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Anyone else notice all the new members all the time?

Free episodes:

what does bother me, is seeing people bothered by it.

I too am bothered by people being bothered by it. If only everyone would just allow everyone else to post and interact however they wish with the exception of being total assholes (and sometimes that's ok too!).

My Dad types in all caps in his emails, and when he first got his computer and sent me one I let him know that it pisses lots of folks off, and he didn't give a shit... he said he'd served the country and then served as a corporate slave for 35 years and was going to type however he pleased. :D
Its spring break for a lot of places and lots and lots of students on the net. Of course its also seed planting time for the hoaxers. movie makers, game makers. products, etc. I'm waiting on the new nifty cropcircles that start coming out now. ETs always know when school's out. :).
Its spring break for a lot of places and lots and lots of students on the net. Of course its also seed planting time for the hoaxers. movie makers, game makers. products, etc. I'm waiting on the new nifty cropcircles that start coming out now. ETs always know when school's out. :).

argh, I hath been found out. Blast!
I'm a new member as well. I just started listening to the Para-cast maybe 3 months ago and, at first, disagreed with the abrasive nature the show took, at times. Now that I'm used to it I'm almost in agreement with the times Gene and David bite into their guests. Almost.
Believe it or not there are some guests I think they should have torn into, others they should have cut some slack toward but it's their how and it's growing on me. :)

Of course, the Steven Bassett episode was beyond compare!! PAL! :D
But where are they all? Maybe thats comon for forums, to have registered lurkers drastically outnumber posters?

I think this is the nature of forums. I have a community myself. And I can tell you this. Most don't even say "hi". Its frustrating. I don't know what to do to bring them out. Maybe they don't want to come out. They just want to read and not ever bother with sharing their thoughts. And I see this in every forum I belong to, even the ones at Yuku and Ning. Granted, I have myself spread thin, but I do try to stop in and say hello once in a while... I don't stay silent like so many of my own members do...

SO hello guys... am passing through till next time...

I am new as well, but have posted a few items. I like the different topics of the threads, and feel that the forum welcomes my input - I certainly do get friendly vibes from this forum. I have had a number of "experiences" in my life and am keen to find out if anyone else has experienced anything similar. Thanks for putting up with me so far!:D (....just keep me away from any icon buttons or anythng...)
Hello:D. New member here.

My most beloved radio show from years ago has lost it's credibility and fallen into decay since the take over of a new host early this century.

I quit listening to that show a long time ago and I'm content to hear the archive shows from the 90s with it's original host and creator.

A couple of days ago a "gift" dropped into my email in the from of "The Paracast." What a refreshing change.

I am delighted to be one of it's newest members.;)
Hey all,

I've been a member on here for some time but I'm also a "lurker" on here, and not as often as I would like. I guess it is a time thing in that both my time is limited (particularly with an 8 week old baby!), and I don't want to waste yours either so only post where I think I can add value (hence why my only comments to date are on the Nick Pope episode).

Equally though I've pretty much listened to all the episodes (tho I only got an ipod last year) I tend to listen to them every week on the commute but I can be a couple of weeks out of date so by the time I get around to it most interest in that episode has died down anyway. That is not to say that I don't find the forum interesting and enlightening.

I'll try and get on here more often, but in the meantime I'll keep listening and spreading the word (a t-shirt will be on order and I just sent my sister a list of the best back episodes to download).

Edited to add - I've now made 7 posts, 5 tonight which should quieten any doubters!
Hey all,

I've been a member on here for some time but I'm also a "lurker" on here, and not as often as I would like. I guess it is a time thing in that both my time is limited (particularly with an 8 week old baby!), and I don't want to waste yours either so only post where I think I can add value (hence why my only comments to date are on the Nick Pope episode).

Equally though I've pretty much listened to all the episodes (tho I only got an ipod last year) I tend to listen to them every week on the commute but I can be a couple of weeks out of date so by the time I get around to it most interest in that episode has died down anyway. That is not to say that I don't find the forum interesting and enlightening.

I'll try and get on here more often, but in the meantime I'll keep listening and spreading the word (a t-shirt will be on order and I just sent my sister a list of the best back episodes to download).

Edited to add - I've now made 7 posts, 5 tonight which should quieten any doubters!

I hear ya, I've only had an ipod for about 9 months and trying to fit in all these podcasts can be difficult, especially when Adam Carolla comes out with one every day. Though the line in deck I just got installed is going to make car listening easier and much more enjoyable.

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