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Are There No Real Words for UFO's?

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The Plausibility of Time Travel

By now it should be really clear that time machines and interstellar craft are on two entirely different scales of plausibility. The only conceivable way that sci-fi like time travel could be made possible is by invoking a multiverse whereby our universe is contained in and generated by another universe that keeps track of every single change in our universe all the way down to the subatomic level. This is a hypothetically plausible and it explains a number of strange phenomena. However, even if that is true, in order for our time machine to be able to work, we'd need access to this "hyperverse" in order to cut our selves out of the present moment in time and paste ourselves into some point in the past. Then to experience any time ( change ) at our target point in time, we'd need to either run the entire state of the universe at that point in a separate process, or archive or delete the current state and rewrite a new timeline. But doing that wouldn't really be travelling in time so much as creating an alternate universe, and relative to the hyperverse, we're still travelling forwards in time at the same rate we were to begin with. We wouldn't really be travelling in time at all, just rearranging all the building blocks on a universal scale.

I have to admit, I didn't believe our math limited us but after reading some articles online I've come to agree with ufology that our current math, with very few minor attempts to prove otherwise, does not allow for time travel at all. For those who like math, graphs and thinking through reality as an equation, the article below is an excellent, understandable summation of these ideas for the lay-mathematician. While physics may allow for the possibility, especially of future travel, math does not - that's a highly simplified version of the affair.

Does Math Allow Time Travel?

However, if I could time travel, Mike, I would definitely be visiting the dinosaur age without question. The model of the universe as information makes me wonder what other maths might exist beyond what our human brains have imagined so far.

My imagination tells me what science does not, the information of the past seems to linger on: places do not forget what happened there. The past narrative is still accessible, can still be witnessed, perhaps not interacted with, but open for recall. Like any good database, god might not gamble with dice, and change - not reconstruction - is how forward movement takes place, but god's quantum memory bank does not forget. (I use 'god' in the mathematical sense here and not a venerable one).

P.S. ufology: when I said 'self-reflexive' I meant it in the post-modern textual sense in that these texts we're writing are conscious of themselves. What you said was not artificial, but in the artifice of crafting words to describe subjects you were parsing the core term that is the subject of this discussion. I liked that.

So much good writing and thinking here - still working through it all myself. There's not enough free time (wish I had a 'free time generator' - forget free zero-point energy) to respond to all pieces - my apologies.
Just wanted to state for the record how elated I am with the progress of this thread. Burnt State my friend, you should feel hugely proud. I think more importantly than being ultra context, or topic specific, it serves to underline the seeming unfathomably elusive nature of such observation based quandaries throughout history. As people that all find real exhilaration in both the hard and defined parameters of known science, as well as the far reaching expanse of the imagination unbound hypothetically speculative, it's a real treat to take in and further contemplate as many diverse relevant insights as this thread contains. Kudos to us all!

Here are a few speculative points of personal interest that reflect on what I have just read throughout our threaded thoughts.

So just to be clear, or clearer, I am not in any way hypothetically stating that UFOs are the result of some present day Atlas Shrugged type secret science society that is withholding ancient esoteric or otherwise secret knowledge. I am referring to a race of human beings so advanced (or quite possibly naturally accommodating/exhibiting) as to have made an actual transcendent leap in natural environmental displacement. An evolutionary shift or orientation that may have meant a form of non localized existence that we simply have no defining parameters for which to even imagine a natural existence within.

All I ask you to do is to consider just how such a seemingly impossible quasi environmental status could explain almost an entirety of Fortean phenomena. And more specifically, how the sentient crown of such a quasi non localized environmental inhabitation could develop almost unimaginable technologies to facilitate such an existence. Still in yet, I fully realize and accept that this is all just speculative.

3) Concerning what is "time". Frankly, I don't personally know, however I tend to think of it as a byproduct of our sentient cognitive relationship to consciousness. In other words, I believe time is relative to us, not the universe. In fact, I believe the construct of what we witness as the universe is measurably relative to our sentient physical state of observation. Again, I call this resulting process of our waking state of cognition, cognitive mechanics. I think in reality this similar to what you refer to as a condition, however, I do see time as we are effected by our variable relationship to it, as a medium inter meshed with the medium of space resulting in a composite environmental factor relative specifically to us as an energetic point in consciousness. The whole affair is interlocking. Logically therefore, via our non localized awareness, it unlocks.

ok, Jeff, so I want to know how we can achieve this non-localized awareness: do I have to smoke DMT or will advanced mediation techniquess suffice?

