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An undersea image?

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Hm...I do see something, then again I'm questioning where human art got most, if not all it's inspiration from...nature imitating Art, or vice versa.
I am seeing things but not anything that has to be human made. I'd have to be seeing something more complex, or more 'intentional' I suppose but it's a hard one.
Hello Constance are there any more pictures?

Hi Han. Unfortunately there are no other photos of this 'image' available. Whatever this is, it appeared in one of the first photos obtained by the divers who have been exploring the Baltic Anomaly. There is another photo taken from a different perspective on the angular structure jutting out over the surface, from which perspective the image I'm interested in cannot be seen.
Hi Han. Unfortunately there are no other photos of this 'image' available. Whatever this is, it appeared in one of the first photos obtained by the divers who have been exploring the Baltic Anomaly. There is another photo taken from a different perspective on the angular structure jutting out over the surface, from which perspective the image I'm interested in cannot be seen.

Dear Constance I am sorry for the late reply, thank you for your answer.
I am vaguely familiar with the Baltic anomaly, and wish that it was thoroughly and scientifically explored. I watched a documentary called "the mystery beneath" which featured the "ocean X team" (the guys that found the anomaly) I was very suprised that they only managed 1 dive and then left. Here is the video (some parts are in Swedish and not subtitled but it is mostly in English)
but you may be interested because it includes some brief video of the Anomaly.

Dear Constance I am sorry for the late reply, thank you for your answer.

I am vaguely familiar with the Baltic anomaly, and wish that it was thoroughly and scientifically explored. I watched a documentary called "the mystery beneath" which featured the "ocean X team" (the guys that found the anomaly) I was very suprised that they only managed 1 dive and then left. Here is the video (some parts are in Swedish and not subtitled but it is mostly in English) but you may be interested because it includes some brief video of the Anomaly.

Thanks Han. I have seen that video and enjoyed it greatly. Did you see it broadcast on television, and if so what country do you live in? The video has been out for about a year now, slowly making its way into the world through a European distributor whose name I've forgotten. The history of that video's production and distribution has been a long and frustrating one for various reasons. The Ocean X group (Swedish shipwreck divers who discovered the Baltic Anomaly/ies) have actually made four expeditions to the site but were prevented, variously, by forbidding weather, high seas, and failing equipment from diving on the main object again after the first exploration (shown in the video). They also had to sell their damaged ship (Ancylus) after the third expedition to the site and thereafter had to rent a minesweeper to make a fourth attempt, in summer of 2013. They need a benefactor badly. That they can only dive during a maximum of four summer months a year, their opportunities to explore the site have been limited. I think there's something interesting down there -- in near pitch-blackness -- and that it will remain a mystery for a long time.
Hi Constance I found the video via the Ocean team X website, to my knowledge it has not been broadcast on television in England where I live.
I had previously seen an Artists impression of the Anomaly that looked like the millennium Falcon from star wars:

To be honest this made me very sceptical and I did not think about it again until you posted the image from the initial dive.
After watching the film I am convinced that there is something unusual and interesting down there, that should be explored, my gut instinct is that it is a Geological formation but without further evidence that is just speculation.
I will not pretend that diving to 80+ meters is an easy undertaking but I do believe that with a budget of $20,000 a day, more data could and should have been collected.
It is easy for me to say that the coordinates should be made public so that further exploration can be done by other parties, but I do understand why they would want to keep this information secret. I suppose what I am trying to get at is: that if the Anomaly is of genuine significance then maybe the best thing is to be open and honest, but this would probably result in a loss of $ to the Ocean X Team but it would mean that the chance of proper investigation would be dramatically increased.

I also have to wonder if Ocean Team X are the only ones who know the location of the Anomaly because the Baltic is a valuable fishery and the targeted species are generally caught using the Trawling method, meaning that huge nets are dragged along the seabed sometimes at depths well in excess of 80 meters, in short the potential damage or loss of fishing equipment would suggest to me that the area directly around the Anomaly would be a known no go area for deep Trawling.

The Baltic has some other known prohibited fishing areas:
"large areas are closed for fishing activities in the Baltic Sea as a result of munitions, electrical cables, gas pipelines, dense ships traffic etc"*

Finally regarding the Frigate type Naval ship that appeared when they were near the Anomaly, my opinion is that this was caused by them turning off their communication equipment (GPS etc.) because a bit like Air Traffic Control: if a Ship turns off its Communications then suspicions would be aroused and protocol would dictate that further investigation must be undertaken i.e sending a Patrol Ship to assess the situation.

I hope they do get the funding they desire and the Anomaly is investigated and the information made public.

*((source)) https://datras.ices.dk/Documents/Manuals/Addendum_1_WGBIFS_BITS_Manual_2011.pdf
After watching the film I am convinced that there is something unusual and interesting down there, that should be explored, my gut instinct is that it is a Geological formation but without further evidence that is just speculation.

