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Ancient Alien Series

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It's an interesting concept. But, this particular show (The series on History Channell) was a disapointment to me. The dude with the big hair? George T? :-) Anyway, the concept was interesting but the content (in this show) was weak.

---------- Post added at 05:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:03 PM ----------

Sorry bout the grammer and spelling. I am on an very old browser at work and it's a pain once you hit submit to try and go back and make corrections. :-)
I think sometimes humanity can't stop itself from believing what could just have been fictions. We have to somehow fit in funny looking pictures as some greater cosmic truth. Maybe one of these cave dwellers were simply bored and drew imaginative characters.
I think sometimes humanity can't stop itself from believing what could just have been fictions. We have to somehow fit in funny looking pictures as some greater cosmic truth. Maybe one of these cave dwellers were simply bored and drew imaginative characters.


Did you watch the broadcast on Thursday 30 December (i.e. just transmitted)? We're in UK so can't get it live and, having had breakfast with Jim Penniston and John Burroughs on Wednesday morning here in Woodbridge, I'd be interested to know the angle taken on the several pages of alleged binary-encoded messages from Jim's notebook.

Did you watch the broadcast on Thursday 30 December (i.e. just transmitted)? We're in UK so can't get it live and, having had breakfast with Jim Penniston and John Burroughs on Wednesday morning here in Woodbridge, I'd be interested to know the angle taken on the several pages of alleged binary-encoded messages from Jim's notebook.

No, I didn't see that program. I don't have cable television, so I'll have to see if I can get it on youtube, maybe.
Was it a binary code found on a wall, or something like that?
Was it a binary code found on a wall, or something like that?

No, Jim Penniston discovered he had written several pages of binary code in his notebook after his encounter with the strange craft on the first might. He and John Burroughs experienced an hour or so of "missing time" and Jim didn't remember having written any of this code down but there it was, in his handwriting, in his notebook.

Allegedly, some expert has finally made sense of it and managed to interpret what it's about. History Channel was supposed to reveal this during their Ancient Aliens broadcast on 30 December. Up at Woodbridge on Tuesday/Wednesday this week, the ex-airmen were tight-lipped about the details for contractual reasons.
No, Jim Penniston discovered he had written several pages of binary code in his notebook after his encounter with the strange craft on the first might. He and John Burroughs experienced an hour or so of "missing time" and Jim didn't remember having written any of this code down but there it was, in his handwriting, in his notebook.

Allegedly, some expert has finally made sense of it and managed to interpret what it's about. History Channel was supposed to reveal this during their Ancient Aliens broadcast on 30 December. Up at Woodbridge on Tuesday/Wednesday this week, the ex-airmen were tight-lipped about the details for contractual reasons.

Is this the episode?

I remember the story of these two airmen, now. Apparently the code points to an area of the coast of the UK, somewhere. What that means is a mystery. Is it where the craft was stationed while monitoring the air force base? There seems to be a theory on the internet that these coordinates are those of a mythical island called 'Hy Brazil'. I don't buy into that.
What strikes me is alien/human communication in the Penniston story. The use of mathematics as a shared medium of communication is fascinating. But, it also points to how the aliens communicate with each other. The aliens (these aliens) apparently use mathematics and heiroglyphic symbols to communicate.
I remember the story of these two airmen, now. Apparently the code points to an area of the coast of the UK, somewhere. What that means is a mystery. Is it where the craft was stationed while monitoring the air force base? There seems to be a theory on the internet that these coordinates are those of a mythical island called 'Hy Brazil'. I don't buy into that. What strikes me is alien/human communication in the Penniston story. The use of mathematics as a shared medium of communication is fascinating. But, it also points to how the aliens communicate with each other. The aliens (these aliens) apparently use mathematics and heiroglyphic symbols to communicate.

The hyped-up result "revealed" on the Ancient Aliens program is a let-down: weak and suspect interpretation of questionable evidence to a highly unlikely conclusion. Basically - bunk. Typical, unfortunately, of the kind of trash promoted these days by LMH who has, in the opinion of many, little remaining credibility.
What trips me out about that series is that the people on it see aliens as possibly having something to do with everything. "There's too much hot sauce in my chili. Could be aliens." "I got cut off on the way to work today. Seems possible to me the driver was an ET." "My girlfriend messed around with my cousin. Damned aliens!" Much of the time they don't even attempt to support their musings with some kind of evidence. Just keep asking, "What if it was aliens" in relation to anything and everything that pops into their heads.
Does anyone know the name of the guy with the crazy hair who appears on all of the episodes for this series? I could watch him talk for an hour straight just for pure entertainment value. Not only does he come up with entertaining conclusions but that hair....
I enjoy the series but I have always like Von Daniken. I have always wondered about ufo type objects in medieval paintings and other things. I think they have been here before and much of what passes for religion was born because of a visitation.
I was interested in some of the points brought up in the first season of "Ancient Aliens" and generally enjoyed the show but now its in its third season and I feel the claims they are bringing up as "evidence" of alien interaction is wearing a little thin... My biggest issue with the entire series (which they seem to completely ignore) is the question if the aliens were SO involved in early development of Man, where the hell did they go?!? If they spent so much time working on us as a species why did they leave? I already know some will argue that "they are still here" or whatever but even if they are still here they are clearly not as involved as they used to be. WHY?!?! Explain that to me. All I want from the show is to address those questions now. Lol.
This series didnt make free to air TV down under, but ive been watching the youtube copys, and i am enjoying them.

