J. Randall Murphy
Ufology - you mentioned you were writing a book. Any chance of a few little details about what you are aiming to have once finished?
It will be a non-fiction attempt to put the field of ufology in perspective through rational thinking and examples. It isn't so much about sightings and case histories as about straightening out the foundation, summing up what we have learned so far, and where we're headed in the future, regardless of governmental disclosure or alien contact. The title is simply "Ufology" and I'm about one-third done. If it is successful, I have a plan for a follow up that will include details on practical ufology with an emphasis on investigation. So this one is more about "what" and "why" while the follow up will be more about the "who" an "how". If you have any suggestions please feel free to drop me an email or post them up here. I'll probably be using a few quotes from the forum and giving the show a plug someplace too.