Skilled Investigator
Just want to say thanks everyone for your thoughts on this sensitive subject.
Personally I have no fixed opinions as to the possible reasoning behind such reports,
but your ideas are all very helpful.
What Jeff had to say about the psychological impact these occurences have on the percipient, and that in his opinion that is where the real intent may lay, sounds most likely to me at least.Though what thefoundryman had to say about the pacification of aggressive dogs and Tommy's first post, regarding replication and cloning have really got me thinking.
Also, Ally I have since childhood experienced what can best be described as sensations of pure bliss and contentment radiating from what I now believe to be the first chakra, every now and then. This is not something I know a great deal about but if I am right then that's a sobering thought, still being at first base that is. Guess I have a long way to go.
Anyway thanks all,
Personally I have no fixed opinions as to the possible reasoning behind such reports,
but your ideas are all very helpful.
What Jeff had to say about the psychological impact these occurences have on the percipient, and that in his opinion that is where the real intent may lay, sounds most likely to me at least.Though what thefoundryman had to say about the pacification of aggressive dogs and Tommy's first post, regarding replication and cloning have really got me thinking.
Also, Ally I have since childhood experienced what can best be described as sensations of pure bliss and contentment radiating from what I now believe to be the first chakra, every now and then. This is not something I know a great deal about but if I am right then that's a sobering thought, still being at first base that is. Guess I have a long way to go.
Anyway thanks all,