things I don't get about a deity. What can this accomplish? If God/Jesus/Mary is doing this stuff the logical question is what does it do? Does seeing a vague image od mary in a cracker/cloud/bun/corn flake etc. really inspire millions? Is this the only way they can think of to communicate? Gimme a burning bush with some real dialog any day over this vague nonsense.

will a mary in a crop circle change your mind?
Is this the only way they can think of to communicate?

Same goes for aliens tamping down some poor sod's crops to communicate cosmic truths. I mean, we have the post! Send us a card or something you self absorbed wankers! What? They created the whole ball of wax in 6 days or traveled here from another solar system but cannot suss out how to communicate effectively with us? I'm not buying it. I think we know the answer as to why humanity's gods and supernatural beings always act like characters out of a made for Syfy channel movie.
I'm gonna have to go back and look at it when I get home tonight. I honestly didn't see anything except a colored "flare?" at one time. Yet the people were reacting the way some folks did in the Pentacostal church of my youth. But, anyway I didn't see anything that looked paranormal in the shot so Maybe I need to look closer. I'm (believe it or not) a skeptic when it comes to paranormal experience. I don't think the paranormal is impossible because I think everything is paranormal/nature (well, I don't want to get into that now) but I have never seen a film that has convinced me of anything as of now. I did hear a couple of EVP's on a talk show or two that were provocative but I'm not sure if they are paranormal or not.
After watching it again , i notice a ball of light kind of like what you get if you point a laser at a camera in certain parts of the video, it may be a reflection off the sun hitting the lens
Hey Mike, I wasn't familiar with that word.....but I love learning new terms...especially when accompanied with images!!! ha ha
In the comments of the video and other similar ones I have seen people say it is "Project Blue Beam" I did a quick search and could not work out what "Project Blue Beam" is or was appart from the fact it has something to do with a NWO or something so please could someone give me a brief explanation of what "Project Blue Beam" is. Thanks in advance Harry.
I can never do much with a video like this. There are just way too many questions. What is the backstory? Were people there to witness the diamond looking thing and if so, who predicted it and where can I find that information?? Where exactly is this taking place?? There must be other witnesses right assuming all the screams are from this.

It has the feel of an outdoor concert to me. And the crowd reacts as if Jerry Garcia just took the stage. It is odd that the camera finds this object (or whatever it is) exactly in the middle of the sun from his vantage point. I mean there are trees everywhere but he managed to find the PERFECT spot to film the thing. Why is nobody else in that perfect spot?

Just like hundreds of youtube videos, .. it just doesn't add up at all! Much more information is needed if this is to be taken seriously. And if it to be taken seriously I don't see how anyone sees the virgin Mary. Really does anyone see the virgin Mary?? It seems to be a wavering shape. How somebody gets a religious icon out of this I don't know. Perhaps the power of suggestion is stronger than it would seem at the surface. What if the video was entitled " the Nephilim return", or "Michael Jackson resurrected", or "The ancient Kings revenge"??

Again I don't know what can be said with so much information missing other than ,.... "next". If people come out of the woodwork with additional videos, testimonies, back story, etc then it can be revisited. I bet that won't happen though.
If this counts as 'evidence', I'm done. Oh, by the way, the 21th of May is the beginning of rapture. Humans, we are a funny bunch ;)
PROJECT BLUE BEAM is basically a psy op to decieve mankind into thinking a different way using advanced projection technology which can for example fake a second coming of jesus christ or a alien invasion to enslave all of mankind under a one world government.
This is my understanding from my days of listening to project camelot video's when i was younger.
PROJECT BLUE BEAM is basically a psy op to decieve mankind into thinking a different way using advanced projection technology which can for example fake a second coming of jesus christ or a alien invasion to enslave all of mankind under a one world government.
This is my understanding from my days of listening to project camelot video's when i was younger.

Wow! Talk about rotting your brain. Not "your" brain Slim as I'm sure you've figured out how insane this sounds, but certain people might actually think this kinda thing is likely and perhaps real. So much craziness and paranoia out there it baffles me.
Wow! Talk about rotting your brain. Not "your" brain Slim as I'm sure you've figured out how insane this sounds, but certain people might actually think this kinda thing is likely and perhaps real. So much craziness and paranoia out there it baffles me.

Oh i dont know, as a non lethal weapon it would work very well.
Superstition has worked well enough in the past as a means of social control.
The military know this


It appears that some of the troops in Iraq are using "spoken" (as opposed to "screeching") LRAD to mess with enemy fighters. Islamic terrorists tend to be superstitious and, of course, very religious. LRAD can put the "word of God" into their heads. If God, in the form of a voice that only you can hear, tells you to surrender, or run away, what are you gonna do?

That brings us back to the Voice of God/Allah Weapon. Is it real or bogus? In one version — related to me by another defense reporter — it’s not just Allah’s voice — but an entire holographic image projected above