I'm also really happy with what this Pandora's Box of thinking has let out into the world with very little semantic debates but lots of great postulates. But whoa, these are heavy wall of text posts that requires one's thinking cap to be fixed tight.

I do hold on very well to your notions of non-localized existence and our own inability to comprehend what that reality is like. Some of the abduction literature, and the bizarre nature of some experience anomalies that leave the experiencer feelings quite dislocated (non-localized in the head), seem to parallel this type of thinking. People do consistently report being in this 'other' state that is not a dream/hallucination. I'm often quite down on abductee cult people, but some stories, like the one below, make me reconsider closing the door permanently on the possibility of this event:

An Abductee's Life

I would like to hear more about how you feel this would help support other Fortean phenomena i.e.. Mer-people and other strange creatures, time slips, apparitions etc. The idea of a unified theory for anomalous events and experiences sounds suspiciously like a holy grail of sorts. But I'm very interested in your model.
What you said was not artificial, but in the artifice of crafting words to describe subjects you were parsing the core term that is the subject of this discussion. I liked that.

So now I have to question your use of the word "artifice":


1. clever trick: a clever trick or stratagem
2. cleverness: the use of clever stratagems or tricks
3. insincere behavior: the deceiving of people in a clever or subtle way

There seems to be a consistent allusion to something dubious about my analysis of the word UFO. Even sub-definition 2. cleverness, carries with it an implied deception by way of stratagems or tricks. If anything, its those who intentionally take the word "unidentified" out of its context in the acronym "UFO" and leverage it into a rationale for marginalizing the topic or hedging their liability in the face of ridicule who are really employing a "stratagem" or trick. All I've done is look at the objective evidence and say, "Hey ... it's obvious what it means so let's man-up about it and stop pretending." ... as if we're afraid to admit what it is we're really studying." I'm with Stanton Friedman on his patented phrase: "I'm not an apologist ufologist".

Speaking of apologies ... no need for you to apologize regarding the time it takes to respond here. It's great to have someone like yourself who enjoys evoking dialog.
Personally i think TT is possible

* There is nothing in the laws of physics to prohibit it

* In physics, so the saying goes, if nothing is prohibited, it must happen at some point

* All we need to do is to work out how to manipulate black holes and wormholes, and away we go

That said practicality kicks in but

look at the warp drive

With this concept, the spacecraft would be able to achieve an effective speed of about 10 times the speed of light, all without breaking the cosmic speed limit.

The only problem is, previous studies estimated the warp drive would require a minimum amount of energy about equal to the mass-energy of the planet Jupiter.

But recently White calculated what would happen if the shape of the ring encircling the spacecraft was adjusted into more of a rounded donut, as opposed to a flat ring. He found in that case, the warp drive could be powered by a mass about the size of a spacecraft like the Voyager 1 probe NASA launched in 1977.

Furthermore, if the intensity of the space warps can be oscillated over time, the energy required is reduced even more, White found.

Now we are playing with mini wormholes

Not Just Science Fiction: 'Electromagnetic Wormhole' Possible, Say Mathematicians


Taking the Cosmic Shortcut - ABC Science Online

But what about time travel into the past? In theory, the laws of physics tell us that backward time travel may be possible. However, there are many problems with putting these ideas into practice.

So TT is not prohibited by physics, but limited by practability, but as history has shown thats not always stopped human ingenuity.

Captain Kirks comunicator was sci fi when it first hit the screens, today we have devices even smaller that do voice and video

History is full of "impossible" ideas

"This 'telephone' has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us."-- Western Union internal memo, 1876

"Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible."-- Lord Kelvin, president, Royal Society, 1895

"Professor Goddard does not know the relation between action and reaction and the need to have something better than a vacuum against which to react. He seems to lack the basic knowledge ladled out daily in high schools."-- 1921 New York Times editorial about Robert Goddard's revolutionary rocket work.

"Everything that can be invented has been invented."-- Charles H. Duell, Commissioner, U.S. Office of Patents, 1899.