As to explanations as to why they dont seem to be as involved, perhaps the answer is momentum.

If as i suspect the vast bulk of sucessful sentient life is post biological, the ultimate expression of the basic survival instinct common to all life forms, Then perhaps we have been seeded with both the idea of life after biological failure (ie religion) and the technological means of acheiving it ie Kurzweils theory

Just when will this ultimate life-affirming feat be possible? In Kurzweil's estimation, we will be able to upload the human brain to a computer, capturing "a person's entire personality, memory, skills and history", by the end of the 2030s; humans and non-biological machines will then merge so effectively that the differences between them will no longer matter;

If Kurzweil is correct we are almost there, we are within mere decades of joining this club, of stepping beyond the limitations of biology.

If so, momentum will carry us the rest of the way, no real need to get directly involved, mission (just about) accomplished
If Kurzweil is correct we are almost there, we are within mere decades of joining this club, of stepping beyond the limitations of biology.

If so, momentum will carry us the rest of the way, no real need to get directly involved, mission (just about) accomplished

It seems on a level of complexity that is further than a few decades away for us. If this comes about, what is created won't be human beings. It will be something else entirely. It won't be us downloaded into machines but and autonomous creation. Rebellion and strife soon to follow.

Good thing the nuclear energy industry is going to poison all life on Earth before that can happen. Hell, if they manage it, it may be the only method for any sort of human legacy to survive. Our mechanical creations, living on as synthetic shadows of their creators who killed themselves off in their greed and ignorance. Lovely. Then the damn things can develop time travel, move back across the timeline creating UFO sightings in reverse order, hammering Philip K. Dick and John Lilly's mind with evidence of a cold machine intelligence and travel on back into antiquity to become our gods. What a wicked web we weave ... I'm a'gin it on principle.
What always bothers me about this type of television are the almost instant "conclusions." To these people, the rock painting of a guy with a glow around his head is always automatically, "an alien." Any unexplained structure or artifact is, "alien, etc." But, mainstream archeologists are just as bad. The rock painting of a guy with a glow around his head is always automatically, "a religious symbol representing their deity (insert name of god here)." Any unexplained structure or artifact is, "obviously from (insert name of ancient culture here,) etc." Both are boring and unimaginative. What if the painting is simply "art?" What if the structures are really, really old? FWIW, I think our race is far older than the "experts" think and I think the best way to find the true origins of these things, is to listen to our most ancient myths and legends.
I think the best way to find the true origins of these things, is to listen to our most ancient myths and legends.

Which myths and legends? How old do you think we are? The fossil records go back only so far and I don't know about Atlantis and the other myths. How would you ever separate the myth from the real thing? Not being combative just wondering.
Which myths and legends? How old do you think we are? The fossil records go back only so far and I don't know about Atlantis and the other myths. How would you ever separate the myth from the real thing? Not being combative just wondering.

To clarify. I was speaking more figuratively than literally. But, perhaps a bit of both would be in order. Also, not necessarily how old our race is, I was thinking more of the age of so called "civilization." There are examples of very ancient stories in nearly all corners of the world. Of course, separating the myth from the "real thing" would take hard evidence. Do I think Atlantis was a "myth?" Yes. Do I think the "myth" is based on something very real that existed long ago? Yes. Can I "prove it?" No. But, where there's smoke, there's fire and as our technology advances, the truth will eventually be discovered one way or the other. BTW, I did not take your comments as combative. You'll find my skin is quite a bit thicker than that.
It seems on a level of complexity that is further than a few decades away for us. If this comes about, what is created won't be human beings. It will be something else entirely. It won't be us downloaded into machines but and autonomous creation. Rebellion and strife soon to follow.

Good thing the nuclear energy industry is going to poison all life on Earth before that can happen. Hell, if they manage it, it may be the only method for any sort of human legacy to survive. Our mechanical creations, living on as synthetic shadows of their creators who killed themselves off in their greed and ignorance. Lovely. Then the damn things can develop time travel, move back across the timeline creating UFO sightings in reverse order, hammering Philip K. Dick and John Lilly's mind with evidence of a cold machine intelligence and travel on back into antiquity to become our gods. What a wicked web we weave ... I'm a'gin it on principle.

The buzz word with technology is "J" curve, we have advanced more in the last 50 years, than at any other time in history, 2040 doesnt seem to much of a stretch to have acheived Kurzweils vision.
Is stephen hawkings any less "human" for his artificial components ?

I'm confident human conciousness wont change simply because we replace the biological platform on which it currently resides with an an engineered one.
It will be enhanced yes, evolved yes, but it will still be our pattern, our flavour.
It cant be anything but human.

And i think at a very deep level, thats the very point.

We will become post biological, but we will become post biological humans.........

And thus take our unique place at the table of post biological sentience

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