Professional Breather
subjecture????? what is that?
Slang, basically... if I'm not mistaken, the more commonly used word is conjecture.
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subjecture????? what is that?
The article states the archeologists want to remain anonymous. This makes me suspicious. Hopefully it's not some stupid PR stunt for an upcoming movie or some such nonsense.
I wouldn't be surprised if there are still debates raging over the location of Atlantis 1,000 years from now.
My other thought is the expedition is funded by the Edgar Cayce people.
I haven't looked into it too much, but anything is possible. From what I've read about Edgar Cayce non of what he said has taken place, happened our proven.
The article states the archeologists want to remain anonymous. This makes me suspicious. Hopefully it's not some stupid PR stunt for an upcoming movie or some such nonsense.
I wouldn't be surprised if there are still debates raging over the location of Atlantis 1,000 years from now.
That bothered me, too. If they are anonymous that pretty well guarantees they aren't really 'scientists' at all. And then there is the money issue which they need to raise for 'further exploration.' Right.
I'd doubt they would or have any need to raise funds. If what they found was true 'hidden city' under the water.The money would pour in straight away from people looking to gain from it. Wouldn't the sea or river where the discovery was made be under the jurisdiction of some nation anyway?
If they won't say who they are, what basis do alleged journalists have for calling them "archaeologists"?
And you'd think that any potential investors would want to know everything so they know they aren't throwing money away. If not, I've got a bridge I'd like to sell them and I believe the widow of a former Nigerian politician would like to discuss a financial matter of some sensitivity...
I'd love something like this to be found (not necessarily Atlantis per se, in the absence of any evidence for a legend having existed outside Plato's brilliant imagination), but one this has a very fishy smell to it.
I am always surprised to find out that most people, even many scholars, do not know that the originator of the Atlantis story, who was the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, clearly states when he tells the story that he is creating a non-historical fable in order to make a philosophical point. Read your Plato and put the modern search for Atlantis to rest...
Dr. Sami Saladin
"Plato, clearly states when he tells the story that he is creating a non-historical fable in order to make a philosophical point. "
Dr. Sami Saladin
Pisa, Italy
Really? That is news to me. Can you site your source for this statement or quote a passage from Plato that clearly states that he is writing fiction?