"Louis Pasteur's theory of germs is ridiculous fiction".-- Pierre Pachet, Professor of Physiology at Toulouse, 1872

"The abdomen, the chest, and the brain will forever be shut from the intrusion of the wise and humane surgeon".-- Sir John Eric Ericksen, British surgeon, appointed Surgeon-Extraordinary to Queen Victoria 1873.

"640K ought to be enough for anybody."-- Bill Gates, 1981
So now I have to question your use of the word "artifice":


1. clever trick: a clever trick or stratagem
2. cleverness: the use of clever stratagems or tricks
3. insincere behavior: the deceiving of people in a clever or subtle way

There seems to be a consistent allusion to something dubious about my analysis of the word UFO.

Speaking of apologies ... no need for you to apologize regarding the time it takes to respond here. It's great to have someone like yourself who enjoys evoking dialog.

Can I share with you why the dictionary only reroutes meaning from my posts? I enjoy the art of word spinning, so I tend to employ metaphor, analogy and allusion a lot in my writing. Dictionaries have absolutely nothing do with it. It's nothing but another self-reflexive text where every word in it is defined by other words like some giant linguistic, labyrinthine serpent, an Ouroboros , perpetually devouring its own tail/tale. I know Plath said a dictionary was her best friend but to find new ways making meaning with them, not to seek out small assassins.

I thought your writing was artful, creative etc. Do not always suspect that on every edge there is a hook aimed indirectly at you. What would that serve? I'm here for mostly the same reasons as you, to find new ways of looking, and to collect and consolidate ideas on a fairly complicated subject.

Thanks for the complement. I very much appreciate your constant willingness to extend discussions and probe their value.
Personally i think TT is possible

* There is nothing in the laws of physics to prohibit it

Actually, the often heard claim that there's nothing laws of physics that prohibits time travel isn't really accurate. There may be nothing within certain abstract mathematical models in theoretical physics that makes it seem plausible.

Theoretical physics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

However, as I tried to explain before, theoretical physics that is based purely on math without experimental verification is purely hypothetical and may have nothing to do with the way things actually are. So we need to ask ourselves, to what extent does this theoretical physics accurately reflect the real world, and when one examines the concept of time travel, it becomes apparent that the abstract picture that makes time travel seem possible is analogous to the abstract art that seems to make Escher's impossible staircase possible. It doesn't take a lot of reflection on the subject to see why either. Just start with getting a grip on relativity, spacetime and what time is in the first place and it quickly becomes obvious how those who manipulate the math into concepts like Einstein-Rosen Bridges are doing nothing more than creating constructs for which there can be no connection to reality. It might be fun for math wizards ... but all the experimental evidence to date suggests that's about all it's good for ... oh that and cool sci-fi effects.

With math and a clever video anything is possible.

Do not always suspect that on every edge there is a hook aimed indirectly at you. What would that serve? I'm here for mostly the same reasons as you, to find new ways of looking, and to collect and consolidate ideas on a fairly complicated subject.

This is a discussion forum and the primary medium of expression is words. Therefore it is perfectly fair to presume that the words that are used are being used in accordance with their meanings. The alternative is to expect readers to divine the real meanings, and that isn't something we would expect in a normal discussion. So when a word makes a reference to my behavior that has a defined meaning that is questionable, I'm not "suspecting" anything. I'm looking at it in plain black and white. That being said, I understand that sometimes writers have misperceptions about the meanings of words, and that they may be trying to get across something other than was actually written. I also accept that under some circumstances there might be interpretations that a reader is unaware of, for example some slang ( e.g. "bad" is actually cool ). Therefore I'll offer a writer the opportunity to explain themselves before making any judgment regarding their intent. So far, that's where we're at. I've not judged that you've thrown out any hooks at this point, but I'm sure you can appreciate that given the actual meaning of these examples and the fact that they were directed specifically at me, it's fair for me to question them.

Regarding Plath: Assuming you mean Sylvia Plath, She also said, "If neurotic is wanting two mutually exclusive things at one and the same time, then I'm neurotic as hell." Personally I'd sooner avoid the neurosis.
Actually, the often heard claim that there's nothing laws of physics that prohibits time travel isn't really accurate.

Andrew Zimmerman Jones, Physics Guide for About.com, has studied and written about physics since 1991. He holds a Physics degree from Wabash College with honors & awards.

