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Antonio Urzi Footage

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Interesting video. I was ready to shut it off when I saw Jaime Mussan but I stuck around and watched the whole thing.

I have to say that I was compelled up until about 4:30 in the clip. At that point something just didn't feel/look right.

I'd be interested to see what any of the photographic/video experts would say after they've had a chance to examine this footage.

No effin way that isnt a very small object. Its either some sort of remote controlled object or someone is standing on the roof of that home with a fishing line.


Ok I watched a bit more... Its kinda interesting I guess. At the start all you see is the object large in frame, but later on it appears to be higher. If that is a remote controlled device how would it stay in the air with no chopper blades or wings?

The way the sun reflects off the object makes it seem really small to me.
some of the ventilation duct caps look just like that. a few circles inside each other, directing the air flow, and a central cap to diffuse the strongest part of the air flow.

IF it is a remote-controlled vehicle, the blades could be inside, and there would be plenty of air lift and intake for blades.

imo, of course.
Hiya folks,
First time poster here, I watched the Urzi video for the first time a week ago, as an amateur videographer I'm stunned at how long this guys video has been doing the rounds and everyone hailing it at stunning.

He is using a tichnique called "forced perspective", in his videos you see that he is filming from a "velux" window, this is also a giveaway.

I believe he places the velux on a horizontal plane and then on the glass he places a small shiny button (he is a fasion designer hence the button theory).

he can then film the button from below and with small camera movements it will give the impression that the UFO is moving.

Another give away is the 24 Dec 2008 footage where the sun is glinting off the leading edge, people are saying that they think there is a string, I don't believe that, I believe that the sun is bouncing off the leading edge then off the susequent panes of glass as the velux is double glaze.

Anyway to cut a long story short, I grabbed a small sheet of glass from a picture frame I had lying about, fixed it to the outside of my house, I then got a penny and a lead slug from an air rifle, I filmed it with a cheap consumer dv camera. Have a look for youselves, granted it's not as polished as Urzis but this I chucked together in a couple of minutes and with no thought put into it.

Tell me what you think.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/i2_JWExgUz0&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/i2_JWExgUz0&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Hiya folks,
First time poster here, I watched the Urzi video for the first time a week ago, as an amateur videographer I'm stunned at how long this guys video has been doing the rounds and everyone hailing it at stunning.

He is using a tichnique called "forced perspective", in his videos you see that he is filming from a "velux" window, this is also a giveaway.

I believe he places the velux on a horizontal plane and then on the glass he places a small shiny button (he is a fasion designer hence the button theory).

he can then film the button from below and with small camera movements it will give the impression that the UFO is moving.

Another give away is the 24 Dec 2008 footage where the sun is glinting off the leading edge, people are saying that they think there is a string, I don't believe that, I believe that the sun is bouncing off the leading edge then off the susequent panes of glass as the velux is double glaze.

Anyway to cut a long story short, I grabbed a small sheet of glass from a picture frame I had lying about, fixed it to the outside of my house, I then got a penny and a lead slug from an air rifle, I filmed it with a cheap consumer dv camera. Have a look for youselves, granted it's not as polished as Urzis but this I chucked together in a couple of minutes and with no thought put into it.

Tell me what you think.

<object width="425" height="344">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/i2_JWExgUz0&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></object>

Welcome Yeebsy!

Nice to see someone do more than speculate and do a real world test. I wish more people did this. It may not answer all the questions but it helps to narrow the possibilities even if it only means eliminating the idea that something is impossible to hoax. Good job.
Hi folks, Thanks for the welcome.

I've posted my findings on another couple of UFO forums and not all are as friendly as the responces here, I'd like it to be known that I am not a skeptic, on the other hand I refuse to look at every piece of video produced and believe everything I see.

I feel that wether you are skeptic or believer our first job is to weed out the hoaxers, then the natural phenomena that is mistaken for UFO and keep whitling it down until you have a select few pieces of evidence that no one can explain.

Only when the skeptics and believers work together will we eventually find the truth.
Hi folks, Thanks for the welcome.

I've posted my findings on another couple of UFO forums and not all are as friendly as the responces here, I'd like it to be known that I am not a skeptic, on the other hand I refuse to look at every piece of video produced and believe everything I see.

Doesnt surprise me at all.

Honestly, if theres people that see that film and buy into it 100% and get emotionally attached to it, then this field really is in trouble. (not implying thats you skunkape. Youre in a different category to me anyway, as youve had numerous fairly extreme sightings so you probably operate in a different head space to me I think).

But seriously, its really troubling to think people just glom onto that and refuse to let it go. There are so many red flags in that footage its not funny.
(not implying thats you skunkape. Youre in a different category to me anyway, as youve had numerous fairly extreme sightings so you probably operate in a different head space to me I think).
I wasn't trying to sell it. I just stumbled over it and posted. For the record, that looks in no way like shit I've seen. The real stuff looks even more fake in kinda way.
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Hiya folks,
First time poster here, I watched the Urzi video for the first time a week ago, as an amateur videographer I'm stunned at how long this guys video has been doing the rounds and everyone hailing it at stunning.

