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andrew basiago hard evidence

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What are Basiago's credentials then? Where did he go to school and when? Where did he practice law and when? Most importantly where can something be found about Basiago that isn't directly related to his time traveling kid adventurer exoplolitical stories?

Do I look like your personal Basiago educator? Do I need to point you to Google and YouTube?
Do I look like your personal Basiago educator? Do I need to point you to Google and YouTube?

That is pretty transparent. You don't have any idea whether this guys educational or professional claims can be verified do you? Have you ever bothered to inquire about them? Google turns up absolutely nothing about him that isn't directly associated with his fantasy life as a member of a time traveling father and son duo.

I challenge anyone claiming this guy is an actual lawyer with a practice to prove it. I predict this cannot and will not be done.
That is pretty transparent. You don't have any idea whether this guys educational or professional claims can be verified do you? Have you ever bothered to inquire about them? Google turns up absolutely nothing about him that isn't directly associated with his fantasy life as a member of a time traveling father and son duo.

I challenge anyone claiming this guy is an actual lawyer with a practice to prove it. I predict this cannot and will not be done.


Challenge with what? Asspennies? Email me {[email protected]} when you get a mid four figure sum (no, you can't count the integers on the right side of the decimal point :rolleyes:) , and escrow agent and can afford to lose your money.
Why would I ? I just value good stuff, the paracast, most Forum members and DMR among them. I'm having a toothache thats beyond describable... Just for your information. :)
Read my post above.... I've asked him to be on the show and we are currently working out a taping session.... If Lance is around, maybe he'll do a CV check for us (he seems to be pretty good at that and I welcome his input!)

Chris, it would be very useful to get Basiago to forward you his educational and professional credentials and for you to post them on the forum. I suspect since he runs his practice from a P.O. box that he will not be that forthcoming about his academic and professional affiliations.
Andrew Basiago isn't some off the wall, whacky, non credentialed indescript loser-nobody foaming at the mouth providing no corroboration.

I'm not surprised that he hasn't been asked on Paracast and I'm not surprised no one on this forum shows any reliable information regarding who he is and his evidence and his claims.

Excuse me.. I thought you had the evidence... I thought you were the one that supported him..do you beleve him? Do you beleve him or no? I started this thread to give you the chance to post your evidence I have googled him I have looked besides his word there is no proof so u trolling?
Chris, it would be very useful to get Basiago to forward you his educational and professional credentials and for you to post them on the forum. I suspect since he runs his practice from a P.O. box...

Now you suspect, less than a few minutes ago you were absolutely sure that Andrew Basiago was a criminal/felon impersonating an attorney.


What a laugh you are. lol