Andrew has carried out physics research at the Indiana University Cyclotron Facility and worked as an educational consultant in three states, specializing in science & mathematics education. He has been the About.com Guide to Physics since spring 2006. In 2009, he wrote String Theory For Dummies. He is a member of the National Association of Science Writers

And he says

Question: Is Time Travel Possible?
You'd be amazed how often I get questions about strange physics concepts, and one that comes up fairly often is the question as to whether physics allows for time travel. This is a common theme in science fiction, of course, but the real science is actually quite complex and intriguing.
Answer: The short answer is "Yes," but it's a heavily qualified "Yes."

Is Time Travel Possible? - the physics of time travel

David Lewis Anderson, born in Weirton, West Virginia is a physicist whose interests are in spacetime physics, special relativity and global community service. Anderson received multiple degrees, graduating with honors in the fiels of engineering, physics and philosophy.

He was employed at a young age by the United States Air Force conducting advanced research and development at the prestigious Air Force Flight Test Center at Edwards Air Force Base in the Mojave Desert. He later founded an organization call the TTRC, an advanced time-technology research laboratory located on Long Island, New York in the United States of America.

During that time he proposed several new detail on theories for reversing time at sub-light speeds and laid the foundations for what would later become known as time-warped field theory, an approach that modeled and described how to use the natural forces of inertial frame dragging for power generation and to create contained and controllable fields of closed time-like curves.

The ability to control time in both a forward and backwards direction is possible within the laws of our mathematics and physics. The chart below compares ten different technologies an methods. Key characteristics are identified for each and described below.
David Lewis Anderson


Time Control Technologies and Methods

Full PDF here

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And he says ...

That's all more "theoretical physics" based on abstract math not real "physics" based on real world experimentation and verification. It makes great sci-fi and it spices up pop-science, but it has no substance. It has neither happened nor will it ever happen in the manner we see it typically depicted by these plot devices.
By saying it will never happen, youve crossed the line from speculative discussion, to presenting it as proven fact.

History show this to be a mistake

"Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible."-- Lord Kelvin, president, Royal Society, 1895
By saying it will never happen, youve crossed the line from speculative discussion, to presenting it as proven fact.

History show this to be a mistake

"Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible."-- Lord Kelvin, president, Royal Society, 1895

Yup ... I know, and the day I'm proven as wrong as the Flat Earth Society I'll eat crow. In the meantime, none of these illustrations address the logical flaw that gives rise to their mathematical illusion. I'll grant that it's not really easy to explore this in such an informal way. But simply posting more illustrations based on the same abstract math doesn't add any weight to the case in favor of. However, if we examine your quote from Lord Kelvin and compare the analogies we've made, perhaps we can illuminate this further. The math for heavier than air craft can be translated directly to blueprints for an aircraft. However you can never translate the math for Escher's impossible staircase into the real world ... and that is the kind of analogy we're dealing with here. It's not simply an engineering problem.
Time-warped Field Time Travel

We know for a fact now that frame dragging occurs

An international team of NASA and university researchers has found the first direct evidence the Earth is dragging space and time around itself as it rotates.
The researchers believe they have measured the effect, first predicted in 1918 by using Einstein’s theory of general relativity, by precisely observing shifts in the orbits of two Earth-orbiting laser-ranging satellites. The researchers observed the orbits of the Laser Geodynamics Satellite I (LAGEOS I), a NASA spacecraft, and LAGEOS II, a joint NASA/Italian Space Agency (ASI) spacecraft.

Read more: http://www.universetoday.com/9984/frame-dragging-confirmed/#ixzz2NkjBSqbk

Gravity Probe B - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not abstract theory, confirmed fact

As general relativity predicts, rotating bodies drag spacetime around themselves in a phenomenon referred to as frame-dragging. This rotational frame-dragging effect is also known as the Lense-Thirring effect. The rotation of an object alters space and time, dragging a nearby object out of position compared to the predictions of Newtonian physics. The predicted effect is small—about one part in a few trillion.

However, as Dr. David Lewis Anderson proposed in 1987 with his announcement of time-warped field theory, the difference in potential energy between two different areas of twisted spacetime due to frame-dragging is significantly large. Even the smallest twist in spacetime contains enormous energy potential and can be used to create containable and controllable fields of close-timelike curves without the need for significant input power. This makes both forward and reverse time control possible within the limits of technology today.

