Aaron LeClair
Paranormal Maven
Fastwalker said:Paranormal Packrat said:I haven't listened to the Ecker show yet. I wanted to call in and say, "TOLD you, you wouldn't stay away from ufology", but they don't have call ins.
This quote merely allows me to express my tremendous gratitude that there are NO call ins. Thank God (the great glowing hippo who runs the cosmos from his celestial pool of light, surrounded by an angelic choir of sea otters) valuable time is not wasted on people calling in.
This is one of the great distinctions that makes this show so much more interesting than C2C, where the last valuable hour is wasted by calls to tell George how sexy and wonderful he is, and to mumble incoherently about how a second cousin once saw a you-eff-oh while watching Hee Haw from the back porch swing. :
Wow! I caused a fatal error? Story of my life.........
Cmon, waiting 5 minutes for someone to turn off their radio is amusing as hell.