What kind of criticism? That Meessen presented papers to mainstream science? I don't see how that is a negative. Over 300 people downloaded his papers... That's a start. Show me one other example of the mainstream scientific community allowing this subject to be presented... OK, Rockefeller-funded Sturrock aside...Uhh, that comment wasn't meant for you, obviously... In case you weren't aware, Lance and I have gone at it more than a few times about Ray and a couple of other topics. He is a master at passive/aggressive baiting and innuendo. I personally smell the tell-tail whiff of a ringer/provocateur w/ a supported agenda. Hey, I'm probably wrong, but that's my intuitive sense and I'm sticking to it until proven wrong.
BTW: Lance has agreed to appear as a guest on the Paracast, but FYI he needs "a few weeks" to prepare... Dang! A few weeks of time before a casual 2 hour conversation w/ 'ol Gene and little 'ol good-cop me? makes one kinda go "hmmm.." I can be invited on to a show as a last minute substitute guest—at a moments notice... And I don't need to grab a swipe of deodorant or a swig of courage... a "few weeks???" This will be fun! heh-heh