Gravity Probe B - MISSION STATUS

Frame Dragging Effect Basics

The Anderson Time Reactor operates by accessing the high energy
potential and effects, existing across two regions of twisted spacetime,
to create containable and controllable fields of closed-timelike curves.

Rotational frame-dragging appears in the general principle of relativity and similar theories in the vicinity of rotating massive objects. Under this effect, the frame of reference in which a clock ticks the fastest is one which is rotating around the object as viewed by a distant observer. This also means that light traveling in the direction of rotation of the object will move around the object faster than light moving against the rotation as seen by a distant observer. It is now the best-known effect, partly thanks to the Gravity Probe B experiment.

Linear frame dragging is the similarly inevitable result of the general principle of relativity, applied to linear momentum. Although it arguably has equal theoretical legitimacy to the "rotational" effect, the difficulty of obtaining an experimental verification of the effect means that it receives much less discussion and is often omitted from articles on frame-dragging

Static mass increase is another effect. The effect is an increase in inertia of a body when other masses are placed nearby. While not strictly a frame dragging effect, it is also derived from the same equation of general relativity. It is a tiny effect that is difficult to confirm experimentally.

The Anderson Time Reactor

Twisted spacetime around the earth, or
any rotating body, contains enormous
levels of potential energy. This is due
to the tension in the fabric of spacetime
caused by inertial frame-dragging.

Time-warped field theory shows how a properly configured energy beam can be used to initiate and maintain the coupling of two different areas of slightly twisted spacetime. This enables the discharge of significantly greater levels of stored potential energy and generates controllable fields of closed-timelike curves. The system that couples these two regions of different spacetime potential is common referred to as an Anderson Time Reactor or spacetime battery.

The Anderson Time Reactor is a system that couples two different areas of twisted spacetime, with two different spacetime tensions. The system can access and create a conduit to harvest that stored energy and through the coupling process create dense fields of Closed Timelike Curves (CTCs).

A reactor consists of a region of spacetime, large or small, surrounding a rotating mass, where inertial frame dragging effects are present twisting spacetime between two regions of space.

A specialized beam emitter, with a localized source nearer to the rotating mass, is directed toward a more distant region of space, across the region of twisted spacetime created by inertial frame-dragging.

A series of power collectors near and surrounding the beam emitter provide a conduit to then channel and control the received power. The resulting effect is that the potential energy in the twisted fabric of spacetime is coupled or bridged from the distant point to the local power collector array. The entire process is initiated and controlled by the system.

The Anderson Time Reactor system achieves this by using the application of Time-warped Field theory to create the ability to leak, tap into and control the greater energy stored in this spacetime tension (or energy potential difference), in between the distant point and the localized point in spacetime.

In the most basic terms, the Time Reactor can be looked at as a simple spacetime battery, accessing the significant potential energy that existing around any rotating body anywhere in spacetime.

Spacetime-Motive Force

Spectral image of energy pattern
near time reactor emitter and power
collector array showing coupling
and discharge of spacetime-motive
force including energy drift in the
direction of inertial frame dragging
of the Earth. USA, 2008

The coupling of these two points accesses what Dr. Anderson labeled a "spacetime-motive force" with the ability to produce high energy and time-warped fields allowing the containment and controlling of fields of closed-timelike curves.

The force between the localized and distant point is called the open spacetime-motive force. The open spacetime-motive force, even in the minimal effects of inertial frame-dragging, can be extremely large by present-day power generation standard standards. It is estimated that a single next-generation time reactor may have the ability to produce more than all of the worlds combined power generation capabilities today.

The amount of spacetime motive force depends on several factors. These include the mass of the rotating body, its rotation speed, relative orientation of the two point to the axis of rotation, and the medium and distance between the localized and distant points in space. More simply, it is a function of the degree of inertial frame-dragging and the characteristics of the medium through which the Time Reactor must operate between the two regions to open a "discharge path." Also, the amount of energy that is accessed, or time-warped fields generated, can be controlled in several ways through phasing and other characteristics of the emitter and power collector array.
A Practical Approach to Achieving Time Control

Practical time control and time travel requires significantly large energy levels, from some source, to operate effectively. To achieve time control we can attempt to generate this large energy level or, as an alternative, access and channel the energy already existing and inherent in natural processes and the basic makeup or fabric of spacetime surrounding our planet.