A number of people who have followed the exploration over the last three years think it might be an ancient human construction from before the last Ice Age or during one or two periods during the Ice Age when the ice had withdrawn from areas of the Baltic seabottom. The carved, relief-type image I posted in the OP looks to me like it might have been produced by a human.

I will not pretend that diving to 80+ meters is an easy undertaking but I do believe that with a budget of $20,000 a day, more data could and should have been collected.

If Ocean X had that much to spend at the time of the first few expeditions, they reached a point of near bankruptcy a year or more ago. One of the team leaders had put a second mortage on his home in Stockholm to fund the early expeditions. They had to rent the various types of sonar equipment they needed each time they went out to the site. As for obtaining more samples and other data, the divers were able to stay at the bottom for only 15-20 minutes at a time and had to take alternate days off. Almost the entire dive to the bottom (and the slow return to the surface) takes place in utter darkness, partly because of the thick sedimentation in the water. Also, the water is extremely cold, especially at the bottom, another natural limitation.

It is easy for me to say that the coordinates should be made public so that further exploration can be done by other parties, but I do understand why they would want to keep this information secret. I suppose what I am trying to get at is: that if the Anomaly is of genuine significance then maybe the best thing is to be open and honest, but this would probably result in a loss of $ to the Ocean X Team but it would mean that the chance of proper investigation would be dramatically increased.

They repeatedly invited underwater scientists to join them, and asked for help funding the dives from many scientific and archaeological groups. These guys have families to feed and placed a legal claim to further exploration of the site as part of their normal process (they are wreck divers). Given the expenses they've had and the risks they've taken, I think they have a right to have done that. They would happily have worked with any legitimate good-faith explorers who were interested in the knowledge that could be obtained and would have taken they along if they came forward. They themselves were obsessed with finding out what the main object (and a nearby anomaly that appears to have broken away from it) are/were. I think they did the best they could have done so far with the resources they had, and I'm still hopeful that some individuals or organizations will fund further explorations.

I also have to wonder if Ocean Team X are the only ones who know the location of the Anomaly because the Baltic is a valuable fishery and the targeted species are generally caught using the Trawling method, meaning that huge nets are dragged along the seabed sometimes at depths well in excess of 80 meters, in short the potential damage or loss of fishing equipment would suggest to me that the area directly around the Anomaly would be a known no go area for deep Trawling.

Yes, that seems to be the case. And Ocean X is likely the only private wreck diving group that knows the coordinates. The Swedish Navy also knows the location, having called the OX leaders in for a conference.

*Finally regarding the Frigate type Naval ship that appeared when they were near the Anomaly, my opinion is that this was caused by them turning off their communication equipment (GPS etc.) because a bit like Air Traffic Control: if a Ship turns off its Communications then suspicions would be aroused and protocol would dictate that further investigation must be undertaken i.e sending a Patrol Ship to assess the situation.

I'm not sure what happened on that occasion, why the large Coast Guard vessel drew so close and remained close to Ancylus. At some point the CG vessel called the Ancylus and I don't remember what the conversation was about. That was one of the times when equipment was malfunctioning (I think it was some scrambling of the ROV's compass. About a year before that, I think during the first dives -- which would be the second expedition since on the first one only remote equipment was used to scan the main anomaly -- five or six ships assembled around Ancylus, two flying NATO flags and the others the flags of different nations (one being Swedish). I'm fairly sure that took place at the conclusion of some international maritime exercises.
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One further note: the divers have not yet been able to obtain a sample of the anomaly itself, which is black and extremely hard. They have broken off samples of the thick concretions covering most of the object and were able to scrape out particles of iron oxides and other particulate material from one of long, narrow depressions in the object. Those were examined by materials scientists in Israel with no clear results (at least none that have been shared).
Weren't there some electromagnetic anomalies associated with this object?

Yes, frequently, affecting compasses and electronics. Some people who followed the OX forum in the past few years have been particularly interested in the electromagnetic anomalies.

The editor of an online publication concerning anomalies wrote a series of informative articles on the series of expeditions to the anomaly. I'll get the link and post it in case anyone is interested.
Just checked in at the OX forum. The OX team is currently operating a Panamian ship owned by an Icelandic company that is owned by a Russian. They are dragging up some environmentally damaging abandoned or lost nets and recently passed over the anomaly, pinging it to test its hardness relative to that of the immediate seabed. The object sends back a 'softer' response than the seabed, including the raised pillar on which it currently sits. Many theories being discussed as usual.

link to that forum: Facebook
A short montage of the first photos (only photos) of part of the main Baltic Anomaly, obtained by one of the Ocean X divers, Stefan Hogeborn.

For some reason the youtube link will not embed. Here's the yt URL:
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Hi Constance my understanding is that the 20k a day budget was provided by the production company (who made "the Mystery beneath") but I could be wrong.

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