Do we need to keep searching for Atlantis? Recent research that has studied the genetic origins of the major crops on Earth may deal a serious blow to Plato's mysterious missing civilization. Here's a link to an 8 minute video that summarizes the findings:
Mystery solved? What do you think?

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Plato was a philosopher, not a historian. He taught lessons. He did not record historical events. So, the story of Atlantis is just a story. However, it is very interesting that he went into great detail with regard to the description of the location and the civilization of Atlantis.
In this video,
Lost History-Finding Atlantis, he states "without agriculture, human beings could not settle down and develop into large diverse societies" "it wasn't until the last ice age ended around 11,000 bc that earth's climate began to have the annual long dry seasons necessary for them to thrive". So, how did we humans exist during the ice age? People did. Also, the ice age still hasn't ended. We are still in the ice age in an interglacial period. There were places which did not have snow or ice during the ice age. Africa is a wonderful example. So, people lived without necessarily domesticating crops or animals or they may have done so. We don't know. I know, no evidence has been found. So, we can assume that it did not occur. The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
Gobekli Tepe in Turkey comes to mind. Massive carved stones about 11,000 years old have been found by an archaeologist named Klaus Schmidt, a member of the German Archaeological Institute. This would be around 9,000 bc prior to the supposed domestication of crops and animals and the establishment of civilizations. It is, however, considered to be a hunter gatherer site.
Smithsonian Magazine wrote "To Schmidt and others, these new findings suggest a novel theory of civilization. Scholars have long believed that only after people learned to farm and live in settled communities did they have the time, organization the resources to construct temples and support complicated social structures. But Schmidt argues it was the other way around: the extensive, coordinated effort to build the monoliths literally laid the groundwork for the development of complex societies." In 1994, Schmidt first began excavation of Gobekli Tepe. Prior to this, no civilized technologically advanced capabilities of this nature were known. Humans were only hunter gatherers as far as archaeologists were concerned.
Jericho, on the West Bank, an Isreali occupied territory, is one of the earliest continuous settlements in the world, dating perhaps from about 9000 BCE. It is stated by archaeologists that "The city’s site is of great archaeological importance; it provides evidence of the first development of permanent settlements and thus of the first steps toward civilization." It is also stated that "By about 8000 BCE the inhabitants had grown into an organized community capable of building a massive stone wall around the settlement, strengthened at one point at least by a massive stone tower."
All of this has little to do with Atlantis except for the fact that there could have been higher civilizations prior to what are considered by some to be the first civilizations.
It is known that civilizations did disappear in a very short time period, even just a day or night, due to natural disasters. The Island of East Island, Hawaii disappeared when it was destroyed by the Walaka hurricane. This happened in 2018. Krakatau, Indonesia is another example. In 1883 a volcano destroyed it and caused a tsunami which sank the island under 900 feet of water. Approximately 8,000 years ago the Island of Doggerland in northern England was wiped out when the Storegga slide happened. A massive tsunami occurred following a catastrophic subsea landslide off the coast of Norway which powered the tsunami. Archaeologists have found ancient bones and tools that date to about 9,000 years ago at Doggerland. This is, of course, prior to the advent of civilization.
Volcanoes are caused by tectonic activity at fault lines on earth. "The Earth is in a constant state of change. The heat from radioactive processes within the planet’s interior causes the plates to move, sometimes toward and sometimes away from each other. This movement is called plate motion, or tectonic shift. At the “seams” where tectonic plates come in contact, the crustal rocks may grind violently against each other, causing earthquakes and volcano eruptions." "Earthquakes, volcanic activity, mountain-building, and oceanic trench formation occur along plate boundaries in zones that may be anything from a few kilometres to a few hundred kilometres wide." There are fault lines running throughout the Mediterranean Sea including through the Strait of Gibraltar (in front of the Pillars of Hercules). They are also in the Atlantic Ocean between Africa and North and South America including off the coast of northwestern Africa. So, if there was an Atlantis, it could have been located anywhere in this area.