As stated above, it is estimated that a single next-generation time reactor may have the ability to produce more than all of the world's combined power generation capabilities today.

Time-warped field theory demonstrates
a practical way to generate the
necessary concentrated CTCs and
high power levels, without high input
power, for practical time control
The fabric of spacetime is elastic and very powerful. It takes a tremendous amount of power to create even the slightest twist in spacetime. One can think of the fabric of spacetime surrounding a rotating mass, like the Earth, to be a spring or a battery.

The rotating mass creates a twist in the fabric of spacetime who's natural state and desire is to unwind, just like a spring, or to discharge, just like a battery. Time-warped field technology uses relatively low input power to open a discharge path for this spacetime battery. This technology itself does not create the energy levels required for time control and time travel. Instead, it relies on and operates using the energy stored within twisted spacetime around a rotating body that is created by the inertial frame-dragging effect. With only a small amount of system input power, time-warped field theory shows how enormous power levels can be accessed.

The coupling and discharge process, initiated and also defined by time-warped field theory and technology, generates significant levels of spacetime-motive force that can be used to generate very concentrated fields of closed-timelike curves near the Time Reactor's emitter and power collector array. These fields of closed-timelike curves are concentrated and controllable and can permit both forward and backwards time control.

Time-warped Field Time Travel
I'll go a step further and predict that the rate of linear time as we experience it is related to the proximity to local mass, including the earths, solar systems, local galaxy and to a lessor degree the other galaxys near us.

Researchers in the United States have for the first time shown that time passes faster the higher up you are.
In a curious aspect of Albert Einsten's theory of relativity, they show that someone living or working long hours in a top floor apartment or office will age more quickly than someone on the ground floor.

Time passes faster the higher you are - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

The "speed" of time is a variable not a constant

When I say, “Time is speeding up,” people just look at me and say, “It’s just because you are getting older.” I don’t think so. There is evidence that time may in fact be speeding up.

Firstly, one must understand that time is relative. Traditionally, we think of time as being a constant in the universe, but it’s not. Einstein proved that. His calculations showed that the closer an object comes to the speed of light, the slower time passes. Scientists have done experiments that prove Einstein’s theory to be correct.

Time is Speeding Up; Really! ~ RiseEarth
Scientists brave (or foolhardy) enough to try and conduct proper research on the nature of UFOs have been unable to find satisfactory answers as to why UFOs seem to cause time distortions. Past interpretations of Einstein’s physics leave little room for localized time anomalies, unless influenced by a gravitationally massive object such as a black hole.

However, the new kids on the physics block, quantum and string theories, may show that time and space are easier to influence than was previously thought. Some physicists believe that it is possible to engineer space-time itself and to surround a spaceship with a local space-time in such a way that locally, the light barrier remains intact, while from the outside the ship is moving at faster-than-light velocity. UFOs that seem to rapidly accelerate, change direction, or even disappear are actually operating conservatively from the viewpoint of their own internal time rates.

If someone or something came close enough to a ship that was creating its own space-time, normal time and space, as they know it, would cease to exist for them, and they would come under the influence of the artificial space-time.
As Time Goes By: UFOs and Time Distortions
We know for a fact now that frame dragging occurs ...

Not exactly. Scientists will admit that what they are attempting to depict with these funnel like grids, whether it's spacetime, wormholes, gravity wells, or frame dragging, is a phenomenon that is impossible to accurately illustrate. Try it yourself by attempting to wrap a gravity well funnel pattern uniformly around an entire sphere. It can't be done. To understand why we use the grid analogy perhaps it would be helpful to review where it comes from in the first place:

The farther away something is, the weaker the effect of gravity. If you chart this phenomenon, we don't get a straight line, but a logarithmic line ( a curve ). If we then take a number of those curved lines and plot them from a radial off the surface of a sphere, and then connect the tick marks between each line with a circle, what we get is our familiar funnel shape that shows how space behaves as if it is curved. However in reality, a falling object could be falling in a perfectly straight line through the center of this imaginary gravity well. This should make it clear that the curved space analogy is exactly that, an analogy. Although it's a useful model for illustrating the basic concept of how gravity influences things in a steadily increasing manner the closer they get to a massive object, it's not evidence that space itself is actually curved.

