The more I listen to this interview the more clear it becomes. He keeps referring to his paper using terms like landmark, ground breaking and very important. He then goes on, in response to the one intelligent question the host has asked in this entire interview, to compare himself to Galileo and Copernicus. Egomania much? He claims that everyone who disagrees with his paper is either a government disinformation agent paid to attack him, or is suffering from what he calls "perceptual failure" he maintains that because he was given U.S. Navy "perception" training while he was involved with Project Pegasus as a child, that he can perceive things that others fail to perceive. His example was when he shows people the pictures of a deformed human skull on Mars they tell him that it's just a rock, therefore their perception is faulty. Maybe it's because it's just a frigging rock? Nahhhh, couldn't be that. Him and Hoagland should get together and talk about all the robot heads and human skulls they've found in NASA photographs. I'm no government disinformation agent, but if they'd like to send me a check for calling a crackpot a crackpot, I'm sure I can find something to do with the extra cash.
My theory is this, the guy released a paper which he felt (obviously) was a historic piece of work, only to be laughed at and ridiculed and rejected by mainstream science. Nowhere in his 2008 paper does he bother to mention actually having been to Mars, because it was irrelevant according to him. Seems pretty damn relevant to me but maybe I'm just nuts. So after all that ego deflation and rejection he comes back with this science fiction tale so finally someone will pay some attention to him. He goes on to claim there are over 1 million humanoids of varying species living underground on Mars. He also claims to remember past lives living on Mars and interacting with (and these are his words, not mine) beings that looked like the teenage mutant ninja turtles after teleporting to Mars as a child. Yeah, I used to talk to Optimus Prime as a kid, maybe the Transformers are real and the big bad government is hiding it from us!!!
That's about where I stopped listening to the interview, I just can't take it anymore. I'm not opposed to the idea that Mars may have once been inhabited but all this is just a little much. Government teleportation, time travel, dinosaurs on the surface of Mars, reptoids, hybrids, blah blah blah blah blah. It just goes on and on and on ad nauseum. I've never heard a more convoluted pile of crap in my life, it's like he decided to take every unsubstantiated claim in Ufology, stir them up in a big pot, add a pinch of government oppression and torture and served it up. Well, it stinks. It stinks and I don't like it. You need to get your head checked if you believe this guy, that's my opinion anyway.