He is using a tichnique called "forced perspective", in his videos you see that he is filming from a "velux" window, this is also a giveaway.

I believe he places the velux on a horizontal plane and then on the glass he places a small shiny button (he is a fasion designer hence the button theory).

He wouldn't have the object and the clouds in focus at the same time doing that. Auto focus cameras will focus on the glass, and not what's behind it. Especially in low light. If he's manually focusing, he still wouldn't have the object AND the couds in focus if the object was small and close. Maybe in bright light with an aperture closed down to increase the depth of field (like a pinhole camera). but not in this case. The lighting would be wrong also.

Also you can see that he's using the telephoto zoom by the way his small hand motions translate into big moves with the object. That would indicate it's far from the camera. You don't see the shaky hand held motions because he's bracing himself on the window frame. So that kind of rules out that the object it stuck on the glass. If he was going to fake it like that, he'd probably use a tripod and some lights.

As far as the object being on the glass window... It's common to shoot things like jewelry on anti-glair picture frame glass, but you have to do that with a manual focus camera, and have the glass and lights at the right angle. That's certainly not anti-glair glass on the skylight window.

I wouldn't dismiss it that fast. When it's in the distance it looks quite convincing, especially as it moves back and forth. An object on a string will swing like a pendulum, plus have a lot of smaller oscillations, plus it's too far up.

That's my option based on 30 years in the graphics/imaging field, and growing up with an older brother who is now a professor of photography. I grew up with a darkroom in the house, and I've seen, and done a lot of tricks.

For the people that say it's a radio controlled device.... show me one that can do that. It has no visible propellers, and would have to have two sets running in opposite directions to stop it from spinning. Plus they make small jerky motions, and would have to have the speed slowed down to look smooth, and you can't really do that with a small hand held camera like that. It's hard to slow down video with out seeing artifacts.

I'm not saying I think this is real, but it's not an obvious fake to me either. I think it's kind of compelling.

It's hard to tell anything when the video has been compressed to hell and stuck on YouTube as a Flash video (ack!). I'd like to see the original. There's a lot of banding and junk going on.

If anyone thinks it's easy to fake this, then do it to see if you can get the same look. It's a shame that so many photos are faked these days, but I also see a trend that when a really good photo or video shows up, people think it's too good, and must be a fake.
He wouldn't have the object and the clouds in focus at the same time doing that.

Why not?

Auto focus cameras will focus on the glass,

No it wont, auto focus will never pick up clean glass.

That would indicate it's far from the camera.

Once again I'm affraid you are wrong, you can have a very small object 3 -4 feet away from you and zoom all the way in to it, put this on a clear platform looking at the sky and it will produce the illusion that it's far away.
You don't see the shaky hand held motions because he's bracing himself on the window frame. So that kind of rules out that the object it stuck on the glass. If he was going to fake it like that, he'd probably use a tripod and some lights.

I have to disagree, if you sre filming a static object on a glass platform you need the camera movements, this in turn give the illusion that it is the object moving. When filming in this manner if you move the camera slightly to the left the object will appear as if it is flying to the right.

As far as the object being on the glass window... It's common to shoot things like jewelry on anti-glair picture frame glass, but you have to do that with a manual focus camera, and have the glass and lights at the right angle. That's certainly not anti-glair glass on the skylight window.

This doesn't even come into it as the fact is he is filming from underneath and the light sources are above i.e the sun.
I wouldn't dismiss it that fast. When it's in the distance it looks quite convincing

Totally agree it looks convincing but seeing as I have filmed several different objects this way in the last few years I know how convincing it can be.

Limited depth of field at that aperture setting. In low light settings you cant have a small aperture, and therefore you have a very limited depth of field.

That means that if you focus on the model the background will be out of focus. Then we also have the thing about lighting the object, but still getting the background with the same lighting without the foreground object under exposing the background.

Feel free to explain in detail how you would do that in a low light situation.

No it wont, auto focus will never pick up clean glass.

How do you know the glass was clean? Where you there? All my autofocus cameras sure do focus on the glass. That is why auto focus cameras have a manual focus feature, for taking photos though glass windows. Do some research on it.

All the camera manuals say the same thing. I currently have a Sony and a Cannon and they will both focus on the glass.

When my brother would shoot through glass he always had to manually focus. And he knows his stuff.

Once again I'm affraid you are wrong, you can have a very small object 3 -4 feet away from you and zoom all the way in to it, put this on a clear platform looking at the sky and it will produce the illusion that it's far away.

You will be focused on the object, and not the clouds. The reduced depth of field will prevent both from being in focus. If the object is far away, the camera will focus farther out and get both more in focus.

I have to disagree, if you sre filming a static object on a glass platform you need the camera movements, this in turn give the illusion that it is the object moving. When filming in this manner if you move the camera slightly to the left the object will appear as if it is flying to the right.