So while frame dragging might be a "fact" within the context of these analogies, when we hear scientists talk about the curvature of space we are hearing them talking in metaphors for the sake of discussion, particularly for the benefit of those in front of their TVs who aren't math wizards but who do like cool spaceship sequences. Perhaps there are also a few theorists who like to take their math a bit too seriously and turn it into a belief about the nature of reality, but that isn't any different than the information theorists who propose that everything is actually bits of information. Personally, if I was going to place any bets, the information theorists actually have a more logical case than the theoretical physicists. But returning to the original point here, even if it turns out I'm wrong ( which I'm not ), it should be getting steadily clearer that the plausibility gap between time machines and straight ahead interstellar travel is still light years wide in favor of straight ahead interstellar travel.
Search frame dragging confirmed

Earth's spin warps space around the planet, according to a new study that confirms a key prediction of Einstein's general theory of relativity.
After 11 years of watching the movements of two Earth-orbiting satellites, researchers found each is dragged by about 6 feet (2 meters) every year because the very fabric of space is twisted by our whirling world.
The results, announced today, are much more precise than preliminary findings published by the same group in the late 1990s.

Einstein's Warped View of Space Confirmed | Space.com

Gravity Probe B has confirmed two of the most interesting effects predicted by Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity. The geodetic effect, which describes the warping of spacetime due to the mass of the Earth, has been confirmed to an accuracy of 0.28 percent. The frame-dragging effect, in which the Earth’s rotation drags or stirs local spacetime, is confirmed to 19 percent accuracy. All of this from a project that drew on 34 years of research and development, 10 years of flight preparation and 5 years of analysis of the data returned from a 1.5 year mission. They were a long time coming, but these results are as much milestones in the history of physics as the 1919 measurements of Sir Arthur Eddington that supported Einstein’s newly published theory

Read more: http://mwvastronomy.net/2011/05/key-effects-of-general-relativity-warping-of-spacetime-confirmed/#ixzz2Npj2BBgG

Researchers have confirmed two predictions of Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity, concluding one of NASA’s longest-running projects. The Gravity Probe B experiment used four ultra-precise gyroscopes housed in an Earth-orbiting satellite to measure two aspects of Einstein’s theory about gravity. The first is the geodetic effect, or the warping of space and time around a gravitational body. The second is frame-dragging, which is the amount a spinning object pulls space and time with it as it rotates.
Gravity Probe-B determined both effects with unprecedented precision by pointing at a single star, IM Pegasi, while in a polar orbit around Earth. If gravity did not affect space and time, GP-B’s gyroscopes would point in the same direction forever while in orbit. But in confirmation of Einstein’s theories, the gyroscopes experienced measurable, minute changes in the direction of their spin, while Earth’s gravity pulled at them.
The project as been in the works for 52 years.

Read more: http://www.universetoday.com/85401/gravity-probe-b-confirms-two-of-einsteins-space-time-theories/#ixzz2NpjDLJ50

Einstein Theories Confirmed by NASA Gravity Probe


Frame dragging has been confirmed

If for whatever personal and philosophical reasons you dont think time travel is possible, well thats your prerogative, but i think its a mistake to speak in absolutes like "fiction" and "never going to happen"

"Louis Pasteur's theory of germs is ridiculous fiction".-- Pierre Pachet, Professor of Physiology at Toulouse, 1872

Personally and given some of the anecdotal testimony regarding time dilation effects associated with UFO's. I think its a mistake not to include it in discussions about the UFO enigma
Indiadaily.com - UFO Propulsion System - Bending time and space

Field Resonance Propulsion

how they purposely designed their craft to employ the kinds of energy dynamics that are exclusive to space (discoverable in our astrophysics) in order that their craft may generate both attractive and repulsive gravitational forces; their control over the mass-density matrix surrounding their craft enabling them to alter their physical dimensions and even manufacture their own frame of reference in respect to time.

Gravitational Manipulation of Domed Craft - UFO Propulsion Dynamics - Legendary Times Books

Artificial blackholes are now reality – are we looking at early versions of wormholes to bend space and time?
