Paranormal Adept
Re: paranoia and gov't bureaucracy. @Tyger the history of the UFO phenomenon is loaded with all sorts of people who are themselves paranoid or were made paranoid by agents of the gov't - these are legitimate and well documented events. The thing to separate in gov't is that many independent agencies with their own funding take it upon themselves to determine who to spy on because thae are deemed deviants or potential threats to social order: protestors, anti-poverty and anti-racist activists, communists, peace protestors, and yes, ufologists. It's how power responds best to people suggesting realities alternate to the party line. Which groups gets the most $$$ devoted to monitoring, intimidation, opening their mail, tapping phones, heliopter observation etc. is dependent on what are the current tensions and influences of the day. We still live in that world. And yes, perhaps the most common instance of self-deluded paranoid thought is to believe that the helicopters are watching them. I've heard that one a lot.
It's especially ludicrous when one is aware of what high-tech surveillance can do now-a-days. Resorting to lumbering 'black helicopters' - who has the man power alone to do such? - makes no sense. What exactly would anyone in such a helicopter be observing - that would be worth anything?
When I lived in Los Angeles some years back, there was a period when my area was endlessly visited by police helicopters in the middle of the night. Blech. 'Police actions' - helicopter hovering for as long as an hour in one spot - making sleep impossible. (Reason why I moved, in fact). I was braced for the drug dealer to come racing through the house. I am now in an area that doesn't use choppers for police actions - but lo! a couple of nights ago, one showed up at 1:00 a.m., above one of the neighboring houses, searchlights waving, checking out the overflow from a gathering further up the street at the local park, and the splay of teenagers through the neighborhood. (How do I know? We called the police to find out what was going on - which I think everyone should do if they find a helicopter nearby and being an annoyance). I think these choppers are more an intimidation than a deterrent. Their uses are really limited when it comes to subtle surveillance - having a chopper hovering is a noisy affair - a 'blunted' blunderbuss of a 'weapon', meant to flush out or supervise a raw chase or on-going incident.
I think 'black helicopters' and MIB are urban legends - picked up and run with by the impressionable.