The Fogo Volcano impacted the nearby island of Santiago, Cape Verde off the west coast of Africa. This happened about 73,000 years ago. It shows that this is an area with previous tectonic activity. I believe that Atlantis was off the coast of West Africa probably in the vicinity of the Canary Islands, northwest Africa. Why the Canary Islands? Well, they have a volcano, Mt. Teide, on Tenerife, the largest island. Again, tectonic activity. They fit Plato's description of a fertile land. "The islands’ rich volcanic soils and mild temperatures support a wide variety of vegetation that generally follows a zonal arrangement based on elevation." The islands also have elephants, one of the descriptors in Plato's story of Atlantis. Did they have bull worship? Bulls were not brought to the Canary Islands until 1435 by the Spanish. The ancient Spanish did not have bull worship but many central and eastern Mediterranean cultures did including Egypt and the Levant (the eastern Mediterranean area). The Phoenicians of the eastern Mediterranean and the Carthaginians, a Phoenician colony who controlled much of the coast of Northwest Africa as well as encompassing substantial parts of coastal Iberia (Spain and Portugal) and the islands of the western Mediterranean Sea did come to the Canary Islands. Bulls were worshiped in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Crete, Cyprus, the Levant, Greece, the Roman Empire, and by the Celts.
"Guanche and Canario, any of the aboriginal peoples inhabiting, respectively, the western and eastern groups of the Canary Islands when first encountered by the conquering Spaniards at the beginning of the 15th century. Both populations are thought to have been of Cro-Magnon origin and may possibly have come from central and southern Europe via northern Africa in some distant age. Both aboriginal groups had brown complexion, blue or gray eyes, and blondish hair, and these characteristics still persist in a large number of present inhabitants of the islands, but otherwise they are scarcely distinguishable in appearance or culture from the people of Spain."
"The Canary Islands have been known since antiquity. Until the Spanish colonization between 1402 and 1496, the Canaries were populated by an indigenous population, whose origin is still the subject of discussion among historians and linguists." Their language has not been deciphered. "They left alphabet-like engravings and characters whose meanings are obscure; but they are known to have been monotheists." Plato did write about the Canary Islands. He was aware of their existence. So, he was aware of any land masses extending from Greece to northwest Africa.
"The islands were visited by the Phoenicians, the Greeks and the Carthaginians. According to the 1st century CE Roman author and philosopher Pliny the Elder, the archipelago was found to be uninhabited when visited by the Carthaginians under Hanno the Navigator in 5th century BCE, but ruins of great buildings were seen. This story may suggest that the islands were inhabited by other peoples prior to the Guanches." Could these have been the bull worshipers?
"Pliny says that the “ Fortunate islands produce all the goods of the earth as all the fruits, without sowing nor planting,” and that (‘the pagans of the Indies believe that their souls after death fly away to these islands and there live eternally on the perfume of the fruits, and they think that there is Paradise.” But, he concludes, “ to speak the truth, this is fable.”
Lucian writes : “Always in the fields of the Fortunate islands is the seat of Spring. The vines yield fruit twelve times in the year and every one of the months pays the tribute of its grapes.
Lucian of Samosata ( c. 125 – after 180 AD) was an Assyrian satirist and rhetorician. So, he would exaggerate. Yet, he called the Fortunate islands fable. Pliny the Younger (61 – c. 113) was a lawyer, author, and magistrate of Ancient Rome.
"Fortunate Isles or Isles of the Blest, in classical and Celtic legend, islands in the Western Ocean. There the souls of favored mortals were received by the gods and lived happily in a paradise. Belief in the islands long persisted, and the Canaries and the Madeira Islands were sometimes identified with them."
So, Plato did speak of something that had been believed by the Celts although the story was stated to have originated in ancient Egypt in Plato's Timaeus where he wrote about Atlantis.The Celts, the Egyptians and Plato all knew of the existence of what Plato called Atlantis. Atlantis did not have to be one of the Canary Islands specifically. It could have been an island anywhere from the Strait of Gibraltar to northwest Africa. An island in this area could have disappeared due to tectonic activity or other natural disaster.
Additionally, the YouTube video
Finding Atlantis - Full Science Documentary details Dr. Richard Freund, a professor at the University of Hartford in his quest to locate Atlantis. He believes that it was located in southern Spain. He believes this because "It began in 2003 with the report from the German scientist, who saw what looked like a circular structure with a straight line attached to it in a satellite photo that included the Parque National Coto de Donana, a vast swampy area south of Seville." The German scientist, who is a physicist named Rainer Kuehne, used satellite images to show that something quite similar to Plato's description of Atlantis was shown at this location. In fact, it matched the dimensions stated by Plato exactly. The documentary explains, too, that Troy in Turkey turned out to be a real location despite having been labeled a myth for many years. If this is the location of Atlantis, it could have been destroyed by a tsunami or other natural disaster. This documentary is definitely worth a watch if you are interested in this subject.
To me, every ancient story is a "myth" until it is proven to be true. Many, many "myths" have been proven.
So, I'm skeptical of this skeptic.