Here is a Bear print in 'mud':
That’s an exceptionally clear impression actually – that medium looks just like the fine pottery clay that I sculpt with. But you can see how messy it is. Other bear tracks are usually less detailed and complete, there are several examples here:
How to Identify Black Bear Tracks and Signs
the Bigofoot print casts I have seen are never boxed/framed which is what you would have to do to capture as much information as possible.
The police forensic experts would make a much better cast, maybe something similar to this:
That’s a good technique – they should do that for Bigfoot impressions too.
(sneaker impression image)
That’s apples and oranges – as we’ve seen with bear tracks, a bare foot impression is a rather sloppy and slippery affair that gives you a pretty lumpy and smeared casting. The extremely firm plastic sole of footwear is highly hydrophobic and designed to *not slip* on wet surfaces, which is why shoe impressions come out like a clear 3D replica. Animal tracks never look this clear.
Below is "Geoslam ZEB1 3D Laser" Scanner:
GeoSLAM - The Experts in "Go-Anywhere" 3D Mobile Mapping Technology
I think this one is set up for the mobile mapping caves or similar, but the sensor could be set up and calibrated to do a footprint.
That is
awesome. The last time I worked with a 3D laser scanner (a Cyberware head scanner), it was a big metal box with a large heavy frame. I had to calibrate that thing when I was working for the R&D division of Acclaim Entertainment back in the 90’s – they’re still really big and heavy machines:
I had no idea that 3D laser scanners had become so portable. But I bet the chances of finding one of those things in a little town bordering a large forest or swamp is around .001%
It is tricky but if the police can manage it why can't anyone else?
What do you mean? We have dozens of Bigfoot track impressions. They just look kinda rough and funky because a foot or paw impression is always rough and funky compared to something like a sneaker track impression, as we’ve discussed. Here’s a really good human foot impression, which looks about as good as the best Bigfoot track impressions, maybe a little better:
Fair point about people being frightened, but the fact that we have some cast shows that this doesn't always bear out.
I assume that many of the Bigfoot track impressions were simply happened upon days or more after they were left.
People get run over all day long, and we are the smartest animal.
Maybe not

But seriously – people get hit by cars in the city because we’re so used to them that we don’t see them as the life-threatening danger that they actually are – we text on our cellphones while using the crosswalk, totally oblivious to the danger we’re in. I don’t recall a single case of a gorilla being hit by a car. And if I saw an 8ft hairy humanoid crossing the road, I sure as heck would slam on the breaks.
The idea that a beast can outsmart a man is silly, ridiculous in fact.
We are the best hunters ever to walk the earth. No creature is safe. Except Bigfoot?
So that’s why humans never get eaten by bears or killed by lions or sharks, huh?
It’s absurd to assume that a large bipedal humanoid primate with a significant level of intelligence and heightened senses couldn’t elude capture in its own habitat if it had a natural instinctive fear and/or revulsion toward human beings. If they can hear/see/smell us coming before we can hear/smell/see them, then they’d be long gone before we got near them.
But clearly they’re imperfect too, which is why we get reports about them.
The distinctly human hubris to think that we’re somehow all-seeing and all-powerful beings, is probably one of the greatest obstacles in our quest to understand our reality. Tons of people still think that there aren’t any ufos , despite the mountain of evidence to the contrary, for exactly that same reason – we all tend to think that if something is real, that
we’d know all about it. So when something new and anomalous happens, instead of perking up our ears and looking into it objectively and thoroughly, we tend to mock and ridicule the witnesses.
And if they have senses so advanced they can evade us, they wouldn't be applicable to camera traps, or even animal traps.
I doubt there are many camera traps out in the forests and swamps. And I assume that an 800lb primate with opposable thumbs could open any trap that we set for bears and stuff, but honestly I’ve never studied animal traps so I don't know how much force they generate.
And who exactly are they evading? A handful of Bigfoot enthusiasts stomping around the woods with flashlights at night? Some random hikers or fishermen out in the woods? You’re making it sound like there have been earnest and comprehensive searches for Bigfoot – but I’m not aware of any thorough scientific research efforts to investigate Bigfoot, are you?
And also why hasn't any other primate got even the remotest hint of such an ability?
Let me tell you something – we have senses that we don’t understand, but which are totally obscured by the endless yammering interior monologue in our heads, courtesy of modern human civilization.
I once had an opportunity to spend a single hour in a sensory deprivation tank. And when I came out of that thing, I could feel the emotional states of everyone around me, even strangers across the street, and people driving by in cars. All of the noise in my head was somehow quieted by the flotation experience, and I was like a walking antenna when I came out. I have no idea how I could sense that stuff, but it was
tangible. If these creatures have that kind of sense, and they’re used to the normal vibes out in nature, then they might feel us coming from miles away. Even on the obvious level of the way that we affect the ambient animal sounds in nature, they could hear the changes in the environment as we altered the mating calls of animals and insect buzzing and stuff.
I don’t think it’s hard to imagine, at all, that a rare bipedal primate could elude capture in a natural environment that we’ve completely lost touch with – we’re so domesticated now that a walk in the woods might as well be a walk on an alien planet.
Anyway if he has paranormal abilities, then he is paranormal.
I agree about 'magic' it is just a useful way of saying that bigfoot does not belong in the same class of animal as us, they are something different.
And yes the pits along the side of a sharks lateral line can pick up electrical pulses that are fired when the heart or other muscles of a prey animal are in action, but that doesn't stop them being slaughtered by the million every year.
1.) sharks aren’t that intelligent, 2.) the ocean is a terrible place to hide, 3.) there are tons of sharks to find, and 4.) they see humans as food more than they see us as the existential threat that we are.
Bigfoot doesn’t seem to have any of those disadvantages.
I don't think we are anywhere near reaching our potential, but I have a feeling that it will take technology to get there.
I’m not so sure about that. Most people don’t even realize this, but we’re actually asleep right now. That endless stream of verbal diarrhea running through our heads 24/7 is actually a form of dream state that blinds us to the nature of reality in ways that we literally cannot even imagine. And on the rare occasions that a human being has fully awakened from this walking dream state, they’ve exhibited extraordinary levels of consciousness that are completely inaccessible to you and I right now.
The potential of consciousness itself is an almost entirely undiscovered frontier. We’ve only just begun to rise above the level of monkeys. There’s no telling what kinds of capabilities that some other branch of humanoid evolution could entail - we don't even understand the potential of
our own consciousness.
Also want some fresh prints?:
SoCal woman claims she saw Bigfoot; sues California to prove it
"They're on our property. They knock on our walls. They look through our windows,"
They should surround their house with infrared video cameras; that’s what I’d do in that situation.
Not the first report like this, and if they are doing as claimed, how come they leave no trace evidence? No skin cells, no hair etc.....
That’s an excellent question for a forensic crime scene investigator.
But off the top of my head, it seems to me that most trace evidence like skin and hair samples tend to come from physical altercations, when people tear and claw at each other. I’ve never heard of anyone scrapping with an 800lb Bigfoot, but if anyone’s ever brave enough and dumb enough to try it, then maybe we’ll get some skin and hair samples from under the fingernails of their unrecognizably mangled corpse.