Bob Watson
Paranormal Adept
ok this is in response to statments made on a diffrent thread.
I have shown thu historical evidence that mr basiago statments on time traveling to gettysburg is 100% impossable. that thu his own words Mr Basiago has shown an ignorance of the events as they happened.
there fore i create this seprate thread to give his supporters the chance to prove me wrong.
I want anyone who beleves that this man is telling the truth to post here evidence to suport his claims
DON'T post his claims post evidence
all written statments must be made under penilty of pergiry
any physical evidence must be authentic and have 3 statements that such is a true and correct evidence.
finally I demand to see any recovered goverment files that support the existance of this so called secret project.
there we go i make the challange now its time to back up your statmets you know who you are !so the ball is in your court! I don't have anything to prove YOU DO!
I have shown thu historical evidence that mr basiago statments on time traveling to gettysburg is 100% impossable. that thu his own words Mr Basiago has shown an ignorance of the events as they happened.
there fore i create this seprate thread to give his supporters the chance to prove me wrong.
I want anyone who beleves that this man is telling the truth to post here evidence to suport his claims
DON'T post his claims post evidence
all written statments must be made under penilty of pergiry
any physical evidence must be authentic and have 3 statements that such is a true and correct evidence.
finally I demand to see any recovered goverment files that support the existance of this so called secret project.
there we go i make the challange now its time to back up your statmets you know who you are !so the ball is in your court! I don't have anything to prove YOU DO!