J. Randall Murphy
Notice how when I presented evidence of obvious human involvement in the mute mystery, Frank went off the rails...well, you can't notice because Randall deleted our posts. This is a perfect example of why I dislike this field of study. The people who have their minds made up, when presented w/ cold, hard facts that refute their thinking, resort to personal attacks and completely ignore the facts that have been presented. I wouldn't try and argue w/ Ray Stanford about dinosaur tracks and if someone wants to debate me on the mutes, fasten yer seatbelt because (whether you like it or not) I've forgotten more about the subject than you could ever possibly know! I ain't blowing my horn, just stating the facts, no matter how much they may shatter your illusions around the subject, Frank.
You make perfectly valid points, and I left enough of the exchange to see how it was devolving. But now that I can clean up that sort of mess right away, that's what I'm doing. We don't need that kind of unconstructive discourse here. I also liked what Bonenfant had to say about the state of affairs in AM research when I posed your question to him on the show. His sentiments seemed very much inline with yours regarding the need for constructive cooperation.
To add, while surfing through a few of the links out there, I started to get more of a feel for just how truly weird the whole AM thing is. I've always looked at it as relatively inconsequential and sort of out there in fringe ufology, but the more one tries to fit the pieces together, the stranger it gets.
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