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Ann Druffel - Voluntary ignorance

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miner said:
David Jacobs was on Lou Gentile's show a year or two ago and was asked if there is any possible way to stop an abduction. Jacobs referenced this guy, Michael Menkin, and this hat; implying it may work. But he said you have to wear it 24/7 making it impractical to live a normal life.

There's never been a psychic signal detected so far as I know of. Telepathy appears to be non local, so having something around the head makes little sense to me if that is what you are trying to shield. If telepathy was more like radio waves then shielding might work.
Listening to this interview for the first time right now. Question: MUST everything be under suspicion?


Dr. McDonald has problems with his wife. He's depressed. She leaves him for a younger man. He kills himself. THE END. Even the wife says THE END. But ufologists always have to say, "Not so fast! I've got a different hypothesis--He knew too much or was influenced by people in the government blah blah blah."

Sometimes depression is depression no matter what your field of study.

This reminds me of a guest I've had on my show who continues to suspect that Bill Birnes is passing along UFO footage to the CIA (or whoever) because he never got back in touch with him about his own UFO video even though he expressed interest.

Gee, imagine that: A dude who does television shows, writes books, and publishes a magazine staffed by his wife neglected to get back. Yeah. Must be the CIA.

Take a friggen pill, everybody. Sometimes things are exactly as they seem.
valiens said:
Take a friggen pill, everybody. Sometimes things are exactly as they seem.

Oh no! You've clearly been brainwashed by the CIA into saying such a dreadful thing :D.

But seriously - I couldn't agree more. Ufology is haunted by people who read too much subtext into situations where little, if any, exists.