Jimi H.
Paranormal Adept
Alright, I guess I started rambling, thinking of the various more or less fanciful ideas that pop up.My ruminations posit a civilization that would have looked very different from our 'advanced technological' one. Projecting an advanced civilization would look like ours is a kind of ethno-centricity.
I think that an event which buried all remains and artifacts would also have taken out the last humans. I think it's hard to imagine that the crust of the Earth was basically 'done over' and expect more advanced lifeforms to have survived. We are here now, so it seems that no truly cataclysmic event has taken place since the dawn of the human.The way I fancy the scenario, it was a pretty far long time ago, and 'evidence' was destroyed over millennia, if not mostly in the ka-boom that wiped it out to begin with.
I mean, it would have to be that only an isolated area in Africa was not affected by the cataclysm, or rather, it was only affected to a degree where it took out everything of size but the human. I don't know how likely that is.
Ok, gotcha, yea, I can go with that, in principle. E.g. the Kon-Tiki expedition (I went to the museum as kid, it was fascinating) tried to show that pre-columbian global travel was a possibility. It didn't show that it was a reality, of course, but that it's a possibility... In what I am saying .. is that a world civilization could have existed in the sense that there was travel on a world-wide basis - but that does not mean that it had to look like our 'technologically advanced' civilization. It could have looked very different.
There has been life for millions of years on Earth, but I'm thinking specifically of Homo Sapiens.If one can imagine one from outside the earth, it would seem a baby step to imagine one on the earth.
I think this argumentation is very speculative and anthropocentricBesides which, I don't find the 'evidence' for an advanced civilization visiting us from elsewhere credible for the very randomness of their actions. Like it is said from one quarter - if there is a God, why does s/he/it allow suffering? If there are advanced aliens - what level in hell do they come from to allow the insanity on earth to continue without doing something a bit more 'advanced' than just flying around like teenagers on a weekend using the family saucer?

But to play ball: I have no problem with some strange beings behaving exactly as coyly and incomprehensibly as UFO evidence seems to suggest, especially since it's become more and more evident that mil pilots have been shooting at them.
Why should they help us when we can't even take care of ourselves? If you go into the forest, do you save the animals from each other, or simply observe? If 'they' don't see us as intellectual equals in any way, they may have no desire whatsoever to communicate and learn anything from us directly.
The only definite reason I can see for any 'outsider' to interject is to save unique and wonderful planet Earth from the absolute abject and senseless folly of humans. Mind you, I think that's a valid reason, though I do fear the consequences, should that ever happen. Isn't there indeed evidence that these beings are occupied with potentially devastating nuclear arms facilities?