You are forgetting parallax, right?

Look, I'm not going to sit here and argue with you. I have a very good understanding of photography, in part from growing up with an older brother who was a photographer since he was 12, and is now an assistant professor of photography at Brooklyn Collage in NYC. I grew up with the smell of hypo in the house. I spent many hours in his darkroom, since it was also his bedroom.

I've also worked in the graphic arts field for the last 29 years. I've taken a lot of photos of a lot of things with a lot of different cameras.

I'm not saying the footage is real... I don't know that. But I don't think it was a model on glass.

But knock yourself out and reproduce that film using your technique. Then come back here and show us how you did.
Look, I'm not going to sit here and argue with you.

I'd just like to clear up that I wasn't try to wind you up or start an argument, if I gave that impression then I apologize, :o

Limited depth of field at that aperture setting. In low light settings you cant have a small aperture, and therefore you have a very limited depth of field.

That means that if you focus on the model the background will be out of focus. Then we also have the thing about lighting the object, but still getting the background with the same lighting without the foreground object under exposing the background.

Take a look at Urzis video here and go to the 2:55 - 3 min mark, he is partially zoomed on the object and the background cloud is not 100% in focus he then zooms in further and the background blurs exactly as you are stating, now in you books does that mean the object is closer to the camera or the clouds in the background?

How do you know the glass was clean? Where you there?

No, but if he is faking this I'm sure he would have cleaned the glass so he wouldn't give any tell tale signs away, I know I would.

You will be focused on the object, and not the clouds. The reduced depth of field will prevent both from being in focus. If the object is far away, the camera will focus farther out and get both more in focus.

I agree 100%, got to the 3 min mark in his video, once he is zoomed all the way in the background cloud is all out of focus.

You are forgetting parallax, right?

Lol, no I'm not forgetting it as I never knew what it was so that I could forget it.:eek: I will however google it. ;)
Can I ask you to take a look at this still from the video and explain what you see.


There are a couple of questions that I think I can answer but I would like someone else's view on it.

1. The lens flare, is this from the camera or could it be from the double glazed pane of the velux window.

2. The main reflection on the object can be seen clearly and the object appears to be over head. But what's illuminating the object from underneath? Personally I think it is the suns reflection of the glass but I could be wrong. :D
Before reading any of the comments I thought the object (well ,there were several of them) looked like a button. And the first one looked like a circular vent as Annette(I think) said. A couple of things bothered me though and I'll profess I'm no expert so I'll keep listening to the 2 photography guys continue. Anyway:
1. Jaime Mussan - always bothers me. He was saying that the UFO used up the energy from the cameras battery..... uh huh, keep on truckin Jaime, .. or smokin
2. The object looked like a button, or a vent. It just plain does. What other disc reports happen to look exactly like a button??
3. The guy lives in this crowded area. Where are the other witnesses that must have seen this?? Where is the other video or even pictures?? The guy records this stuff ALL THE TIME right?? But no one else has anything??

And Yeebsy, skeptic is not the opposite of believer. I'm a skeptic and anyone entering this arena best be skeptical if they want to gain any real knowledge. Being skeptical is a good thing. It's just that we have this small group of fundamentalists that say they are skeptics, but what they really are is a group of boxed-in, my-minds-made-up, proclaimers. Sorry, I digress. Carry on.
And Yeebsy, skeptic is not the opposite of believer. I'm a skeptic and anyone entering this arena best be skeptical if they want to gain any real knowledge. Being skeptical is a good thing. It's just that we have this small group of fundamentalists that say they are skeptics, but what they really are is a group of boxed-in, my-minds-made-up, proclaimers. Sorry, I digress. Carry on.

That's right, but some people who call themselves skeptics, are really debunkers, because they would never believe these things are real, even if one fell in their front yard!

It's important to be skeptical. I like to go into things with an open mind. I don't accept everything, but I also don't go in expecting it's a hoax.

Some stuff is obviously other things.. like birds in the Twin Towers videos, and bugs being called "rods".

This could very well be a hoax. I just didn't think it was an object sitting on the window.
I heard that a video like this would be easy to fake. And for as many as this guy has and as good as they are red flags go up like crazy for me. What it would take to fake these under the conditions is simply a plate of some type with balloons for lift or a small battery on top of the camera. Notice how the are all shot from, underneath or street level? That's just my opinion, I could be wrong.
I heard that a video like this would be easy to fake. And for as many as this guy has and as good as they are red flags go up like crazy for me. What it would take to fake these under the conditions is simply a plate of some type with balloons for lift or a small battery on top of the camera. Notice how the are all shot from, underneath or street level? That's just my opinion, I could be wrong.

Try to fake one and see.

I don't see balloons or a plate, but that doesn't mean it's real either. But vague explanations don't prove anything either.

I would think if something is above you in the sky, you would be shooting it from underneath, unless it's off in the distance.

Also, just because someone can recreate a video does not mean that's how the original video was done. All that proves is that you can make a video that looks similar.