You're on! Send me a PM and we can work it out.
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I'd also strongly suggest looking at facebook, friendfeed, and the newly propogated Google Wave. These services, and how they are evolving are pretty hot topics of discussion in the social networking corner of the tech world. Friendfeed is becoming more popular as the preferred social app for many twitter fans. Cross integration is one major plus with these services, and Goolge wave looks very promising for content providers to present a more interesting and integrated gateway to their work.
It would be nice if you start follow people back. Not only what you consider "important people" but also to all your fans that listen to your show every week. So far you are only following 16 people but have more than 200 followers....I just feel bad when I see public people (like celebs) doing that. In my opinion it just looks like they don't care for their fans.