Skilled Investigator
Just chalk me up as one vehemently opposed to time travel theories and to anything that doesn't give full credit to Nature's ability to nurture complexity on this planet.
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MADMANMIKE said:..The best arguement that we aren't of this earth is the fact that we are outside the cycle of life. Instead of being a part of things, we stand in the middle knocking out the viable life-forms for fun and profit. We come into an environment and rearrange it to our liking.
..When Bill Pullman said "They're like Locusts, traveling from one world to the next, using up all the natural resources and moving on.." he wasn't talking about aliens, he was talking about humanity.
-Mike <8]
auntiegrav said:Thanks to Religions and corporations who make a profit taking things from nature and selling them as "New and Improved", most people think like you do: That we are separate from Nature somehow. Unfortunately, we will find out soon enough how connected we really are to Gaia and her systems.
I suggest reading anything by Derrick Jensen, but especially "A Language Older Than Words",
And also Stephen Buhner's "The Lost Language of Plants".
Warning: The first is anarchist and the second is well-researched and full of facts and references that will scare you, especially about the ability of plants to communicate, do chemistry analysis and fabrication better than our best planned chemical warfare people, and the ability of bacteria to transmit antibiotic resistance over distances.
It isn't magic or paranormal, just more than we want to admit is possible. Not only are we a part of the Earth's biosphere, but the Earth's biosphere has more tentacles in us than we can imagine at this time. People are getting sicker as the environment gets damaged. Some of us are more sensitive than others to the various things we are inflicting on our planet, but we call them hypochondriacs or say they have "chronic fatigue syndrome".
We evolved to fit this planet, and this planet evolved to fit the orbit it is in. In a way, we have over-evolved because the threats to the planet have receded over time, with fewer asteroids and quasars, etc. In other words, our genome is bored and starts fights with its parents for no reason at all (like a teenager).
Growing up requires us to start controlling our lizard desires and stop competing when we should be cooperating with nature.
This whole thing of 'conquering' nature is just childish. It's as if we were poisonous animals being born with venom and biting the breast that feeds us. Our Earth mother only has so much immunity built up, and possibly none to our purposely reversing it's CO2 and temperature control systems.
Perhaps the 'aliens' aren't going to talk to us until we grow up and learn to appreciate what we have before they let us have a driver's license and keys to the universe.
MADMANMIKE said:quote=auntiegrav
..Will you marry me? I think my wife would understand...
-Mike <8]
Yeah, feral animals without the population controls or genetic improvements of disease and predators. That's why 'civilization' seems to always be forced into a collapse: competition breeds more poor ethics while religion breeds ignorance and blind faith in authority which thrives on ignorant masses.The Pair of Cats said:Mike & Auntie, excellent points both!!
We are the Earths true "Feral" animals!! :![]()
Chuckleberryfinn said:If we are the aliens, can I abduct Anne Hathaway and show her my star seed?