Skilled Investigator
One (other) reason I think the cases have slowed down is that a lot of the sightings that were being reported and that we were hearing about in more recent years were being made of "Triangles". These were usually at night. I have always believed that Triangles were an experiential stealth blimp. I also believe that a lot of other sightings over the last 15 years have been other stealth test aircraft. Yesterday they were showing a new stealth drone jet UAV the NAVY is testing being air refueled, and it honistly looks totally "Alien UFO".This has had me wondering for years - there has been nothing clear. Honestly, the most interesting thing caught on video is the STS-48 footage, and even that, is so unclear we really have no idea what we're seeing. It's a UFO yes, but is it aliens? Probably not.
But just because there is less activity doesn't mean I'm going to loose interest. There are still plenty of unanswered questions and I still believe there is ET evidence out there parked somewhere in our own Solar System!